# Copyright (c) 2013-2019, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Trusted Firmware Version
# Default goal is build all images
# Avoid any implicit propagation of command line variable definitions to
# sub-Makefiles, like CFLAGS that we reserved for the firmware images'
# usage. Other command line options like "-s" are still propagated as usual.
i n c l u d e $ { M A K E _ H E L P E R S _ D I R E C T O R Y } b u i l d _ m a c r o s . m k
i n c l u d e $ { M A K E _ H E L P E R S _ D I R E C T O R Y } b u i l d _ e n v . m k
# Default values for build configurations, and their dependencies
i n c l u d e $ { M A K E _ H E L P E R S _ D I R E C T O R Y } d e f a u l t s . m k
# Assertions enabled for DEBUG builds by default
# Checkpatch script options
CHECKCODE_ARGS := --no-patch
# Do not check the coding style on imported library files or documentation files
INC_LIB_DIRS_TO_CHECK := $( sort $( filter-out \
include/lib/libfdt \
include/lib/libc, \
$( wildcard include/lib/*) ) )
INC_DIRS_TO_CHECK := $( sort $( filter-out \
include/lib, \
$( wildcard include/*) ) )
LIB_DIRS_TO_CHECK := $( sort $( filter-out \
lib/compiler-rt \
lib/libfdt% \
lib/libc, \
$( wildcard lib/*) ) )
ROOT_DIRS_TO_CHECK := $( sort $( filter-out \
lib \
include \
docs \
%.rst, \
$( wildcard *) ) )
# Process build options
# Verbose flag
i f e q ( $ { V } , 0 )
Q:= @
Makefile: Support totally quiet output with -s
"-s" is a command line option to the make tool, to suppress normal output,
something to the effect of prepending every line with '@' in the Makefile.
However with our V={0|1} support, we now print the shortened command line
output in any case (even with V=1, in addition to the long line!).
Normally -s helps to not miss non-fatal warnings, which tend to scroll out
of the window easily.
Introduce a new Makefile variable ECHO, to control the shortened output.
We only set it in the (current default) V=0 case, and replace every
occurence of "@echo" with that variable.
When the user specifies "-s", we set ECHO to some magic string which
changes the output line into a comment, so the output is suppressed.
Beside suppressing every output for "-s", we also avoid the redundant
short output when compiling with V=1.
This changes the output to:
$ make -s PLAT=.... bl31
Built build/.../release/bl31.bin
$ make PLAT=.... bl31
CC lib/libc/strncmp.c
CC lib/libc/strnlen.c
$ make V=1 PLAT=.... bl31
gcc -DDEBUG=0 .... -o build/.../release/libc/strncmp.o
gcc -DDEBUG=0 .... -o build/.../release/libc/strnlen.o
Signed-off-by: Andre Przywara <andre.przywara@arm.com>
6 years ago
ECHO:= @echo
CHECKCODE_ARGS += --no-summary --terse
e l s e
e n d i f
Makefile: Support totally quiet output with -s
"-s" is a command line option to the make tool, to suppress normal output,
something to the effect of prepending every line with '@' in the Makefile.
However with our V={0|1} support, we now print the shortened command line
output in any case (even with V=1, in addition to the long line!).
Normally -s helps to not miss non-fatal warnings, which tend to scroll out
of the window easily.
Introduce a new Makefile variable ECHO, to control the shortened output.
We only set it in the (current default) V=0 case, and replace every
occurence of "@echo" with that variable.
When the user specifies "-s", we set ECHO to some magic string which
changes the output line into a comment, so the output is suppressed.
Beside suppressing every output for "-s", we also avoid the redundant
short output when compiling with V=1.
This changes the output to:
$ make -s PLAT=.... bl31
Built build/.../release/bl31.bin
$ make PLAT=.... bl31
CC lib/libc/strncmp.c
CC lib/libc/strnlen.c
$ make V=1 PLAT=.... bl31
gcc -DDEBUG=0 .... -o build/.../release/libc/strncmp.o
gcc -DDEBUG=0 .... -o build/.../release/libc/strnlen.o
Signed-off-by: Andre Przywara <andre.przywara@arm.com>
6 years ago
i f n e q ( $( findstring s ,$ ( filter -out --%,$ ( MAKEFLAGS ) ) ) , )
Q:= @
Makefile: Support totally quiet output with -s
"-s" is a command line option to the make tool, to suppress normal output,
something to the effect of prepending every line with '@' in the Makefile.
However with our V={0|1} support, we now print the shortened command line
output in any case (even with V=1, in addition to the long line!).
Normally -s helps to not miss non-fatal warnings, which tend to scroll out
of the window easily.
Introduce a new Makefile variable ECHO, to control the shortened output.
We only set it in the (current default) V=0 case, and replace every
occurence of "@echo" with that variable.
When the user specifies "-s", we set ECHO to some magic string which
changes the output line into a comment, so the output is suppressed.
Beside suppressing every output for "-s", we also avoid the redundant
short output when compiling with V=1.
This changes the output to:
$ make -s PLAT=.... bl31
Built build/.../release/bl31.bin
$ make PLAT=.... bl31
CC lib/libc/strncmp.c
CC lib/libc/strnlen.c
$ make V=1 PLAT=.... bl31
gcc -DDEBUG=0 .... -o build/.../release/libc/strncmp.o
gcc -DDEBUG=0 .... -o build/.../release/libc/strnlen.o
Signed-off-by: Andre Przywara <andre.przywara@arm.com>
6 years ago
e n d i f
export Q ECHO
# Process Debug flag
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,DEBUG ) )
i f n e q ( $ { D E B U G } , 0 )
BUILD_TYPE := debug
ifneq ( $( findstring clang,$( notdir $( CC) ) ) ,)
ASFLAGS += -g -Wa,--gdwarf-2
# Use LOG_LEVEL_INFO by default for debug builds
e l s e
BUILD_TYPE := release
# Use LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE by default for release builds
e n d i f
# Default build string (git branch and commit)
i f e q ( $ { B U I L D _ S T R I N G } , )
Makefile: use git describe for BUILD_STRING
Currently, the BUILD_STRING is just 7-digits git hash. It is true
we can identify which version is running, but we can not get a quick
idea about how new or old it is.
