Trusted Firmware-A Documentation ================================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :numbered: Home about/index getting_started/index process/index components/index design/index porting-guide plat/index perf/index security_advisories/index design_documents/index threat_model/index tools/index change-log glossary license Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A) provides a reference implementation of secure world software for `Armv7-A and Armv8-A`_, including a `Secure Monitor`_ executing at Exception Level 3 (EL3). It implements various Arm interface standards, such as: - The `Power State Coordination Interface (PSCI)`_ - `Trusted Board Boot Requirements CLIENT (TBBR-CLIENT)`_ - `SMC Calling Convention`_ - `System Control and Management Interface (SCMI)`_ - `Software Delegated Exception Interface (SDEI)`_ - `PSA FW update specification`_ Where possible, the code is designed for reuse or porting to other Armv7-A and Armv8-A model and hardware platforms. This release provides a suitable starting point for productization of secure world boot and runtime firmware, in either the AArch32 or AArch64 execution states. Users are encouraged to do their own security validation, including penetration testing, on any secure world code derived from TF-A. In collaboration with interested parties, we will continue to enhance |TF-A| with reference implementations of Arm standards to benefit developers working with Armv7-A and Armv8-A TrustZone technology. Getting Started --------------- The |TF-A| documentation contains guidance for obtaining and building the software for existing, supported platforms, as well as supporting information for porting the software to a new platform. The **About** chapter gives a high-level overview of |TF-A| features as well as some information on the project and how it is organized. Refer to the documents in the **Getting Started** chapter for information about the prerequisites and requirements for building |TF-A|. The **Processes & Policies** chapter explains the project's release schedule and process, how security disclosures are handled, and the guidelines for contributing to the project (including the coding style). The **Components** chapter holds documents that explain specific components that make up the |TF-A| software, the :ref:`Exception Handling Framework`, for example. In the **System Design** chapter you will find documents that explain the design of portions of the software that involve more than one component, such as the :ref:`Trusted Board Boot` process. **Platform Ports** provides a list of the supported hardware and software-model platforms that are supported upstream in |TF-A|. Most of these platforms also have additional documentation that has been provided by the maintainers of the platform. The results of any performance evaluations are added to the **Performance & Testing** chapter. **Security Advisories** holds a list of documents relating to |CVE| entries that have previously been raised against the software. -------------- *Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.* .. _Armv7-A and Armv8-A: .. _Secure Monitor: .. _Power State Coordination Interface (PSCI): .. _Trusted Board Boot Requirements CLIENT (TBBR-CLIENT): .. _System Control and Management Interface (SCMI): .. _Software Delegated Exception Interface (SDEI): .. _SMC Calling Convention: .. _PSA FW update specification: