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* Cranelift: Take user stack maps through lowering and emission Previously, user stack maps were inserted by the frontend and preserved in the mid-end. This commit takes them from the mid-end CLIF into the backend vcode, and then from that vcode into the finalized mach buffer during emission. During lowering, we compile the `UserStackMapEntry`s into packed `UserStackMap`s. This is the appropriate moment in time to do that coalescing, packing, and compiling because the stack map entries are immutable from this point on. Additionally, we include user stack maps in the `Debug` and disassembly implementations for vcode, just after their associated safepoint instructions. This allows us to see the stack maps we are generating when debugging, as well as write filetests that check we are generating the expected stack maps for the correct instructions. Co-Authored-By: Trevor Elliott <> * uncomment debug assert that was commented out for debugging * Address review feedback * remove new method that was actually never needed --------- Co-authored-by: Trevor Elliott <>pull/8886/head
Nick Fitzgerald
4 months ago
committed by
16 changed files with 1341 additions and 73 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ |
test compile precise-output |
set unwind_info=false |
set enable_probestack=false |
target aarch64 |
function %foo() system_v { |
ss0 = explicit_slot 12, align = 4 |
sig0 = (i32) system_v |
fn0 = colocated u0:0 sig0 |
block0: |
v0 = iconst.i32 0 |
v1 = iconst.i32 1 |
v2 = iconst.i32 2 |
v3 = iconst.i32 3 |
stack_store v0, ss0 |
stack_store v1, ss0+4 |
stack_store v2, ss0+8 |
call fn0(v0), stack_map=[i32 @ ss0+0, i32 @ ss0+4, i32 @ ss0+8] |
stack_store v1, ss0 |
stack_store v2, ss0+4 |
call fn0(v0), stack_map=[i32 @ ss0+0, i32 @ ss0+4] |
stack_store v2, ss0 |
call fn0(v1), stack_map=[i32 @ ss0+0] |
call fn0(v2) |
return |
} |
; VCode: |
; stp fp, lr, [sp, #-16]! |
; mov fp, sp |
; str x24, [sp, #-16]! |
; stp x19, x22, [sp, #-16]! |
; sub sp, sp, #16 |
; block0: |
; movz w9, #0 |
; movz w8, #1 |
; movz w0, #2 |
; mov x10, sp |
; str w9, [x10] |
; mov x24, x9 |
; add x9, sp, #4 |
; str w8, [x9] |
; mov x19, x8 |
; add x10, sp, #8 |
; str w0, [x10] |
; mov x22, x0 |
; mov x0, x24 |
; bl 0 |
; ; UserStackMap { by_type: [(types::I32, CompoundBitSet {0, 4, 8})] } |
; mov x12, sp |
; mov x0, x19 |
; str w0, [x12] |
; add x13, sp, #4 |
; mov x0, x22 |
; str w0, [x13] |
; mov x22, x0 |
; mov x0, x24 |
; bl 0 |
; ; UserStackMap { by_type: [(types::I32, CompoundBitSet {0, 4})] } |
; mov x15, sp |
; mov x0, x22 |
; str w0, [x15] |
; mov x0, x19 |
; bl 0 |
; ; UserStackMap { by_type: [(types::I32, CompoundBitSet {0})] } |
; mov x0, x22 |
; bl 0 |
; add sp, sp, #16 |
; ldp x19, x22, [sp], #16 |
; ldr x24, [sp], #16 |