The command "git describe" provides us a bit more useful information
in the format of:
(tag-name)-(number of commits on top the tag)-g(7 digits hash)
I added some options:
Make "git describe" work without any tag in case the upstream
ATF is cloned, but all the tags are locally dropped.
Use any tag instead of only annotated tags. In ATF, only some
tags are annotated, actually the last annotated tag is "v0.2",
whereas we are on "v1.3" tag now. This option is needed to get
something like v1.3-233-gbcc2bf0 instead of v0.2-1713-gbcc2bf0.
The mark "-dirty" is appended if the source tree is locally
With this commit, the welcome string
NOTICE: BL1: v1.3(debug):bcc2bf0
will become like follows:
NOTICE: BL1: v1.3(debug):v1.3-233-gbcc2bf0-dirty
While we are here, let's add "2> /dev/null" as well to silently
ignore any error message from git. We should not assume that users
always work in a git repository; the ATF might be released in a
tarball form instead of a git repository. In such a case, the git
command will fail, then the ugly message "fatal: Not a git ..." will
be displayed during the build:
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Building fvp
CC drivers/io/io_semihosting.c
CC lib/semihosting/semihosting.c
Signed-off-by: Masahiro Yamada <yamada.masahiro@socionext.com>
8 years ago
BUILD_STRING := $( shell git describe --always --dirty --tags 2> /dev/null)
e n d i f
# The cert_create tool cannot generate certificates individually, so we use the
# target 'certificates' to create them all
i f n e q ( $ { G E N E R A T E _ C O T } , 0 )
FIP_DEPS += certificates
FWU_FIP_DEPS += fwu_certificates
e n d i f
# Process BRANCH_PROTECTION value and set
# Pointer Authentication and Branch Target Identification flags
i f e q ( $ { B R A N C H _ P R O T E C T I O N } , 0 )
# Default value turns off all types of branch protection
BP_OPTION := none
e l s e i f n e q ( $ { A R C H } , a a r c h 6 4 )
$( error BRANCH_PROTECTION requires AArch64)
e l s e i f e q ( $ { B R A N C H _ P R O T E C T I O N } , 1 )
# Enables all types of branch protection features
BP_OPTION := standard
e l s e i f e q ( $ { B R A N C H _ P R O T E C T I O N } , 2 )
# Return address signing to its standard level
BP_OPTION := pac-ret
e l s e i f e q ( $ { B R A N C H _ P R O T E C T I O N } , 3 )
# Extend the signing to include leaf functions
BP_OPTION := pac-ret+leaf
e l s e
e n d i f
# Toolchain
HOSTCC := gcc
export HOSTCC
CC := ${ CROSS_COMPILE } gcc
AS := ${ CROSS_COMPILE } gcc
OC := ${ CROSS_COMPILE } objcopy
OD := ${ CROSS_COMPILE } objdump
PP := ${ CROSS_COMPILE } gcc -E
DTC := dtc
# Use ${LD}.bfd instead if it exists (as absolute path or together with $PATH).
i f n e q ( $( strip $ ( wildcard $ {LD }.bfd ) \
$( foreach dir,$( subst :, ,${ PATH } ) ,$( wildcard ${ dir } /${ LINKER } .bfd) ) ) ,)
LINKER := ${ LINKER } .bfd
e n d i f
i f e q ( $ { A R M _ A R C H _ M A J O R } , 7 )
target32-directive = -target arm-none-eabi
# Will set march32-directive from platform configuration
e l s e
target32-directive = -target armv8a-none-eabi
# Set the compiler's target architecture profile based on ARM_ARCH_MINOR option
i f e q ( $ { A R M _ A R C H _ M I N O R } , 0 )
march32-directive = -march= armv8-a
march64-directive = -march= armv8-a
e l s e
march32-directive = -march= armv8.${ ARM_ARCH_MINOR } -a
march64-directive = -march= armv8.${ ARM_ARCH_MINOR } -a
e n d i f
e n d i f
i f n e q ( $( findstring armclang ,$ ( notdir $ ( CC ) ) ) , )
TF_CFLAGS_aarch32 = -target arm-arm-none-eabi $( march32-directive)
TF_CFLAGS_aarch64 = -target aarch64-arm-none-eabi $( march64-directive)
AS = $( CC) -c -x assembler-with-cpp $( TF_CFLAGS_$( ARCH) )
CPP = $( CC) -E $( TF_CFLAGS_$( ARCH) )
PP = $( CC) -E $( TF_CFLAGS_$( ARCH) )
e l s e i f n e q ( $( findstring clang ,$ ( notdir $ ( CC ) ) ) , )
TF_CFLAGS_aarch32 = $( target32-directive) $( march32-directive)
TF_CFLAGS_aarch64 = -target aarch64-elf $( march64-directive)
AS = $( CC) -c -x assembler-with-cpp $( TF_CFLAGS_$( ARCH) )
CPP = $( CC) -E
PP = $( CC) -E
e l s e
TF_CFLAGS_aarch32 = $( march32-directive)
TF_CFLAGS_aarch64 = $( march64-directive)
e n d i f
i f e q ( $ { A A R C H 3 2 _ I N S T R U C T I O N _ S E T } , A 3 2 )
TF_CFLAGS_aarch32 += -marm
e l s e i f e q ( $ { A A R C H 3 2 _ I N S T R U C T I O N _ S E T } , T 3 2 )
TF_CFLAGS_aarch32 += -mthumb
e l s e
$(error Error : Unknown AArch 32 instruction set ${AARCH 32_INSTRUCTION_SET })
e n d i f
TF_CFLAGS_aarch32 += -mno-unaligned-access
TF_CFLAGS_aarch64 += -mgeneral-regs-only -mstrict-align
i f n e q ( $ { B P _ O P T I O N } , n o n e )
