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aarch64: mask rotation counts and share code generation of left and right rotations;

Given an integer size N, a left rotation of K places is the same as a
right rotation of N - K places. This means we can use right rotations to
implement left rotations too.

The Cranelift's rotation semantics are inherited from WebAssembly, which
mean the rotation count is truncated modulo the operand's bit size. Note
the ROR aarch64 instruction has the same semantics, when both input
operands are registers.
Benjamin Bouvier 5 years ago
  1. 225
  2. 44


@ -1038,9 +1038,12 @@ fn lower_insn_to_regs<C: LowerCtx<I = Inst>>(ctx: &mut C, insn: IRInst) {
ctx.emit(alu_inst_immshift(alu_op, rd, rn, rm));
Opcode::Rotr => {
// For a 32-bit or 64-bit rotate-right, we can use the ROR
// instruction directly.
Opcode::Rotr | Opcode::Rotl => {
// aarch64 doesn't have a left-rotate instruction, but a left rotation of K places is
// effectively a right rotation of N - K places, if N is the integer's bit size. We
// implement left rotations with this trick.
// For a 32-bit or 64-bit rotate-right, we can use the ROR instruction directly.
// For a < 32-bit rotate-right, we synthesize this as:
@ -1049,9 +1052,10 @@ fn lower_insn_to_regs<C: LowerCtx<I = Inst>>(ctx: &mut C, insn: IRInst) {
// =>
// zero-extend rn, <32-or-64>
// sub tmp1, rm, <bitwidth>
// and tmp_masked_rm, rm, <bitwidth - 1>
// sub tmp1, tmp_masked_rm, <bitwidth>
// sub tmp1, zero, tmp1 ; neg
// lsr tmp2, rn, rm
// lsr tmp2, rn, tmp_masked_rm
// lsl rd, rn, tmp1
// orr rd, rd, tmp2
@ -1062,13 +1066,16 @@ fn lower_insn_to_regs<C: LowerCtx<I = Inst>>(ctx: &mut C, insn: IRInst) {
// lsl rd, rn, <bitwidth - shiftimm>
// orr rd, rd, tmp2
let is_rotl = op == Opcode::Rotl;
let ty = ty.unwrap();
let bits = ty_bits(ty);
let ty_bits_size = ty_bits(ty) as u8;
let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
let rn = input_to_reg(
if bits <= 32 {
if ty_bits_size <= 32 {
} else {
@ -1076,119 +1083,80 @@ fn lower_insn_to_regs<C: LowerCtx<I = Inst>>(ctx: &mut C, insn: IRInst) {
let rm = input_to_reg_immshift(ctx, inputs[1]);
if bits == 32 || bits == 64 {
if ty_bits_size == 32 || ty_bits_size == 64 {
let alu_op = choose_32_64(ty, ALUOp::RotR32, ALUOp::RotR64);
ctx.emit(alu_inst_immshift(alu_op, rd, rn, rm));
} else {
assert!(bits < 32);
match rm {
ResultRegImmShift::Reg(reg) => {
let tmp1 = ctx.tmp(RegClass::I64, I32);
let tmp2 = ctx.tmp(RegClass::I64, I32);
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRImm12 {
alu_op: ALUOp::Sub32,
rd: tmp1,
rn: reg,
imm12: Imm12::maybe_from_u64(bits as u64).unwrap(),
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRR {
alu_op: ALUOp::Sub32,
rd: tmp1,
rn: zero_reg(),
rm: tmp1.to_reg(),
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRR {
alu_op: ALUOp::Lsr32,
rd: tmp2,
rn: rn,
rm: reg,
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRR {
alu_op: ALUOp::Lsl32,
rd: rd,
rn: rn,
rm: tmp1.to_reg(),
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRR {
alu_op: ALUOp::Orr32,
rd: rd,
rn: rd.to_reg(),
rm: tmp2.to_reg(),
ResultRegImmShift::ImmShift(mut immshift) => {
if is_rotl {
immshift.imm = ty_bits_size.wrapping_sub(immshift.value());
ResultRegImmShift::ImmShift(immshift) => {
let tmp1 = ctx.tmp(RegClass::I64, I32);
let amt = immshift.value();
assert!(amt <= bits as u8);
let opp_shift = ImmShift::maybe_from_u64(bits as u64 - amt as u64).unwrap();
immshift.imm &= ty_bits_size - 1;
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRImmShift {
alu_op: ALUOp::Lsr32,
rd: tmp1,
rn: rn,
immshift: immshift,
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRImmShift {
alu_op: ALUOp::Lsl32,
rd: rd,
rn: rn,
immshift: opp_shift,
ResultRegImmShift::Reg(rm) => {
let rm = if is_rotl {
// Really ty_bits_size - rn, but the upper bits of the result are
// ignored (because of the implicit masking done by the instruction),
// so this is equivalent to negating the input.
