* feature: layers of connections
* feature: upgrade layers of connection
* fix: tests
* feature: test of layers upgrade
* refactor: enable disabled upgrader tests
* feature: sha-1 hash
* feature: websocket layer
* fix: read-buffer extending
* feature: decide layers for connection upgrade by provided multiaddress
* refactor: combine regular and websocket echo-client/-server to single one
* refactor: rename peer::Protocol to peer::ProtocolName
* refactor: implement addressToBytes, as replacement addressToHex
* refactor: mark addressToHex as deprecated
* feature: extend ConversionError
* fix: multiaddress manipulations
* feature: dummy protocols for tests
* fix: tests of converters
* fix: collision in DI
* refactor: update outcome macros for tests
* fix: connection upgrader in part of layers
* fix: ws read-writer in case big data fragmented by frames
* experiment: add delay of sending jumbo message, to give a chance for Id-protocol to end his work
* experiment: log difference sent and received data for analyse
* feature: control frames (ping/pong/close)
* fix: sending huge portions of data
* fix: echo sessions
* feature: optional hex dump in dumpBin
* fix: echo client
* update: hunter package manager
* fix: hardcoded request and response in http-to-ws upgraded
* fix: add ws version header
* fix: reduce length of ws-key header
* fix: make ws-header check case-insensitive
* fix: use locale independent predicate for ci-compare
* fix: use boost endian conversion instead endian macros
Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Khaustov aka xDimon <khaustov.dm@gmail.com>