TF_CFLAGS_aarch64 += -mbranch-protection= ${ BP_OPTION }
e n d i f
ASFLAGS_aarch32 = $( march32-directive)
ASFLAGS_aarch64 = $( march64-directive)
WARNING1 := -Wextra
WARNING1 += -Wmissing-declarations
WARNING1 += -Wmissing-format-attribute
WARNING1 += -Wmissing-prototypes
WARNING1 += -Wold-style-definition
WARNING1 += -Wunused-const-variable
WARNING2 := -Waggregate-return
WARNING2 += -Wcast-align
WARNING2 += -Wnested-externs
WARNING2 += -Wshadow
WARNING2 += -Wlogical-op
WARNING2 += -Wmissing-field-initializers
WARNING2 += -Wsign-compare
WARNING3 := -Wbad-function-cast
WARNING3 += -Wcast-qual
WARNING3 += -Wconversion
WARNING3 += -Wpacked
WARNING3 += -Wpadded
WARNING3 += -Wpointer-arith
WARNING3 += -Wredundant-decls
WARNING3 += -Wswitch-default
i f e q ( $ { W } , 1 )
e l s e i f e q ( $ { W } , 2 )
e l s e i f e q ( $ { W } , 3 )
e n d i f
WARNINGS += -Wunused -Wno-unused-parameter \
-Wdisabled-optimization \
i f e q ( $( findstring clang ,$ ( notdir $ ( CC ) ) ) , )
WARNINGS += -Wunused-but-set-variable \
-Wmaybe-uninitialized \
e n d i f
i f n e q ( $ { E } , 0 )
ERRORS := -Werror
e n d i f
CPPFLAGS = ${ DEFINES } ${ INCLUDES } ${ MBEDTLS_INC } -nostdinc \
-Wmissing-include-dirs $( ERRORS) $( WARNINGS)
-D__ASSEMBLY__ -ffreestanding \
-ffreestanding -fno-builtin -Wall -std= gnu99 \
-Os -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
GCC_V_OUTPUT := $( shell $( CC) -v 2>& 1)
i f n e q ( $( findstring armlink ,$ ( notdir $ ( LD ) ) ) , )
TF_LDFLAGS += --diag_error= warning --lto_level= O1
TF_LDFLAGS += --remove --info= unused,unusedsymbols
e l s e
TF_LDFLAGS += --fatal-warnings -O1
TF_LDFLAGS += --gc-sections
e n d i f
Makefile: Add ability to build dtb
This is a revamp of the original approach in:
Current build system has no means to automatically generate dtbs from
dts, instead, stores the dtbs in the fdts/ folder. While this makes
perfect sense for many reference platforms, this becomes a minor
breakage in development flow for newer platforms.
However, this can be solved by providing a rule for the dtbs while
building the ATF binaries by purely describing which dts sources we
For example, with this change, we will now be able to describe the
dtbs we need for the platform in the corresponding platform.mk file:
FDT_SOURCES += fdts/abc.dts
This should be able to generate the abc.dtb appropriately.
Since device trees are specification of hardware, we don't tie the rule
to any specific BL, instead a generic rule is introduced.
Further, this approach allows us to generate appropriate dtbs which may be
need to be regenerated when a common dtsi gets updated, by just
restricting changes to the dtsi alone, instead of synchronizing all the
dtbs as well.
If dtc is not available in default paths, but is available in an
alternate location, it can be chosen by overriding the DTC variable
such as 'make DTC=~/dtc/dtc ....`
NOTE: dtbs are built only with the explicit make dtbs command. The rule
is only available if the platform defines a FDT_SOURCES variable.
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Fair <b-fair@ti.com>
Signed-off-by: Nishanth Menon <nm@ti.com>
8 years ago
DTC_FLAGS += -I dts -O dtb
DTC_CPPFLAGS += -nostdinc -Iinclude -undef -x assembler-with-cpp
Makefile: Add ability to build dtb
This is a revamp of the original approach in:
Current build system has no means to automatically generate dtbs from
dts, instead, stores the dtbs in the fdts/ folder. While this makes
perfect sense for many reference platforms, this becomes a minor
breakage in development flow for newer platforms.
However, this can be solved by providing a rule for the dtbs while
building the ATF binaries by purely describing which dts sources we
For example, with this change, we will now be able to describe the
dtbs we need for the platform in the corresponding platform.mk file:
FDT_SOURCES += fdts/abc.dts
This should be able to generate the abc.dtb appropriately.
Since device trees are specification of hardware, we don't tie the rule
to any specific BL, instead a generic rule is introduced.
Further, this approach allows us to generate appropriate dtbs which may be
need to be regenerated when a common dtsi gets updated, by just
restricting changes to the dtsi alone, instead of synchronizing all the
dtbs as well.
If dtc is not available in default paths, but is available in an
alternate location, it can be chosen by overriding the DTC variable
such as 'make DTC=~/dtc/dtc ....`
NOTE: dtbs are built only with the explicit make dtbs command. The rule
is only available if the platform defines a FDT_SOURCES variable.