let alu_op = choose_32_64(ty, ALUOp::Sub32, ALUOp::Sub64);
let tmp = ctx.tmp(RegClass::I64, ty);
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRR {
alu_op: ALUOp::Orr32,
rd: rd,
rn: rd.to_reg(),
rm: tmp1.to_reg(),
rd: tmp,
rn: zero_reg(),
} else {
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRR { alu_op, rd, rn, rm });
Opcode::Rotl => {
// AArch64 does not have a ROL instruction, so we always synthesize
// this as:
// rotl rd, rn, rm
// =>
// zero-extend rn, <32-or-64>
// sub tmp1, rm, <bitwidth>
// sub tmp1, zero, tmp1 ; neg
// lsl tmp2, rn, rm
// lsr rd, rn, tmp1
// orr rd, rd, tmp2
// For a constant amount, we can instead do:
// zero-extend rn, <32-or-64>
// lsl tmp2, rn, #<shiftimm>
// lsr rd, rn, #<bitwidth - shiftimm>
// orr rd, rd, tmp2
let ty = ty.unwrap();
let bits = ty_bits(ty);
let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);
let rn = input_to_reg(
if bits <= 32 {
} else {
let rm = input_to_reg_immshift(ctx, inputs[1]);
debug_assert!(ty_bits_size < 32);
match rm {
ResultRegImmShift::Reg(reg) => {
let reg = if is_rotl {
// Really ty_bits_size - rn, but the upper bits of the result are
// ignored (because of the implicit masking done by the instruction),
// so this is equivalent to negating the input.
let tmp = ctx.tmp(RegClass::I64, I32);
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRR {
alu_op: ALUOp::Sub32,
rd: tmp,
rn: zero_reg(),
rm: reg,
} else {
// Explicitly mask the rotation count.
let tmp_masked_rm = ctx.tmp(RegClass::I64, I32);
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRImmLogic {
alu_op: ALUOp::And32,
rd: tmp_masked_rm,
rn: reg,
imml: ImmLogic::maybe_from_u64((ty_bits_size - 1) as u64, I32).unwrap(),
let tmp_masked_rm = tmp_masked_rm.to_reg();
let tmp1 = ctx.tmp(RegClass::I64, I32);
let tmp2 = ctx.tmp(RegClass::I64, I64);
let tmp2 = ctx.tmp(RegClass::I64, I32);
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRImm12 {
alu_op: ALUOp::Sub32,
rd: tmp1,
rn: reg,
imm12: Imm12::maybe_from_u64(bits as u64).unwrap(),
rn: tmp_masked_rm,
imm12: Imm12::maybe_from_u64(ty_bits_size as u64).unwrap(),
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRR {
alu_op: ALUOp::Sub32,
@ -1197,50 +1165,59 @@ fn lower_insn_to_regs<C: LowerCtx<I = Inst>>(ctx: &mut C, insn: IRInst) {
rm: tmp1.to_reg(),
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRR {
alu_op: choose_32_64(ty, ALUOp::Lsl32, ALUOp::Lsl64),
alu_op: ALUOp::Lsr32,
rd: tmp2,
rn: rn,
rm: reg,
rm: tmp_masked_rm,
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRR {
alu_op: choose_32_64(ty, ALUOp::Lsr32, ALUOp::Lsr64),
rd: rd,
rn: rn,
alu_op: ALUOp::Lsl32,
rm: tmp1.to_reg(),
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRR {
alu_op: choose_32_64(ty, ALUOp::Orr32, ALUOp::Orr64),
rd: rd,
alu_op: ALUOp::Orr32,
rn: rd.to_reg(),
rm: tmp2.to_reg(),
ResultRegImmShift::ImmShift(immshift) => {
let tmp1 = ctx.tmp(RegClass::I64, I64);
let amt = immshift.value();
assert!(amt <= bits as u8);
let opp_shift = ImmShift::maybe_from_u64(bits as u64 - amt as u64).unwrap();
ResultRegImmShift::ImmShift(mut immshift) => {
if is_rotl {
immshift.imm = ty_bits_size.wrapping_sub(immshift.value());
immshift.imm &= ty_bits_size - 1;
let tmp1 = ctx.tmp(RegClass::I64, I32);
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRImmShift {
alu_op: choose_32_64(ty, ALUOp::Lsl32, ALUOp::Lsl64),
alu_op: ALUOp::Lsr32,
rd: tmp1,
rn: rn,
immshift: immshift,
immshift: immshift.clone(),
let amount = immshift.value() & (ty_bits_size - 1);
let opp_shift =
ImmShift::maybe_from_u64(ty_bits_size as u64 - amount as u64).unwrap();
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRImmShift {
alu_op: choose_32_64(ty, ALUOp::Lsr32, ALUOp::Lsr64),
rd: rd,
rn: rn,
alu_op: ALUOp::Lsl32,
immshift: opp_shift,
ctx.emit(Inst::AluRRR {
alu_op: choose_32_64(ty, ALUOp::Orr32, ALUOp::Orr64),
rd: rd,
alu_op: ALUOp::Orr32,
rn: rd.to_reg(),
rm: tmp1.to_reg(),
Opcode::Bitrev | Opcode::Clz | Opcode::Cls | Opcode::Ctz => {
let rd = output_to_reg(ctx, outputs[0]);


@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ block0(v0: i16, v1: i16):
; check: stp fp, lr, [sp, #-16]!