; ldp fp, lr, [sp], #16 |
; ret |
; |
; Disassembled: |
; block0: ; offset 0x0 |
; stp x29, x30, [sp, #-0x10]! |
; mov x29, sp |
; str x24, [sp, #-0x10]! |
; stp x19, x22, [sp, #-0x10]! |
; sub sp, sp, #0x10 |
; block1: ; offset 0x14 |
; mov w9, #0 |
; mov w8, #1 |
; mov w0, #2 |
; mov x10, sp |
; str w9, [x10] |
; mov x24, x9 |
; add x9, sp, #4 |
; str w8, [x9] |
; mov x19, x8 |
; add x10, sp, #8 |
; str w0, [x10] |
; mov x22, x0 |
; mov x0, x24 |
; bl #0x48 ; reloc_external Call u0:0 0 |
; mov x12, sp |
; mov x0, x19 |
; str w0, [x12] |
; add x13, sp, #4 |
; mov x0, x22 |
; str w0, [x13] |
; mov x22, x0 |
; mov x0, x24 |
; bl #0x6c ; reloc_external Call u0:0 0 |
; mov x15, sp |
; mov x0, x22 |
; str w0, [x15] |
; mov x0, x19 |
; bl #0x80 ; reloc_external Call u0:0 0 |
; mov x0, x22 |
; bl #0x88 ; reloc_external Call u0:0 0 |
; add sp, sp, #0x10 |
; ldp x19, x22, [sp], #0x10 |
; ldr x24, [sp], #0x10 |
; ldp x29, x30, [sp], #0x10 |
; ret |
function %different_types(i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64) -> i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64 { |
ss0 = explicit_slot 1 |
ss1 = explicit_slot 2, align = 2 |
ss2 = explicit_slot 8, align = 4 |
ss3 = explicit_slot 16, align = 8 |
ss4 = explicit_slot 48, align = 16 |
sig0 = () system_v |
fn0 = colocated u0:0 sig0 |
block0(v0: i8, v1: i16, v2: i32, v3: i64, v4: f32, v5: f64): |
stack_store v0, ss0 |
stack_store v1, ss1 |
stack_store v2, ss2 |
stack_store v4, ss2+4 |
stack_store v3, ss3 |
stack_store v5, ss3+8 |
call fn0(), stack_map=[i8 @ ss0+0, i16 @ ss1+0, i32 @ ss2+0, f32 @ ss2+4, i64 @ ss3+0, f64 @ ss3+8] |
return v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 |
} |
; VCode: |
; stp fp, lr, [sp, #-16]! |
; mov fp, sp |
; stp x23, x27, [sp, #-16]! |
; stp x20, x21, [sp, #-16]! |
; sub sp, sp, #128 |
; block0: |
; mov x12, sp |
; strb w0, [x12] |
; mov x23, x0 |
; add x13, sp, #8 |
; strh w1, [x13] |
; mov x20, x1 |
; add x14, sp, #16 |
; str w2, [x14] |
; mov x21, x2 |
; add x15, sp, #20 |
; str s0, [x15] |
; str q0, [sp, #96] |
; add x0, sp, #24 |
; str x3, [x0] |
; mov x27, x3 |
; add x1, sp, #32 |
; str d1, [x1] |
; str q1, [sp, #112] |
; bl 0 |
; ; UserStackMap { by_type: [(types::I8, CompoundBitSet {0}), (types::I16, CompoundBitSet {8}), (types::I32, CompoundBitSet {16}), (types::F32, CompoundBitSet {20}), (types::I64, CompoundBitSet {24}), (types::F64, CompoundBitSet {32})] } |
; mov x0, x23 |
; mov x1, x20 |
; mov x2, x21 |
; mov x3, x27 |
; ldr q0, [sp, #96] |
; ldr q1, [sp, #112] |
; add sp, sp, #128 |
; ldp x20, x21, [sp], #16 |
; ldp x23, x27, [sp], #16 |
; ldp fp, lr, [sp], #16 |
; ret |
; |
; Disassembled: |
; block0: ; offset 0x0 |
; stp x29, x30, [sp, #-0x10]! |
; mov x29, sp |
; stp x23, x27, [sp, #-0x10]! |
; stp x20, x21, [sp, #-0x10]! |
; sub sp, sp, #0x80 |