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Fair <b-fair@ti.com>
Signed-off-by: Nishanth Menon <nm@ti.com>
8 years ago
# Common sources and include directories
i n c l u d e l i b / c o m p i l e r - r t / c o m p i l e r - r t . m k
BL_COMMON_SOURCES += common/bl_common.c \
common/tf_log.c \
common/${ ARCH } /debug.S \
drivers/console/multi_console.c \
lib/${ ARCH } /cache_helpers.S \
lib/${ ARCH } /misc_helpers.S \
plat/common/plat_bl_common.c \
plat/common/plat_log_common.c \
plat/common/${ ARCH } /plat_common.c \
plat/common/${ ARCH } /platform_helpers.S \
i f e q ( $( notdir $ ( CC ) ) , a r m c l a n g )
BL_COMMON_SOURCES += lib/${ ARCH } /armclang_printf.S
e n d i f
INCLUDES += -Iinclude \
-Iinclude/arch/${ ARCH } \
-Iinclude/lib/cpus/${ ARCH } \
-Iinclude/lib/el3_runtime/${ ARCH } \
i n c l u d e c o m m o n / b a c k t r a c e / b a c k t r a c e . m k
# Generic definitions
i n c l u d e $ { M A K E _ H E L P E R S _ D I R E C T O R Y } p l a t _ h e l p e r s . m k
BUILD_BASE := ./build
SPDS := $( sort $( filter-out none, $( patsubst services/spd/%,%,$( wildcard services/spd/*) ) ) )
# Platforms providing their own TBB makefile may override this value
# Include SPD Makefile if one has been specified
i f n e q ( $ { S P D } , n o n e )
i f e q ( $ { A R C H } , a a r c h 3 2 )
$( error "Error: SPD is incompatible with AArch32." )
e n d i f
i f d e f E L 3 _ P A Y L O A D _ B A S E
$( warning "SPD and EL3_PAYLOAD_BASE are incompatible build options." )
$( warning "The SPD and its BL32 companion will be present but ignored." )
e n d i f
# We expect to locate an spd.mk under the specified SPD directory
SPD_MAKE := $( wildcard services/spd/${ SPD } /${ SPD } .mk)
ifeq ( ${ SPD_MAKE } ,)
$( error Error: No services/spd/${ SPD } /${ SPD } .mk located)
$( info Including ${ SPD_MAKE } )
include ${ SPD_MAKE }
# If there's BL32 companion for the chosen SPD, we expect that the SPD's
# Makefile would set NEED_BL32 to "yes". In this case, the build system
# supports two mutually exclusive options:
# * BL32 is built from source: then BL32_SOURCES must contain the list
# of source files to build BL32
# * BL32 is a prebuilt binary: then BL32 must point to the image file
# that will be included in the FIP
# If both BL32_SOURCES and BL32 are defined, the binary takes precedence
# over the sources.
e n d i f
# Include the platform specific Makefile after the SPD Makefile (the platform
# makefile may use all previous definitions in this file)
i n c l u d e $ { P L A T _ M A K E F I L E _ F U L L }
$( eval $ ( call MAKE_PREREQ_DIR ,$ {BUILD_PLAT }) )
i f e q ( $ { A R M _ A R C H _ M A J O R } , 7 )
i n c l u d e m a k e _ h e l p e r s / a r m v 7 - a - c p u s . m k
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( ENABLE_PIE ) , 1 )
TF_CFLAGS += -fpie
TF_LDFLAGS += -pie --no-dynamic-linker
e l s e
PIE_FOUND := $( findstring --enable-default-pie,${ GCC_V_OUTPUT } )
ifneq ( $( PIE_FOUND) ,)
e n d i f
# Include the CPU specific operations makefile, which provides default
# values for all CPU errata workarounds and CPU specific optimisations.
# This can be overridden by the platform.
i n c l u d e l i b / c p u s / c p u - o p s . m k
i f e q ( $ { A R C H } , a a r c h 3 2 )
NEED_BL32 := yes
# Build `AARCH32_SP` as BL32 image for AArch32
i f n e q ( $ { A A R C H 3 2 _ S P } , n o n e )
# We expect to locate an sp.mk under the specified AARCH32_SP directory
AARCH32_SP_MAKE := $( wildcard bl32/${ AARCH32_SP } /${ AARCH32_SP } .mk)
i f e q ( $ { A A R C H 3 2 _ S P _ M A K E } , )
$( error Error: No bl32/${ AARCH32_SP } /${ AARCH32_SP } .mk located)
e n d i f
$( info Including $ {AARCH 32_SP_MAKE })
i n c l u d e $ { A A R C H 3 2 _ S P _ M A K E }
e n d i f
e n d i f
# Include libc if not overridden
i f e q ( $ { O V E R R I D E _ L I B C } , 0 )
i n c l u d e l i b / l i b c / l i b c . m k
e n d i f
# Check incompatible options
i f d e f E L 3 _ P A Y L O A D _ B A S E
$( warning " PRELOADED_BL33_BASE and EL3_PAYLOAD_BASE are \
incompatible build options. EL3_PAYLOAD_BASE has priority." )
ifneq ( ${ GENERATE_COT } ,0)
$( error "GENERATE_COT and EL3_PAYLOAD_BASE are incompatible build options." )
ifneq ( ${ TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT } ,0)
$( error "TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT and EL3_PAYLOAD_BASE are incompatible build options." )
e n d i f
i f e q ( $ { N E E D _ B L 3 3 } , y e s )
$( warning " BL33 image is not needed when option \
BL33_PAYLOAD_BASE is used and won' t be added to the FIP file." )
$( warning " BL33 image is not needed when option \
PRELOADED_BL33_BASE is used and won' t be added to the FIP \
file." )
e n d i f
# When building for systems with hardware-assisted coherency, there's no need to
# use USE_COHERENT_MEM. Require that USE_COHERENT_MEM must be set to 0 too.
i f e q ( $( HW_ASSISTED_COHERENCY ) - $( USE_COHERENT_MEM ) , 1 - 1 )
$( error USE_COHERENT_MEM cannot be enabled with HW_ASSISTED_COHERENCY )
e n d i f
#For now, BL2_IN_XIP_MEM is only supported when BL2_AT_EL3 is 1.
i f e q ( $( BL 2_AT_EL 3) - $( BL 2_IN_XIP_MEM ) , 0 - 1 )
$( error "BL 2_IN_XIP_MEM is only supported when BL 2_AT_EL 3 is enabled ")
e n d i f
# For RAS_EXTENSION, require that EAs are handled in EL3 first
i f e q ( $( RAS_EXTENSION ) , 1 )
ifneq ( $( HANDLE_EA_EL3_FIRST) ,1)
$( error For RAS_EXTENSION, HANDLE_EA_EL3_FIRST must also be 1)
e n d i f
# When FAULT_INJECTION_SUPPORT is used, require that RAS_EXTENSION is enabled
i f e q ( $( FAULT_INJECTION_SUPPORT ) , 1 )
ifneq ( $( RAS_EXTENSION) ,1)
e n d i f
# DYN_DISABLE_AUTH can be set only when TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT=1
i f e q ( $( DYN_DISABLE_AUTH ) , 1 )
ifeq ( ${ TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT } , 0)
$( error "TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT must be enabled for DYN_DISABLE_AUTH to be set." )
