//! Build program to generate a program which runs all the testsuites.
//! By generating a separate `#[test]` test for each file, we allow cargo test
//! to automatically run the files in parallel.
use anyhow::Context;
use std::env;
use std::fmt::Write;
use std::fs;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::Command;
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let out_dir = PathBuf::from(
env::var_os("OUT_DIR").expect("The OUT_DIR environment variable must be set"),
let mut out = String::new();
for strategy in &[
#[cfg(feature = "lightbeam")]
] {
writeln!(out, "#[cfg(test)]")?;
writeln!(out, "#[allow(non_snake_case)]")?;
writeln!(out, "mod {} {{", strategy)?;
with_test_module(&mut out, "misc", |out| {
test_directory(out, "tests/misc_testsuite", strategy)?;
test_directory_module(out, "tests/misc_testsuite/bulk-memory-operations", strategy)?;
test_directory_module(out, "tests/misc_testsuite/reference-types", strategy)?;
with_test_module(&mut out, "spec", |out| {
let spec_tests = test_directory(out, "tests/spec_testsuite", strategy)?;
// Skip running spec_testsuite tests if the submodule isn't checked
// out.
if spec_tests > 0 {
test_directory_module(out, "tests/spec_testsuite/proposals/simd", strategy)?;
test_directory_module(out, "tests/spec_testsuite/proposals/multi-value", strategy)?;
} else {
"cargo:warning=The spec testsuite is disabled. To enable, run `git submodule \
update --remote`."
writeln!(out, "}}")?;
// Write out our auto-generated tests and opportunistically format them with
// `rustfmt` if it's installed.
let output = out_dir.join("wast_testsuite_tests.rs");
fs::write(&output, out)?;
fn test_directory_module(
out: &mut String,
path: impl AsRef<Path>,
strategy: &str,
) -> anyhow::Result<usize> {
let path = path.as_ref();
let testsuite = &extract_name(path);
with_test_module(out, testsuite, |out| test_directory(out, path, strategy))
fn test_directory(
out: &mut String,
path: impl AsRef<Path>,
strategy: &str,
) -> anyhow::Result<usize> {
let path = path.as_ref();
let mut dir_entries: Vec<_> = path
.context(format!("failed to read {:?}", path))?
.map(|r| r.expect("reading testsuite directory entry"))
.filter_map(|dir_entry| {
let p = dir_entry.path();
let ext = p.extension()?;
// Only look at wast files.
if ext != "wast" {
return None;
// Ignore files starting with `.`, which could be editor temporary files
if p.file_stem()?.to_str()?.starts_with(".") {
return None;
let testsuite = &extract_name(path);
for entry in dir_entries.iter() {
write_testsuite_tests(out, entry, testsuite, strategy)?;
/// Extract a valid Rust identifier from the stem of a path.
fn extract_name(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> String {
.expect("filename should have a stem")
.expect("filename should be representable as a string")
.replace("-", "_")
.replace("/", "_")
fn with_test_module<T>(
out: &mut String,
testsuite: &str,
f: impl FnOnce(&mut String) -> anyhow::Result<T>,
) -> anyhow::Result<T> {
out.push_str("mod ");
out.push_str(" {\n");
let result = f(out)?;
fn write_testsuite_tests(
out: &mut String,
path: impl AsRef<Path>,
testsuite: &str,
strategy: &str,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let path = path.as_ref();
let testname = extract_name(path);
writeln!(out, "#[test]")?;
if ignore(testsuite, &testname, strategy) {
writeln!(out, "#[ignore]")?;
writeln!(out, "fn r#{}() {{", &testname)?;
"crate::wast::run_wast(r#\"{}\"#, crate::wast::Strategy::{}).unwrap();",
writeln!(out, "}}")?;
/// Ignore tests that aren't supported yet.
fn ignore(testsuite: &str, testname: &str, strategy: &str) -> bool {
match strategy {
#[cfg(feature = "lightbeam")]
"Lightbeam" => match (testsuite, testname) {
("simd", _) => return true,
("multi_value", _) => return true,
("reference_types", _) => return true,
("bulk_memory_operations", _) => return true,
Update to the latest spec_testsuite and dependencies. (#803)
* Update to the latest spec_testsuite and dependencies.
Update to target-lexicon 0.10, cranelift 0.54, wast 0.6, faerie 0.14,
and the latest spec_testsuite.
For wast and cranelift-wasm, update the code for API changes.
* Factor out the code for matching f32, f64, and v128.
This takes the idea from #802 to split out `f32_matches`, `f64_matches`,
and `v128_matches` functions, which better factor out the matching
functionality between scalar and vector.
5 years ago
// Lightbeam doesn't support float arguments on the stack.
("spec_testsuite", "call") => return true,
_ => (),
"Cranelift" => match (testsuite, testname) {
// All simd tests are known to fail on aarch64 for now, it's going
// to be a big chunk of work to implement them all there!
("simd", _) if target.contains("aarch64") => return true,
("simd", "simd_bit_shift") => return true, // FIXME Unsupported feature: proposed SIMD operator I8x16Shl
("simd", "simd_conversions") => return true, // FIXME Unsupported feature: proposed SIMD operator I16x8NarrowI32x4S
("simd", "simd_f32x4") => return true, // FIXME expected V128(F32x4([CanonicalNan, CanonicalNan, Value(Float32 { bits: 0 }), Value(Float32 { bits: 0 })])), got V128(18428729675200069632)
("simd", "simd_f64x2") => return true, // FIXME expected V128(F64x2([Value(Float64 { bits: 9221120237041090560 }), Value(Float64 { bits: 0 })])), got V128(0)
("simd", "simd_f64x2_arith") => return true, // FIXME expected V128(F64x2([Value(Float64 { bits: 9221120237041090560 }), Value(Float64 { bits: 13835058055282163712 })])), got V128(255211775190703847615975447847722024960)
("simd", "simd_i64x2_arith") => return true, // FIXME Unsupported feature: proposed SIMD operator I64x2Mul
("simd", "simd_lane") => return true, // FIXME invalid u8 number: constant out of range: (v8x16.shuffle -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14...
("simd", "simd_load") => return true, // FIXME Unsupported feature: proposed SIMD operator I8x16Shl
("simd", "simd_splat") => return true, // FIXME Unsupported feature: proposed SIMD operator I8x16ShrS
// Still working on implementing these. See #929.
("reference_types", "table_copy_on_imported_tables") => return false,
("reference_types", _) => return true,
("misc_testsuite", "export_large_signature")
| ("spec_testsuite", "call")
| ("multi_value", "call")
| ("multi_value", "func") => {
// FIXME These involves functions with very large stack frames that Cranelift currently
// cannot compile using the fastcall (Windows) calling convention.
// See https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/pull/1216.
return true;
_ => {}
_ => panic!("unrecognized strategy"),