; block1: ; offset 0x14 |
; mov x12, sp |
; strb w0, [x12] |
; mov x23, x0 |
; add x13, sp, #8 |
; strh w1, [x13] |
; mov x20, x1 |
; add x14, sp, #0x10 |
; str w2, [x14] |
; mov x21, x2 |
; add x15, sp, #0x14 |
; str s0, [x15] |
; stur q0, [sp, #0x60] |
; add x0, sp, #0x18 |
; str x3, [x0] |
; mov x27, x3 |
; add x1, sp, #0x20 |
; str d1, [x1] |
; stur q1, [sp, #0x70] |
; bl #0x5c ; reloc_external Call u0:0 0 |
; mov x0, x23 |
; mov x1, x20 |
; mov x2, x21 |
; mov x3, x27 |
; ldur q0, [sp, #0x60] |
; ldur q1, [sp, #0x70] |
; add sp, sp, #0x80 |
; ldp x20, x21, [sp], #0x10 |
; ldp x23, x27, [sp], #0x10 |
; ldp x29, x30, [sp], #0x10 |
; ret |
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ |
test compile precise-output |
set unwind_info=false |
set enable_probestack=false |
target riscv64 |
function %foo() system_v { |
ss0 = explicit_slot 12, align = 4 |
sig0 = (i32) system_v |
fn0 = colocated u0:0 sig0 |
block0: |
v0 = iconst.i32 0 |
v1 = iconst.i32 1 |
v2 = iconst.i32 2 |
v3 = iconst.i32 3 |
stack_store v0, ss0 |
stack_store v1, ss0+4 |
stack_store v2, ss0+8 |
call fn0(v0), stack_map=[i32 @ ss0+0, i32 @ ss0+4, i32 @ ss0+8] |
stack_store v1, ss0 |
stack_store v2, ss0+4 |
call fn0(v0), stack_map=[i32 @ ss0+0, i32 @ ss0+4] |
stack_store v2, ss0 |
call fn0(v1), stack_map=[i32 @ ss0+0] |
call fn0(v2) |
return |
} |
; VCode: |
; addi sp,sp,-16 |
; sd ra,8(sp) |
; sd fp,0(sp) |
; mv fp,sp |
; addi sp,sp,-48 |
; sd s1,40(sp) |
; sd s2,32(sp) |
; sd s3,24(sp) |
; block0: |
; li a0,0 |
; mv s3,a0 |
; li a0,1 |
; li a2,2 |
; sw zero,0(slot) |
; sw a0,4(slot) |
; mv s1,a0 |
; sw a2,8(slot) |
; mv s2,a2 |
; mv a0,s3 |
; call userextname0 |
; ; UserStackMap { by_type: [(types::I32, CompoundBitSet {0, 4, 8})] } |
; mv a0,s1 |
; sw a0,0(slot) |
; mv a0,s2 |
; sw a0,4(slot) |
; mv s2,a0 |
; mv a0,s3 |
; call userextname0 |
; ; UserStackMap { by_type: [(types::I32, CompoundBitSet {0, 4})] } |
; mv a0,s2 |
; sw a0,0(slot) |
; mv a0,s1 |
; call userextname0 |
; ; UserStackMap { by_type: [(types::I32, CompoundBitSet {0})] } |
; mv a0,s2 |
; call userextname0 |
; ld s1,40(sp) |
; ld s2,32(sp) |
; ld s3,24(sp) |
; addi sp,sp,48 |
; ld ra,8(sp) |
; ld fp,0(sp) |
; addi sp,sp,16 |
; ret |
; |
; Disassembled: |
; block0: ; offset 0x0 |
; addi sp, sp, -0x10 |
; sd ra, 8(sp) |
; sd s0, 0(sp) |
; mv s0, sp |
; addi sp, sp, -0x30 |
; sd s1, 0x28(sp) |
; sd s2, 0x20(sp) |
; sd s3, 0x18(sp) |
; block1: ; offset 0x20 |
; mv a0, zero |
; mv s3, a0 |
; addi a0, zero, 1 |
; addi a2, zero, 2 |
; sw zero, 0(sp) |
; sw a0, 4(sp) |
; mv s1, a0 |
; sw a2, 8(sp) |
; mv s2, a2 |
; mv a0, s3 |
; auipc ra, 0 ; reloc_external RiscvCallPlt u0:0 0 |
; jalr ra |
; mv a0, s1 |
; sw a0, 0(sp) |
; mv a0, s2 |
; sw a0, 4(sp) |
; mv s2, a0 |
; mv a0, s3 |
; auipc ra, 0 ; reloc_external RiscvCallPlt u0:0 0 |