e n d i f
# If pointer authentication is used in the firmware, make sure that all the
# registers associated to it are also saved and restored.
# Not doing it would leak the value of the keys used by EL3 to EL1 and S-EL1.
i f e q ( $( ENABLE_PAUTH ) , 1 )
$( error Pointer Authentication requires CTX_INCLUDE_PAUTH_REGS = 1)
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( CTX_INCLUDE_PAUTH_REGS ) , 1 )
ifneq ( ${ ARCH } ,aarch64)
$( error CTX_INCLUDE_PAUTH_REGS requires AArch64)
$( info CTX_INCLUDE_PAUTH_REGS is an experimental feature)
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( ENABLE_PAUTH ) , 1 )
$( info Pointer Authentication is an experimental feature)
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( ENABLE_BTI ) , 1 )
$( info Branch Protection is an experimental feature)
e n d i f
# Process platform overrideable behaviour
# Using the ARM Trusted Firmware BL2 implies that a BL33 image also needs to be
# supplied for the FIP and Certificate generation tools. This flag can be
# overridden by the platform.
i f d e f B L 2 _ S O U R C E S
# If booting an EL3 payload there is no need for a BL33 image
# in the FIP file.
NEED_BL33 := no
# If booting a BL33 preloaded image there is no need of
# another one in the FIP file.
NEED_BL33 := no
NEED_BL33 ?= yes
e n d i f
# If SCP_BL2 is given, we always want FIP to include it.
i f d e f S C P _ B L 2
NEED_SCP_BL2 := yes
e n d i f
# For AArch32, BL31 is not currently supported.
i f n e q ( $ { A R C H } , a a r c h 3 2 )
ifdef BL31_SOURCES
# When booting an EL3 payload, there is no need to compile the BL31 image nor
# put it in the FIP.
NEED_BL31 := yes
e n d i f
# Process TBB related flags
i f n e q ( $ { G E N E R A T E _ C O T } , 0 )
# Common cert_create options
ifneq ( ${ CREATE_KEYS } ,0)
$( eval CRT_ARGS += -n)
$( eval FWU_CRT_ARGS += -n)
ifneq ( ${ SAVE_KEYS } ,0)
$( eval CRT_ARGS += -k)
$( eval FWU_CRT_ARGS += -k)
# Include TBBR makefile (unless the platform indicates otherwise)
ifeq ( ${ INCLUDE_TBBR_MK } ,1)
include make_helpers/tbbr/tbbr_tools.mk
e n d i f
fiptool: support --align option to add desired alignment to image offset
The current fiptool packs all the images without any padding between
them. So, the offset to each image has no alignment. This is not
efficient, for example, when the FIP is read from a block-oriented
For example, (e)MMC is accessed by block-addressing. The block size
is 512 byte. So, the best case is each image is aligned by 512 byte
since the DMA engine can transfer the whole of the image to its load
address directly. The worst case is the offset does not have even
DMA-capable alignment (this is where we stand now). In this case,
we need to transfer every block to a bounce buffer, then do memcpy()
from the bounce buffer to our final destination. At least, this
should work with the abstraction by the block I/O layer, but the
CPU-intervention for the whole data transfer makes it really slow.
This commit adds a new option --align to the fiptool. This option,
if given, requests the tool to align each component in the FIP file
by the specified byte. Also, add a new Make option FIP_ALIGN for
easier access to this feature; users can give something like
FIP_ALIGN=512 from the command line, or add "FIP_ALIGN := 512" to
their platform.mk file.
Signed-off-by: Masahiro Yamada <yamada.masahiro@socionext.com>
8 years ago
i f n e q ( $ { F I P _ A L I G N } , 0 )
FIP_ARGS += --align ${ FIP_ALIGN }
e n d i f
# Include libraries' Makefile that are used in all BL
i n c l u d e l i b / s t a c k _ p r o t e c t o r / s t a c k _ p r o t e c t o r . m k
# Auxiliary tools (fiptool, cert_create, etc)
# Variables for use with Certificate Generation Tool
CRTTOOLPATH ?= tools/cert_create
CRTTOOL ?= ${ CRTTOOLPATH } /cert_create${ BIN_EXT }
# Variables for use with Firmware Image Package
FIPTOOLPATH ?= tools/fiptool
FIPTOOL ?= ${ FIPTOOLPATH } /fiptool${ BIN_EXT }
# Variables for use with sptool
SPTOOLPATH ?= tools/sptool
SPTOOL ?= ${ SPTOOLPATH } /sptool${ BIN_EXT }
# Variables for use with ROMLIB
ROMLIBPATH ?= lib/romlib
# Include BL specific makefiles
i f d e f B L 1 _ S O U R C E S
NEED_BL1 := yes
i n c l u d e b l 1 / b l 1 . m k
e n d i f
i f d e f B L 2 _ S O U R C E S
NEED_BL2 := yes
i n c l u d e b l 2 / b l 2 . m k
e n d i f
i f d e f B L 2 U _ S O U R C E S
NEED_BL2U := yes
i n c l u d e b l 2 u / b l 2 u . m k
e n d i f
i f e q ( $ { N E E D _ B L 3 1 } , y e s )
i f d e f B L 3 1 _ S O U R C E S
i n c l u d e b l 3 1 / b l 3 1 . m k
e n d i f
e n d i f
Makefile: Add ability to build dtb
This is a revamp of the original approach in:
Current build system has no means to automatically generate dtbs from
dts, instead, stores the dtbs in the fdts/ folder. While this makes
perfect sense for many reference platforms, this becomes a minor
breakage in development flow for newer platforms.
However, this can be solved by providing a rule for the dtbs while
building the ATF binaries by purely describing which dts sources we
For example, with this change, we will now be able to describe the
dtbs we need for the platform in the corresponding platform.mk file:
FDT_SOURCES += fdts/abc.dts
This should be able to generate the abc.dtb appropriately.
Since device trees are specification of hardware, we don't tie the rule
to any specific BL, instead a generic rule is introduced.
Further, this approach allows us to generate appropriate dtbs which may be
need to be regenerated when a common dtsi gets updated, by just
restricting changes to the dtsi alone, instead of synchronizing all the
dtbs as well.
