Example of instantiating of the WebAssembly module and invoking its exported
You can compile and run this example on Linux with:
cargo build --release -p wasmtime-c-api
c++ examples/async.cpp \
-I crates/c-api/include \
-I crates/c-api/wasm-c-api/include \
target/release/libwasmtime.a \
-std=c++11 \
-lpthread -ldl -lm \
-o async
Note that on Windows and macOS the command will be similar, but you'll need
to tweak the `-lpthread` and such annotations.
You can also build using cmake:
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && cmake --build . --target wasmtime-async
#include <array>
#include <assert.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <sstream>
#include <streambuf>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <wasmtime.h>
namespace {
template <typename T, void (*fn)(T *)> struct deleter {
void operator()(T *ptr) { fn(ptr); }
template <typename T, void (*fn)(T *)>
using handle = std::unique_ptr<T, deleter<T, fn>>;
void exit_with_error(std::string msg, wasmtime_error_t *err,
wasm_trap_t *trap) {
std::cerr << "error: " << msg << std::endl;
wasm_byte_vec_t error_message;
if (err) {
wasmtime_error_message(err, &error_message);
} else {
wasm_trap_message(trap, &error_message);
std::cerr << std::string(error_message.data, error_message.size) << std::endl;
handle<wasm_engine_t, wasm_engine_delete> create_engine() {
wasm_config_t *config = wasm_config_new();
assert(config != nullptr);
wasmtime_config_async_support_set(config, true);
wasmtime_config_consume_fuel_set(config, true);
handle<wasm_engine_t, wasm_engine_delete> engine;
// this takes ownership of config
return engine;
handle<wasmtime_store_t, wasmtime_store_delete>
create_store(wasm_engine_t *engine) {
handle<wasmtime_store_t, wasmtime_store_delete> store;
store.reset(wasmtime_store_new(engine, nullptr, nullptr));
return store;
handle<wasmtime_linker_t, wasmtime_linker_delete>
create_linker(wasm_engine_t *engine) {
handle<wasmtime_linker_t, wasmtime_linker_delete> linker;
return linker;
handle<wasmtime_module_t, wasmtime_module_delete>
compile_wat_module_from_file(wasm_engine_t *engine,
const std::string &filename) {
std::ifstream t(filename);
std::stringstream buffer;
buffer << t.rdbuf();
if (t.bad()) {
std::cerr << "error reading file: " << filename << std::endl;
const std::string &content = buffer.str();
wasm_byte_vec_t wasm_bytes;
handle<wasmtime_error_t, wasmtime_error_delete> error{
wasmtime_wat2wasm(content.data(), content.size(), &wasm_bytes)};
if (error) {
exit_with_error("failed to parse wat", error.get(), nullptr);
wasmtime_module_t *mod_ptr = nullptr;
reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(wasm_bytes.data),
wasm_bytes.size, &mod_ptr));
handle<wasmtime_module_t, wasmtime_module_delete> mod{mod_ptr};
if (!mod) {
exit_with_error("failed to compile module", error.get(), nullptr);
return mod;
class printer_thread_state {
void set_value_to_print(int32_t v) {
_print_finished_future = _print_finished.get_future();
int32_t get_value_to_print() { return _value_to_print.get_future().get(); }
bool print_is_pending() const {
return _print_finished_future.valid() &&
_print_finished_future.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(0)) !=
void wait_for_print_result() const { _print_finished_future.wait(); }
void get_print_result() { _print_finished_future.get(); }
void set_print_success() { _print_finished.set_value(); }
std::promise<int32_t> _value_to_print;
std::promise<void> _print_finished;
std::future<void> _print_finished_future;
printer_thread_state printer_state;
struct async_call_env {
wasm_trap_t **trap_ret;
bool poll_print_finished_state(void *env) {
std::cout << "polling async host function result" << std::endl;
auto *async_env = static_cast<async_call_env *>(env);
// Don't block, just poll the future state.
if (printer_state.print_is_pending()) {
return false;
try {
} catch (const std::exception &ex) {
std::string msg = ex.what();
*async_env->trap_ret = wasmtime_trap_new(msg.data(), msg.size());
return true;
} // namespace
int main() {
// A thread that will async perform host function calls.