; jalr ra |
; mv a0, s2 |
; sw a0, 0(sp) |
; mv a0, s1 |
; auipc ra, 0 ; reloc_external RiscvCallPlt u0:0 0 |
; jalr ra |
; mv a0, s2 |
; auipc ra, 0 ; reloc_external RiscvCallPlt u0:0 0 |
; jalr ra |
; ld s1, 0x28(sp) |
; ld s2, 0x20(sp) |
; ld s3, 0x18(sp) |
; addi sp, sp, 0x30 |
; ld ra, 8(sp) |
; ld s0, 0(sp) |
; addi sp, sp, 0x10 |
; ret |
function %different_types(i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64) -> i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64 { |
ss0 = explicit_slot 1 |
ss1 = explicit_slot 2, align = 2 |
ss2 = explicit_slot 8, align = 4 |
ss3 = explicit_slot 16, align = 8 |
ss4 = explicit_slot 48, align = 16 |
sig0 = () system_v |
fn0 = colocated u0:0 sig0 |
block0(v0: i8, v1: i16, v2: i32, v3: i64, v4: f32, v5: f64): |
stack_store v0, ss0 |
stack_store v1, ss1 |
stack_store v2, ss2 |
stack_store v4, ss2+4 |
stack_store v3, ss3 |
stack_store v5, ss3+8 |
call fn0(), stack_map=[i8 @ ss0+0, i16 @ ss1+0, i32 @ ss2+0, f32 @ ss2+4, i64 @ ss3+0, f64 @ ss3+8] |
return v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 |
} |
; VCode: |
; addi sp,sp,-16 |
; sd ra,8(sp) |
; sd fp,0(sp) |
; mv fp,sp |
; addi sp,sp,-160 |
; sd s1,152(sp) |
; sd s2,144(sp) |
; sd s6,136(sp) |
; sd s8,128(sp) |
; sd s10,120(sp) |
; fsd fs0,112(sp) |
; fsd fs2,104(sp) |
; block0: |
; mv s10,a4 |
; sb a0,0(slot) |
; mv s8,a0 |
; sh a1,8(slot) |
; mv s6,a1 |
; sw a2,16(slot) |
; mv s2,a2 |
; fsw fa0,20(slot) |
; fmv.d fs2,fa0 |
; sd a3,24(slot) |
; mv s1,a3 |
; fsd fa1,32(slot) |
; fmv.d fs0,fa1 |
; call userextname0 |
; ; UserStackMap { by_type: [(types::I8, CompoundBitSet {0}), (types::I16, CompoundBitSet {8}), (types::I32, CompoundBitSet {16}), (types::F32, CompoundBitSet {20}), (types::I64, CompoundBitSet {24}), (types::F64, CompoundBitSet {32})] } |
; mv a2,s2 |
; mv a4,s10 |
; sw a2,0(a4) |
; mv a3,s1 |
; sd a3,8(a4) |
; mv a0,s8 |
; mv a1,s6 |
; fmv.d fa0,fs2 |
; fmv.d fa1,fs0 |
; ld s1,152(sp) |
; ld s2,144(sp) |
; ld s6,136(sp) |
; ld s8,128(sp) |
; ld s10,120(sp) |
; fld fs0,112(sp) |
; fld fs2,104(sp) |
; addi sp,sp,160 |
; ld ra,8(sp) |
; ld fp,0(sp) |
; addi sp,sp,16 |
; ret |
; |
; Disassembled: |
; block0: ; offset 0x0 |
; addi sp, sp, -0x10 |
; sd ra, 8(sp) |
; sd s0, 0(sp) |
; mv s0, sp |
; addi sp, sp, -0xa0 |
; sd s1, 0x98(sp) |
; sd s2, 0x90(sp) |
; sd s6, 0x88(sp) |
; sd s8, 0x80(sp) |
; sd s10, 0x78(sp) |
; fsd fs0, 0x70(sp) |
; fsd fs2, 0x68(sp) |
; block1: ; offset 0x30 |
; mv s10, a4 |
; sb a0, 0(sp) |
; mv s8, a0 |
; sh a1, 8(sp) |
; mv s6, a1 |
; sw a2, 0x10(sp) |
; mv s2, a2 |
; fsw fa0, 0x14(sp) |
; fmv.d fs2, fa0 |
; sd a3, 0x18(sp) |
; mv s1, a3 |
; fsd fa1, 0x20(sp) |
; fmv.d fs0, fa1 |
; auipc ra, 0 ; reloc_external RiscvCallPlt u0:0 0 |
; jalr ra |
; mv a2, s2 |
; mv a4, s10 |
; sw a2, 0(a4) |
; mv a3, s1 |
