Generate sources with instruction info.
import srcgen
import constant_hash
def collect_instr_groups(targets):
seen = set()
groups = []
for t in targets:
for g in t.instruction_groups:
if g not in seen:
return groups
def gen_opcodes(groups, out_dir):
"""Generate opcode enumerations."""
fmt = srcgen.Formatter()
fmt.doc_comment('An instruction opcode.')
fmt.doc_comment('All instructions from all supported targets are present.')
fmt.line('#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]')
instrs = []
with fmt.indented('pub enum Opcode {', '}'):
for g in groups:
for i in g.instructions:
# Build a doc comment.
prefix = ', '.join(o.name for o in i.outs)
if prefix:
prefix = prefix + ' = '
suffix = ', '.join(o.name for o in i.ins)
fmt.doc_comment('`{}{} {}`.'.format(prefix, i.name, suffix))
# Enum variant itself.
fmt.line(i.camel_name + ',')
# Generate a private opcode_name function.
with fmt.indented('fn opcode_name(opc: Opcode) -> &\'static str {', '}'):
with fmt.indented('match opc {', '}'):
fmt.line('Opcode::NotAnOpcode => "<not an opcode>",')
for i in instrs:
fmt.format('Opcode::{} => "{}",', i.camel_name, i.name)
# Generate an opcode hash table for looking up opcodes by name.
hash_table = constant_hash.compute_quadratic(instrs,
lambda i: constant_hash.simple_hash(i.name))
with fmt.indented('const OPCODE_HASH_TABLE: [Opcode; {}] = ['.format(len(hash_table)), '];'):
for i in hash_table:
if i is None:
fmt.format('Opcode::{},', i.camel_name)
fmt.update_file('opcodes.rs', out_dir)
def generate(targets, out_dir):
groups = collect_instr_groups(targets)
gen_opcodes(groups, out_dir)