If dtc is not available in default paths, but is available in an
alternate location, it can be chosen by overriding the DTC variable
such as 'make DTC=~/dtc/dtc ....`
NOTE: dtbs are built only with the explicit make dtbs command. The rule
is only available if the platform defines a FDT_SOURCES variable.
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Fair <b-fair@ti.com>
Signed-off-by: Nishanth Menon <nm@ti.com>
8 years ago
i f d e f F D T _ S O U R C E S
NEED_FDT := yes
e n d i f
# Build options checks
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,CREATE_KEYS ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,CTX_INCLUDE_AARCH 32_REGS ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,CTX_INCLUDE_FPREGS ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,CTX_INCLUDE_PAUTH_REGS ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,DEBUG ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,DYN_DISABLE_AUTH ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,EL 3_EXCEPTION_HANDLING ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,ENABLE_AMU ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,ENABLE_ASSERTIONS ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,ENABLE_MPAM_FOR_LOWER_ELS ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,ENABLE_PIE ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,ENABLE_PMF ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,ENABLE_PSCI_STAT ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,ENABLE_RUNTIME_INSTRUMENTATION ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,ENABLE_SPE_FOR_LOWER_ELS ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,ENABLE_SPM ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,ENABLE_SVE_FOR_NS ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,ERROR_DEPRECATED ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,FAULT_INJECTION_SUPPORT ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,GENERATE_COT ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,GICV 2_G 0_FOR_EL 3) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,HANDLE_EA_EL 3_FIRST ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,HW_ASSISTED_COHERENCY ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,NS_TIMER_SWITCH ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,OVERRIDE_LIBC ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,PL 011_GENERIC_UART ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,PSCI_EXTENDED_STATE_ID ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,RAS_EXTENSION ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,RESET_TO_BL 31) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,SAVE_KEYS ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,SEPARATE_CODE_AND_RODATA ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,SPIN_ON_BL 1_EXIT ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,SPM_MM ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,USE_COHERENT_MEM ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,USE_ROMLIB ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,USE_TBBR_DEFS ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,WARMBOOT_ENABLE_DCACHE_EARLY ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,BL 2_AT_EL 3) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_boolean ,BL 2_IN_XIP_MEM ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_numeric ,ARM_ARCH_MAJOR ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_numeric ,ARM_ARCH_MINOR ) )
$( eval $ ( call assert_numeric ,BRANCH_PROTECTION ) )
# Add definitions to the cpp preprocessor based on the current build options.
# This is done after including the platform specific makefile to allow the
# platform to overwrite the default options
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,ARM_ARCH_MAJOR ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,ARM_ARCH_MINOR ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,CTX_INCLUDE_AARCH 32_REGS ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,CTX_INCLUDE_FPREGS ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,CTX_INCLUDE_PAUTH_REGS ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,EL 3_EXCEPTION_HANDLING ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,ENABLE_AMU ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,ENABLE_ASSERTIONS ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,ENABLE_BTI ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,ENABLE_MPAM_FOR_LOWER_ELS ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,ENABLE_PAUTH ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,ENABLE_PIE ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,ENABLE_PMF ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,ENABLE_PSCI_STAT ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,ENABLE_RUNTIME_INSTRUMENTATION ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,ENABLE_SPE_FOR_LOWER_ELS ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,ENABLE_SPM ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,ENABLE_SVE_FOR_NS ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,ERROR_DEPRECATED ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,FAULT_INJECTION_SUPPORT ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,GICV 2_G 0_FOR_EL 3) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,HANDLE_EA_EL 3_FIRST ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,HW_ASSISTED_COHERENCY ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,LOG_LEVEL ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,NS_TIMER_SWITCH ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,PL 011_GENERIC_UART ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,PLAT_ $ {PLAT }) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,PSCI_EXTENDED_STATE_ID ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,RAS_EXTENSION ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,RESET_TO_BL 31) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,SEPARATE_CODE_AND_RODATA ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,RECLAIM_INIT_CODE ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,SPD_ $ {SPD }) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,SPIN_ON_BL 1_EXIT ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,SPM_MM ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,USE_COHERENT_MEM ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,USE_ROMLIB ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,USE_TBBR_DEFS ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,WARMBOOT_ENABLE_DCACHE_EARLY ) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,BL 2_AT_EL 3) )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,BL 2_IN_XIP_MEM ) )
# Define the EL3_PAYLOAD_BASE flag only if it is provided.
i f d e f E L 3 _ P A Y L O A D _ B A S E
$( eval $( call add_define,EL3_PAYLOAD_BASE) )
e l s e
# Define the PRELOADED_BL33_BASE flag only if it is provided and
# EL3_PAYLOAD_BASE is not defined, as it has priority.
$( eval $( call add_define,PRELOADED_BL33_BASE) )
e n d i f
# Define the AARCH32/AARCH64 flag based on the ARCH flag
i f e q ( $ { A R C H } , a a r c h 3 2 )
$( eval $( call add_define,AARCH32) )
e l s e
$( eval $( call add_define,AARCH64) )
e n d i f
# Define the DYN_DISABLE_AUTH flag only if set.
i f e q ( $ { D Y N _ D I S A B L E _ A U T H } , 1 )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,DYN_DISABLE_AUTH ) )
e n d i f
i f n e q ( $( findstring armlink ,$ ( notdir $ ( LD ) ) ) , )
$( eval $ ( call add_define ,USE_ARM_LINK ) )
e n d i f
# Build targets
.PHONY : all msg_start clean realclean distclean cscope locate -checkpatch checkcodebase checkpatch fiptool sptool fip fwu_fip certtool dtbs
all : msg_start
msg_start :
@echo " Building ${ PLAT } "