; sd a3, 8(a4) |
; mv a0, s8 |
; mv a1, s6 |
; fmv.d fa0, fs2 |
; fmv.d fa1, fs0 |
; ld s1, 0x98(sp) |
; ld s2, 0x90(sp) |
; ld s6, 0x88(sp) |
; ld s8, 0x80(sp) |
; ld s10, 0x78(sp) |
; fld fs0, 0x70(sp) |
; fld fs2, 0x68(sp) |
; addi sp, sp, 0xa0 |
; ld ra, 8(sp) |
; ld s0, 0(sp) |
; addi sp, sp, 0x10 |
; ret |
@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ |
test compile precise-output |
set unwind_info=false |
set enable_probestack=false |
target s390x |
function %foo() system_v { |
ss0 = explicit_slot 12, align = 4 |
sig0 = (i32) system_v |
fn0 = colocated u0:0 sig0 |
block0: |
v0 = iconst.i32 0 |
v1 = iconst.i32 1 |
v2 = iconst.i32 2 |
v3 = iconst.i32 3 |
stack_store v0, ss0 |
stack_store v1, ss0+4 |
stack_store v2, ss0+8 |
call fn0(v0), stack_map=[i32 @ ss0+0, i32 @ ss0+4, i32 @ ss0+8] |
stack_store v1, ss0 |
stack_store v2, ss0+4 |
call fn0(v0), stack_map=[i32 @ ss0+0, i32 @ ss0+4] |
stack_store v2, ss0 |
call fn0(v1), stack_map=[i32 @ ss0+0] |
call fn0(v2) |
return |
} |
; VCode: |
; stmg %r7, %r15, 56(%r15) |
; aghi %r15, -176 |
; block0: |
; lhi %r2, 0 |
; lgr %r11, %r2 |
; lhi %r2, 1 |
; lgr %r7, %r2 |
; lhi %r2, 2 |
; lgr %r9, %r2 |
; la %r2, 160(%r15) |
; mvhi 0(%r2), 0 |
; la %r3, 164(%r15) |
; mvhi 0(%r3), 1 |
; la %r4, 168(%r15) |
; mvhi 0(%r4), 2 |
; lgr %r2, %r11 |
; brasl %r14, userextname0 |
; ; UserStackMap { by_type: [(types::I32, CompoundBitSet {0, 4, 8})] } |
; la %r2, 160(%r15) |
; mvhi 0(%r2), 1 |
; la %r3, 164(%r15) |
; mvhi 0(%r3), 2 |
; lgr %r2, %r11 |
; brasl %r14, userextname0 |
; ; UserStackMap { by_type: [(types::I32, CompoundBitSet {0, 4})] } |
; la %r5, 160(%r15) |
; mvhi 0(%r5), 2 |
; lgr %r2, %r7 |
; brasl %r14, userextname0 |
; ; UserStackMap { by_type: [(types::I32, CompoundBitSet {0})] } |
; lgr %r2, %r9 |
; brasl %r14, userextname0 |
; lmg %r7, %r15, 232(%r15) |
; br %r14 |
; |
; Disassembled: |
; block0: ; offset 0x0 |
; stmg %r7, %r15, 0x38(%r15) |
; aghi %r15, -0xb0 |
; block1: ; offset 0xa |
; lhi %r2, 0 |
; lgr %r11, %r2 |
; lhi %r2, 1 |
; lgr %r7, %r2 |
; lhi %r2, 2 |
; lgr %r9, %r2 |
; la %r2, 0xa0(%r15) |
; mvhi 0(%r2), 0 |
; la %r3, 0xa4(%r15) |
; mvhi 0(%r3), 1 |
; la %r4, 0xa8(%r15) |
; mvhi 0(%r4), 2 |
; lgr %r2, %r11 |
; brasl %r14, 0x44 ; reloc_external PLTRel32Dbl u0:0 2 |
; la %r2, 0xa0(%r15) |
; mvhi 0(%r2), 1 |
; la %r3, 0xa4(%r15) |
; mvhi 0(%r3), 2 |
; lgr %r2, %r11 |
; brasl %r14, 0x62 ; reloc_external PLTRel32Dbl u0:0 2 |
; la %r5, 0xa0(%r15) |
; mvhi 0(%r5), 2 |
; lgr %r2, %r7 |
; brasl %r14, 0x76 ; reloc_external PLTRel32Dbl u0:0 2 |
; lgr %r2, %r9 |
; brasl %r14, 0x80 ; reloc_external PLTRel32Dbl u0:0 2 |
; lmg %r7, %r15, 0xe8(%r15) |
; br %r14 |
function %different_types(i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64) -> i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64 { |
