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WangXuan95 3 years ago
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@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ FPGA USB-device 控制器。可实现 CDC (虚拟串口),或 HID (键盘输入
| | | |<------------>| Host PC
| usb_dn |---------------------| USB_D- | |
| | | | |
| GND |---------------------| GND | |
| | | | |
----------------- ------------ ----------
FPGA USB Connector Host PC
@ -32,45 +34,42 @@ FPGA USB-device 控制器。可实现 CDC (虚拟串口),或 HID (键盘输入
| RTL/usbfs_core/*.sv | 实现了一个 USB Device 控制器(Full Speed) |
| RTL/ | 调用 USB-device 控制器,实现 CDC 设备,用于虚拟串口通信(使用方法详见代码注释) |
| RTL/ | 调用 USB-device 控制器,实现 HID 键盘,用于模拟键盘输入(使用方法详见代码注释) |
| RTL/ | FPGA顶层。调用范例,展示了如何用 实现一个回环的虚拟串口(通过minicom/超级终端/串口助手发送的字符会回传)。以及如何用 实现一个不断按下的键盘(每2秒按下一个键)。(使用方法详见代码注释) |
| RTL/ | FPGA顶层。是调用范例。展示了如何用 实现一个回环的虚拟串口(通过minicom/超级终端/串口助手发送的字符会回传)。以及如何用 实现一个不断按下的键盘。已在 Windows 和 Linux 上测试成功。使用方法详见代码注释。 |
> 已在 Windows 和 Linux 上测试成功。
> 所有代码都是 SystemVerilog 行为级实现,支持任意 FPGA 平台。
> 除了 里的 PLL 是仅限于 Altera Cyclone IV E 的原语(PLL用来生成 60MHz 时钟)。如果你用的不是 Altera Cyclone IV E,请使用其它的 IP 核或原语来替换。
* 所有代码都是 SystemVerilog 行为级实现,支持任意 FPGA 平台。
* 除了 里的 altpll module 是仅限于 Cyclone IV E 的原语,它用来生成 60MHz 时钟。如果你用的不是 Altera Cyclone IV E,请使用其它的 IP 核(例如Xilinx 的 clock wizard)或原语来替换。 和 中,我提供了简洁的接口供调用,如下:
module usb_hid_top (
input wire rstn, // active-low reset, reset when rstn=0 (USB will plug when reset)
input wire clk, // 60MHz is required
// USB signals
output wire usb_dp_pull, // connect to USB D+ by an 1.5k resistor
inout usb_dp, // USB D+
inout usb_dn, // USB D-
// HID keyboard press signal
input wire [15:0] key_value, // Indicates which key to press, NOT ASCII code! see section 10.
input wire key_request // when key_request=1 pulses, a key is pressed.
module usb_cdc_top (
input wire rstn, // active-low reset, reset when rstn=0 (USB will unplug when reset)
input wire clk, // 60MHz is required
// USB signals
output wire usb_dp_pull, // connect to USB D+ by an 1.5k resistor
inout usb_dp, // USB D+
inout usb_dn, // USB D-
// CDC receive data (host-to-device)
output wire [ 7:0] recv_data, // received data byte
output wire recv_valid, // when recv_valid=1 pulses, a data byte is received on recv_data
// CDC send data (device-to-host)
input wire [ 7:0] send_data, // data byte to send
input wire send_valid, // when device want to send a data byte, assert send_valid=1. the data byte will be sent successfully when (send_valid=1 && send_ready=1).
output wire send_ready // send_ready handshakes with send_valid. send_ready=1 indicates send-buffer is not full and will accept the byte on send_data. send_ready=0 indicates send-buffer is full and cannot accept a new byte.
### module usb_hid_top
input wire rstn, // active-low reset, reset when rstn=0 (USB will plug when reset)
input wire clk, // 60MHz is required
// USB signals
output wire usb_dp_pull, // connect to USB D+ by an 1.5k resistor
inout usb_dp, // USB D+
inout usb_dn, // USB D-
// HID keyboard press signal
input wire [15:0] key_value, // Indicates which key to press, NOT ASCII code! see section 10.
input wire key_request // when key_request=1 pulses, a key is pressed.
### module usb_cdc_top
input wire rstn, // active-low reset, reset when rstn=0 (USB will unplug when reset)
input wire clk, // 60MHz is required
// USB signals
output wire usb_dp_pull, // connect to USB D+ by an 1.5k resistor
inout usb_dp, // USB D+
inout usb_dn, // USB D-
// CDC receive data (host-to-device)
output wire [ 7:0] recv_data, // received data byte
output wire recv_valid, // when recv_valid=1 pulses, a data byte is received on recv_data
// CDC send data (device-to-host)
input wire [ 7:0] send_data, // data byte to send
input wire send_valid, // when device want to send a data byte, set send_valid=1. the data byte will be sent successfully when (send_valid=1 && send_ready=1).
output wire send_ready // send_ready handshakes with send_valid. send_ready=1 indicates send-buffer is not full and will accept the byte on send_data. send_ready=0 indicates send-buffer is full and cannot accept a new byte.


@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module usb_cdc_top (
output wire recv_valid, // when recv_valid=1 pulses, a data byte is received on recv_data
// CDC send data (device-to-host)
input wire [ 7:0] send_data, // data byte to send
input wire send_valid, // when device want to send a data byte, assert send_valid=1. the data byte will be sent successfully when (send_valid=1 && send_ready=1).
input wire send_valid, // when device want to send a data byte, set send_valid=1. the data byte will be sent successfully when (send_valid=1 && send_ready=1).
output wire send_ready // send_ready handshakes with send_valid. send_ready=1 indicates send-buffer is not full and will accept the byte on send_data. send_ready=0 indicates send-buffer is full and cannot accept a new byte.