# Check if deprecated declarations and cpp warnings should be treated as error or not.
i f e q ( $ { E R R O R _ D E P R E C A T E D } , 0 )
i f n e q ( $( findstring clang ,$ ( notdir $ ( CC ) ) ) , )
CPPFLAGS += -Wno-error= deprecated-declarations
e l s e
CPPFLAGS += -Wno-error= deprecated-declarations -Wno-error= cpp
e n d i f
e n d i f
$( eval $ ( call MAKE_LIB_DIRS ) )
$( eval $ ( call MAKE_LIB ,c ) )
# Expand build macros for the different images
i f e q ( $ { N E E D _ B L 1 } , y e s )
$( eval $ ( call MAKE_BL ,1) )
e n d i f
i f e q ( $ { N E E D _ B L 2 } , y e s )
i f e q ( $ { B L 2 _ A T _ E L 3 } , 0 )
FIP_BL2_ARGS := tb-fw
e n d i f
$( if $ {BL 2}, $ ( eval $ ( call TOOL_ADD_IMG ,bl 2,--$ {FIP_BL 2_ARGS }) ) ,\
$( eval $( call MAKE_BL,2,${ FIP_BL2_ARGS } ) ) )
e n d i f
i f e q ( $ { N E E D _ S C P _ B L 2 } , y e s )
$( eval $ ( call TOOL_ADD_IMG ,scp_bl 2,--scp -fw ) )
e n d i f
i f e q ( $ { N E E D _ B L 3 1 } , y e s )
$( if $ {BL 31}, $ ( eval $ ( call TOOL_ADD_IMG ,bl 31,--soc -fw ) ) ,\
$( eval $( call MAKE_BL,31,soc-fw) ) )
e n d i f
# If a BL32 image is needed but neither BL32 nor BL32_SOURCES is defined, the
# build system will call TOOL_ADD_IMG to print a warning message and abort the
# process. Note that the dependency on BL32 applies to the FIP only.
i f e q ( $ { N E E D _ B L 3 2 } , y e s )
BUILD_BL32 := $( if $( BL32) ,,$( if $( BL32_SOURCES) ,1) )
$( if $ {BUILD_BL 32}, $ ( eval $ ( call MAKE_BL ,32,tos -fw ) ) ,\
$( eval $( call TOOL_ADD_IMG,bl32,--tos-fw) ) )
e n d i f
# Add the BL33 image if required by the platform
i f e q ( $ { N E E D _ B L 3 3 } , y e s )
$( eval $ ( call TOOL_ADD_IMG ,bl 33,--nt -fw ) )
e n d i f
i f e q ( $ { N E E D _ B L 2 U } , y e s )
$( if $ {BL 2U }, $ ( eval $ ( call TOOL_ADD_IMG ,bl 2u ,--ap -fwu -cfg ,FWU_ ) ) ,\
$( eval $( call MAKE_BL,2u,ap-fwu-cfg,FWU_) ) )
e n d i f
Makefile: Add ability to build dtb
This is a revamp of the original approach in:
Current build system has no means to automatically generate dtbs from
dts, instead, stores the dtbs in the fdts/ folder. While this makes
perfect sense for many reference platforms, this becomes a minor
breakage in development flow for newer platforms.
However, this can be solved by providing a rule for the dtbs while
building the ATF binaries by purely describing which dts sources we
For example, with this change, we will now be able to describe the
dtbs we need for the platform in the corresponding platform.mk file:
FDT_SOURCES += fdts/abc.dts
This should be able to generate the abc.dtb appropriately.
Since device trees are specification of hardware, we don't tie the rule
to any specific BL, instead a generic rule is introduced.
Further, this approach allows us to generate appropriate dtbs which may be
need to be regenerated when a common dtsi gets updated, by just
restricting changes to the dtsi alone, instead of synchronizing all the
dtbs as well.
If dtc is not available in default paths, but is available in an
alternate location, it can be chosen by overriding the DTC variable
such as 'make DTC=~/dtc/dtc ....`
NOTE: dtbs are built only with the explicit make dtbs command. The rule
is only available if the platform defines a FDT_SOURCES variable.
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Fair <b-fair@ti.com>
Signed-off-by: Nishanth Menon <nm@ti.com>
8 years ago
# Expand build macros for the different images
i f e q ( $ { N E E D _ F D T } , y e s )
$( eval $( call MAKE_DTBS,$( BUILD_PLAT) /fdts,$( FDT_SOURCES) ) )
Makefile: Add ability to build dtb
This is a revamp of the original approach in:
Current build system has no means to automatically generate dtbs from
dts, instead, stores the dtbs in the fdts/ folder. While this makes
perfect sense for many reference platforms, this becomes a minor
breakage in development flow for newer platforms.
However, this can be solved by providing a rule for the dtbs while
building the ATF binaries by purely describing which dts sources we
For example, with this change, we will now be able to describe the
dtbs we need for the platform in the corresponding platform.mk file:
FDT_SOURCES += fdts/abc.dts
This should be able to generate the abc.dtb appropriately.
Since device trees are specification of hardware, we don't tie the rule
to any specific BL, instead a generic rule is introduced.
Further, this approach allows us to generate appropriate dtbs which may be
need to be regenerated when a common dtsi gets updated, by just
restricting changes to the dtsi alone, instead of synchronizing all the
dtbs as well.
If dtc is not available in default paths, but is available in an
alternate location, it can be chosen by overriding the DTC variable
such as 'make DTC=~/dtc/dtc ....`
NOTE: dtbs are built only with the explicit make dtbs command. The rule
is only available if the platform defines a FDT_SOURCES variable.