ss0 = explicit_slot 1 |
ss1 = explicit_slot 2, align = 2 |
ss2 = explicit_slot 8, align = 4 |
ss3 = explicit_slot 16, align = 8 |
ss4 = explicit_slot 48, align = 16 |
sig0 = () system_v |
fn0 = colocated u0:0 sig0 |
block0(v0: i8, v1: i16, v2: i32, v3: i64, v4: f32, v5: f64): |
stack_store v0, ss0 |
stack_store v1, ss1 |
stack_store v2, ss2 |
stack_store v4, ss2+4 |
stack_store v3, ss3 |
stack_store v5, ss3+8 |
call fn0(), stack_map=[i8 @ ss0+0, i16 @ ss1+0, i32 @ ss2+0, f32 @ ss2+4, i64 @ ss3+0, f64 @ ss3+8] |
return v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 |
} |
; VCode: |
; stmg %r6, %r15, 48(%r15) |
; aghi %r15, -352 |
; std %f8, 288(%r15) |
; std %f9, 296(%r15) |
; std %f10, 304(%r15) |
; std %f11, 312(%r15) |
; std %f12, 320(%r15) |
; std %f13, 328(%r15) |
; std %f14, 336(%r15) |
; std %f15, 344(%r15) |
; block0: |
; la %r9, 160(%r15) |
; stc %r2, 0(%r9) |
; lgr %r11, %r2 |
; la %r2, 168(%r15) |
; sth %r3, 0(%r2) |
; lgr %r9, %r3 |
; la %r2, 176(%r15) |
; st %r4, 0(%r2) |
; lgr %r7, %r4 |
; la %r2, 180(%r15) |
; ste %f0, 0(%r2) |
; vst %v0, 256(%r15) |
; la %r2, 184(%r15) |
; stg %r5, 0(%r2) |
; lgr %r6, %r5 |
; la %r3, 192(%r15) |
; std %f2, 0(%r3) |
; vst %v2, 272(%r15) |
; brasl %r14, userextname0 |
; ; UserStackMap { by_type: [(types::I8, CompoundBitSet {0}), (types::I16, CompoundBitSet {8}), (types::I32, CompoundBitSet {16}), (types::F32, CompoundBitSet {20}), (types::I64, CompoundBitSet {24}), (types::F64, CompoundBitSet {32})] } |
; lgr %r2, %r11 |
; lgr %r3, %r9 |
; lgr %r4, %r7 |
; lgr %r5, %r6 |
; vl %v0, 256(%r15) |
; vl %v2, 272(%r15) |
; ld %f8, 288(%r15) |
; ld %f9, 296(%r15) |
; ld %f10, 304(%r15) |
; ld %f11, 312(%r15) |
; ld %f12, 320(%r15) |
; ld %f13, 328(%r15) |
; ld %f14, 336(%r15) |
; ld %f15, 344(%r15) |
; lmg %r6, %r15, 400(%r15) |
; br %r14 |
; |
; Disassembled: |
; block0: ; offset 0x0 |
; stmg %r6, %r15, 0x30(%r15) |
; aghi %r15, -0x160 |
; std %f8, 0x120(%r15) |
; std %f9, 0x128(%r15) |
; std %f10, 0x130(%r15) |
; std %f11, 0x138(%r15) |
; std %f12, 0x140(%r15) |
; std %f13, 0x148(%r15) |
; std %f14, 0x150(%r15) |
; std %f15, 0x158(%r15) |
; block1: ; offset 0x2a |
; la %r9, 0xa0(%r15) |
; stc %r2, 0(%r9) |
; lgr %r11, %r2 |
; la %r2, 0xa8(%r15) |
; sth %r3, 0(%r2) |
; lgr %r9, %r3 |
; la %r2, 0xb0(%r15) |
; st %r4, 0(%r2) |
; lgr %r7, %r4 |
; la %r2, 0xb4(%r15) |
; ste %f0, 0(%r2) |
; vst %v0, 0x100(%r15) |
; la %r2, 0xb8(%r15) |
; stg %r5, 0(%r2) |
; lgr %r6, %r5 |
; la %r3, 0xc0(%r15) |
; std %f2, 0(%r3) |
; vst %v2, 0x110(%r15) |
; brasl %r14, 0x78 ; reloc_external PLTRel32Dbl u0:0 2 |
; lgr %r2, %r11 |
; lgr %r3, %r9 |
; lgr %r4, %r7 |
; lgr %r5, %r6 |
; vl %v0, 0x100(%r15) |
; vl %v2, 0x110(%r15) |
; ld %f8, 0x120(%r15) |
; ld %f9, 0x128(%r15) |
; ld %f10, 0x130(%r15) |
; ld %f11, 0x138(%r15) |
; ld %f12, 0x140(%r15) |