std::thread printer_thread([]() {
int32_t value_to_print = printer_state.get_value_to_print();
std::cout << "recieved value to print!" << std::endl;
std::cout << "printing: " << value_to_print << std::endl;
std::cout << "signaling that value is printed" << std::endl;
handle<wasmtime_error_t, wasmtime_error_delete> error;
auto engine = create_engine();
auto store = create_store(engine.get());
// This pointer is unowned.
auto *context = wasmtime_store_context(store.get());
// Configure the store to periodically yield control
wasmtime_context_set_fuel(context, 100000);
wasmtime_context_fuel_async_yield_interval(context, /*interval=*/10000);
auto compiled_module =
compile_wat_module_from_file(engine.get(), "examples/async.wat");
auto linker = create_linker(engine.get());
static std::string host_module_name = "host";
static std::string host_func_name = "print";
// Declare our async host function's signature and definition.
wasm_valtype_vec_t arg_types;
wasm_valtype_vec_t result_types;
wasm_valtype_vec_new_uninitialized(&arg_types, 1);
arg_types.data[0] = wasm_valtype_new_i32();
handle<wasm_functype_t, wasm_functype_delete> functype{
wasm_functype_new(&arg_types, &result_types)};
linker.get(), host_module_name.data(), host_module_name.size(),
host_func_name.data(), host_func_name.size(), functype.get(),
[](void *, wasmtime_caller_t *, const wasmtime_val_t *args, size_t,
wasmtime_val_t *, size_t, wasm_trap_t **trap_ret,
wasmtime_async_continuation_t *continutation_ret) {
std::cout << "invoking async host function" << std::endl;
continutation_ret->callback = &poll_print_finished_state;
continutation_ret->env = new async_call_env{trap_ret};
continutation_ret->finalizer = [](void *env) {
std::cout << "deleting async_call_env" << std::endl;
delete static_cast<async_call_env *>(env);
/*env=*/nullptr, /*finalizer=*/nullptr));
if (error) {
exit_with_error("failed to define host function", error.get(), nullptr);
// Now instantiate our module using the linker.
handle<wasmtime_call_future_t, wasmtime_call_future_delete> call_future;
wasm_trap_t *trap_ptr = nullptr;
wasmtime_error_t *error_ptr = nullptr;
wasmtime_instance_t instance;
linker.get(), context, compiled_module.get(), &instance, &trap_ptr,
while (!wasmtime_call_future_poll(call_future.get())) {
std::cout << "yielding instantiation!" << std::endl;
handle<wasm_trap_t, wasm_trap_delete> trap{trap_ptr};
if (error || trap) {
exit_with_error("failed to instantiate module", error.get(), trap.get());
// delete call future - it's no longer needed
call_future = nullptr;
// delete the linker now that we've created our instance
linker = nullptr;
// Grab our exported function
static std::string guest_func_name = "print_fibonacci";
wasmtime_extern_t guest_func_extern;
bool found =
wasmtime_instance_export_get(context, &instance, guest_func_name.data(),
guest_func_name.size(), &guest_func_extern);
assert(guest_func_extern.kind == WASMTIME_EXTERN_FUNC);
// Now call our print_fibonacci function with n=15
std::array<wasmtime_val_t, 1> args;
args[0].kind = WASMTIME_I32;
args[0].of.i32 = 15;
std::array<wasmtime_val_t, 0> results;
context, &guest_func_extern.of.func, args.data(), args.size(),
results.data(), results.size(), &trap_ptr, &error_ptr));
// Poll the execution of the call. This can yield control back if there is an
// async host call or if we ran out of fuel.
while (!wasmtime_call_future_poll(call_future.get())) {
// if we have an async host call pending then wait for that future to finish
// before continuing.
if (printer_state.print_is_pending()) {
std::cout << "waiting for async host function to complete" << std::endl;
std::cout << "async host function completed" << std::endl;
// Otherwise we ran out of fuel and yielded.
std::cout << "yield!" << std::endl;
// Extract if there were failures or traps after poll returns that execution
// completed.
if (error || trap) {
exit_with_error("running guest function failed", error.get(), trap.get());
call_future = nullptr;
// At this point, if our host function returned results they would be
// available in the `results` array.
std::cout << "async function call complete!" << std::endl;
// Join our thread and exit.
return 0;