; nextln: mov fp, sp
; nextln: uxth w0, w0
; nextln: and w1, w1, #15
; nextln: sub w2, w1, #16
; nextln: sub w2, wzr, w2
; nextln: lsr w1, w0, w1
@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ block0(v0: i8, v1: i8):
; check: stp fp, lr, [sp, #-16]!
; nextln: mov fp, sp
; nextln: uxtb w0, w0
; nextln: and w1, w1, #7
; nextln: sub w2, w1, #8
; nextln: sub w2, wzr, w2
; nextln: lsr w1, w0, w1
@ -79,11 +81,8 @@ block0(v0: i64, v1: i64):
; check: stp fp, lr, [sp, #-16]!
; nextln: mov fp, sp
; nextln: sub w2, w1, #64
; nextln: sub w2, wzr, w2
; nextln: lsl x1, x0, x1
; nextln: lsr x0, x0, x2
; nextln: orr x0, x0, x1
; nextln: sub x1, xzr, x1
; nextln: ror x0, x0, x1
; nextln: mov sp, fp
; nextln: ldp fp, lr, [sp], #16
; nextln: ret
@ -96,11 +95,8 @@ block0(v0: i32, v1: i32):
; check: stp fp, lr, [sp, #-16]!
; nextln: mov fp, sp
; nextln: sub w2, w1, #32
; nextln: sub w2, wzr, w2
; nextln: lsl w1, w0, w1
; nextln: lsr w0, w0, w2
; nextln: orr w0, w0, w1
; nextln: sub w1, wzr, w1
; nextln: ror w0, w0, w1
; nextln: mov sp, fp
; nextln: ldp fp, lr, [sp], #16
; nextln: ret
@ -114,10 +110,12 @@ block0(v0: i16, v1: i16):
; check: stp fp, lr, [sp, #-16]!
; nextln: mov fp, sp
; nextln: uxth w0, w0
; nextln: sub w1, wzr, w1
; nextln: and w1, w1, #15
; nextln: sub w2, w1, #16
; nextln: sub w2, wzr, w2
; nextln: lsl w1, w0, w1
; nextln: lsr w0, w0, w2
; nextln: lsr w1, w0, w1
; nextln: lsl w0, w0, w2
; nextln: orr w0, w0, w1
; nextln: mov sp, fp
; nextln: ldp fp, lr, [sp], #16
@ -132,10 +130,12 @@ block0(v0: i8, v1: i8):
; check: stp fp, lr, [sp, #-16]!
; nextln: mov fp, sp
; nextln: uxtb w0, w0
; nextln: sub w1, wzr, w1
; nextln: and w1, w1, #7
; nextln: sub w2, w1, #8
; nextln: sub w2, wzr, w2
; nextln: lsl w1, w0, w1
; nextln: lsr w0, w0, w2
; nextln: lsr w1, w0, w1
; nextln: lsl w0, w0, w2
; nextln: orr w0, w0, w1
; nextln: mov sp, fp
; nextln: ldp fp, lr, [sp], #16
@ -340,9 +340,7 @@ block0(v0: i64):
; check: stp fp, lr, [sp, #-16]!
; nextln: mov fp, sp
; nextln: lsl x1, x0, #17
; nextln: lsr x0, x0, #47
; nextln: orr x0, x0, x1
; nextln: ror x0, x0, #47
; nextln: mov sp, fp
; nextln: ldp fp, lr, [sp], #16
; nextln: ret
@ -356,9 +354,7 @@ block0(v0: i32):
; check: stp fp, lr, [sp, #-16]!
; nextln: mov fp, sp
; nextln: lsl w1, w0, #17
; nextln: lsr w0, w0, #15
; nextln: orr w0, w0, w1
; nextln: ror w0, w0, #15
; nextln: mov sp, fp
; nextln: ldp fp, lr, [sp], #16
; nextln: ret
@ -373,8 +369,8 @@ block0(v0: i16):
; check: stp fp, lr, [sp, #-16]!
; nextln: mov fp, sp
; nextln: uxth w0, w0
; nextln: lsl w1, w0, #10
; nextln: lsr w0, w0, #6
; nextln: lsr w1, w0, #6
; nextln: lsl w0, w0, #10
; nextln: orr w0, w0, w1
; nextln: mov sp, fp
; nextln: ldp fp, lr, [sp], #16
@ -390,8 +386,8 @@ block0(v0: i8):
; check: stp fp, lr, [sp, #-16]!
; nextln: mov fp, sp
; nextln: uxtb w0, w0
; nextln: lsl w1, w0, #3
; nextln: lsr w0, w0, #5
; nextln: lsr w1, w0, #5
; nextln: lsl w0, w0, #3
; nextln: orr w0, w0, w1
; nextln: mov sp, fp
; nextln: ldp fp, lr, [sp], #16