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Fair <b-fair@ti.com>
Signed-off-by: Nishanth Menon <nm@ti.com>
8 years ago
e n d i f
locate-checkpatch :
i f n d e f C H E C K P A T C H
$( error "Please set CHECKPATCH to point to the Linux checkpatch.pl file, eg: CHECKPATCH=../linux/scripts/checkpatch.pl" )
e l s e
i f e q ( , $( wildcard $ {CHECKPATCH }) )
$( error "The file CHECKPATCH points to cannot be found, use eg: CHECKPATCH=../linux/scripts/checkpatch.pl" )
e n d i f
e n d i f
clean :
@echo " CLEAN"
${ Q } ${ MAKE } --no-print-directory -C ${ FIPTOOLPATH } clean
${ Q } ${ MAKE } PLAT = ${ PLAT } --no-print-directory -C ${ CRTTOOLPATH } clean
${ Q } ${ MAKE } --no-print-directory -C ${ ROMLIBPATH } clean
realclean distclean :
@echo " REALCLEAN"
$( call SHELL_DELETE_ALL, ${ CURDIR } /cscope.*)
${ Q } ${ MAKE } --no-print-directory -C ${ FIPTOOLPATH } clean
${ Q } ${ MAKE } --no-print-directory -C ${ SPTOOLPATH } clean
${ Q } ${ MAKE } PLAT = ${ PLAT } --no-print-directory -C ${ CRTTOOLPATH } clean
${ Q } ${ MAKE } --no-print-directory -C ${ ROMLIBPATH } clean
checkcodebase : locate -checkpatch
@if test -d .git ; then \
git ls-files | grep -E -v 'libfdt|libc|docs|\.rst' | \
while read GIT_FILE ; \
done ; \
else \
find . -type f -not -iwholename "*.git*" \
-not -iwholename "*build*" \
-not -iwholename "*libfdt*" \
-not -iwholename "*libc*" \
-not -iwholename "*docs*" \
-not -iwholename "*.rst" \
-exec ${ CHECKPATCH } ${ CHECKCODE_ARGS } -f { } \; ; \
checkpatch : locate -checkpatch
@if test -n " ${ CHECKPATCH_OPTS } " ; then \
echo " with ${ CHECKPATCH_OPTS } option(s) " ; \
${ Q } COMMON_COMMIT = $$ ( git merge-base HEAD ${ BASE_COMMIT } ) ; \
for commit in ` git rev-list $$ COMMON_COMMIT..HEAD` ; do \
printf " \n[*] Checking style of ' $$ commit'\n\n " ; \
git log --format= email " $$ commit~.. $$ commit " \
-- ${ CHECK_PATHS } | \
${ CHECKPATCH } ${ CHECKPATCH_OPTS } - || true; \
git diff --format= email " $$ commit~.. $$ commit " \
-- ${ CHECK_PATHS } | \
${ CHECKPATCH } ${ CHECKPATCH_OPTS } - || true; \
certtool : ${CRTTOOL }
${ Q } ${ MAKE } PLAT = ${ PLAT } USE_TBBR_DEFS = ${ USE_TBBR_DEFS } --no-print-directory -C ${ CRTTOOLPATH }
@echo " Built $@ successfully "
i f n e q ( $ { G E N E R A T E _ C O T } , 0 )
certificates : ${CRT_DEPS } ${CRTTOOL }
${ Q } ${ CRTTOOL } ${ CRT_ARGS }
@echo " Built $@ successfully "
@echo " Certificates can be found in ${ BUILD_PLAT } "
e n d i f
${ Q } ${ FIPTOOL } create ${ FIP_ARGS } $@
${ Q } ${ FIPTOOL } info $@
@echo " Built $@ successfully "
i f n e q ( $ { G E N E R A T E _ C O T } , 0 )
fwu_certificates : ${FWU_CRT_DEPS } ${CRTTOOL }
${ Q } ${ CRTTOOL } ${ FWU_CRT_ARGS }
@echo " Built $@ successfully "
@echo " FWU certificates can be found in ${ BUILD_PLAT } "
e n d i f
${ Q } ${ FIPTOOL } create ${ FWU_FIP_ARGS } $@
${ Q } ${ FIPTOOL } info $@
@echo " Built $@ successfully "
fiptool : ${FIPTOOL }
fip : ${BUILD_PLAT }/${FIP_NAME }
fwu_fip : ${BUILD_PLAT }/${FWU_FIP_NAME }
${ Q } ${ MAKE } CPPFLAGS = " -DVERSION='\" ${ VERSION_STRING } \"' " --no-print-directory -C ${ FIPTOOLPATH }
sptool : ${SPTOOL }
${ Q } ${ MAKE } CPPFLAGS = " -DVERSION='\" ${ VERSION_STRING } \"' " --no-print-directory -C ${ SPTOOLPATH }
.PHONY : libraries
romlib.bin : libraries
cscope :
@echo " CSCOPE"
${ Q } find ${ CURDIR } -name "*.[chsS]" > cscope.files
${ Q } cscope -b -q -k
help :
@echo " usage: ${ MAKE } [PLAT=<platform>] [OPTIONS] [TARGET] "
@echo ""
@echo "PLAT is used to specify which platform you wish to build."
@echo " If no platform is specified, PLAT defaults to: ${ DEFAULT_PLAT } "
@echo ""
@echo " platform = ${ PLATFORM_LIST } "
@echo ""
@echo "Please refer to the User Guide for a list of all supported options."
@echo "Note that the build system doesn't track dependencies for build "
@echo "options. Therefore, if any of the build options are changed "
@echo "from a previous build, a clean build must be performed."
@echo ""
@echo "Supported Targets:"
@echo " all Build all individual bootloader binaries"
@echo " bl1 Build the BL1 binary"
@echo " bl2 Build the BL2 binary"
@echo " bl2u Build the BL2U binary"
@echo " bl31 Build the BL31 binary"
@echo " bl32 Build the BL32 binary. If ARCH=aarch32, then "
@echo " this builds secure payload specified by AARCH32_SP"
@echo " certificates Build the certificates (requires 'GENERATE_COT=1')"
@echo " fip Build the Firmware Image Package (FIP)"
@echo " fwu_fip Build the FWU Firmware Image Package (FIP)"
@echo " checkcodebase Check the coding style of the entire source tree"
@echo " checkpatch Check the coding style on changes in the current"
@echo " branch against BASE_COMMIT (default origin/master)"
@echo " clean Clean the build for the selected platform"
@echo " cscope Generate cscope index"
@echo " distclean Remove all build artifacts for all platforms"
@echo " certtool Build the Certificate generation tool"
@echo " fiptool Build the Firmware Image Package (FIP) creation tool"
@echo " sptool Build the Secure Partition Package creation tool"
@echo " dtbs Build the Device Tree Blobs (if required for the platform)"
@echo ""
@echo "Note: most build targets require PLAT to be set to a specific platform."
@echo ""
@echo "example: build all targets for the FVP platform:"
@echo " CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-elf- make PLAT=fvp all"