; ld %f13, 0x148(%r15) |
; ld %f14, 0x150(%r15) |
; ld %f15, 0x158(%r15) |
; lmg %r6, %r15, 0x190(%r15) |
; br %r14 |
@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ |
test compile precise-output |
set unwind_info=false |
set enable_probestack=false |
target x86_64 |
function %foo() system_v { |
ss0 = explicit_slot 12, align = 4 |
sig0 = (i32) system_v |
fn0 = colocated u0:0 sig0 |
block0: |
v0 = iconst.i32 0 |
v1 = iconst.i32 1 |
v2 = iconst.i32 2 |
v3 = iconst.i32 3 |
stack_store v0, ss0 |
stack_store v1, ss0+4 |
stack_store v2, ss0+8 |
call fn0(v0), stack_map=[i32 @ ss0+0, i32 @ ss0+4, i32 @ ss0+8] |
stack_store v1, ss0 |
stack_store v2, ss0+4 |
call fn0(v0), stack_map=[i32 @ ss0+0, i32 @ ss0+4] |
stack_store v2, ss0 |
call fn0(v1), stack_map=[i32 @ ss0+0] |
call fn0(v2) |
return |
} |
; VCode: |
; pushq %rbp |
; movq %rsp, %rbp |
; subq %rsp, $48, %rsp |
; movq %rbx, 16(%rsp) |
; movq %r13, 24(%rsp) |
; movq %r15, 32(%rsp) |
; block0: |
; xorl %edi, %edi, %edi |
; movq %rdi, %r15 |
; movl $1, %edi |
; movq %rdi, %rbx |
; movl $2, %edi |
; movq %rdi, %r13 |
; lea rsp(0 + virtual offset), %r11 |
; movl $0, 0(%r11) |
; lea rsp(4 + virtual offset), %rsi |
; movl $1, 0(%rsi) |
; lea rsp(8 + virtual offset), %rdi |
; movl $2, 0(%rdi) |
; movq %r15, %rdi |
; call User(userextname0) |
; ; UserStackMap { by_type: [(types::I32, CompoundBitSet {0, 4, 8})] } |
; lea rsp(0 + virtual offset), %rcx |
; movl $1, 0(%rcx) |
; lea rsp(4 + virtual offset), %rdx |
; movl $2, 0(%rdx) |
; movq %r15, %rdi |
; call User(userextname0) |
; ; UserStackMap { by_type: [(types::I32, CompoundBitSet {0, 4})] } |
; lea rsp(0 + virtual offset), %r9 |
; movl $2, 0(%r9) |
; movq %rbx, %rdi |
; call User(userextname0) |
; ; UserStackMap { by_type: [(types::I32, CompoundBitSet {0})] } |
; movq %r13, %rdi |
; call User(userextname0) |
; movq 16(%rsp), %rbx |
; movq 24(%rsp), %r13 |
; movq 32(%rsp), %r15 |
; addq %rsp, $48, %rsp |
; movq %rbp, %rsp |
; popq %rbp |
; ret |
; |
; Disassembled: |
; block0: ; offset 0x0 |
; pushq %rbp |
; movq %rsp, %rbp |
; subq $0x30, %rsp |
; movq %rbx, 0x10(%rsp) |
; movq %r13, 0x18(%rsp) |
; movq %r15, 0x20(%rsp) |
; block1: ; offset 0x17 |
; xorl %edi, %edi |
; movq %rdi, %r15 |
; movl $1, %edi |
; movq %rdi, %rbx |
; movl $2, %edi |
; movq %rdi, %r13 |
; leaq (%rsp), %r11 |
; movl $0, (%r11) |
; leaq 4(%rsp), %rsi |
; movl $1, (%rsi) |
; leaq 8(%rsp), %rdi |
; movl $2, (%rdi) |
; movq %r15, %rdi |
; callq 0x55 ; reloc_external CallPCRel4 u0:0 -4 |
; leaq (%rsp), %rcx |
; movl $1, (%rcx) |
; leaq 4(%rsp), %rdx |
; movl $2, (%rdx) |
; movq %r15, %rdi |
; callq 0x72 ; reloc_external CallPCRel4 u0:0 -4 |
; leaq (%rsp), %r9 |
; movl $2, (%r9) |
; movq %rbx, %rdi |
; callq 0x85 ; reloc_external CallPCRel4 u0:0 -4 |
; movq %r13, %rdi |
; callq 0x8d ; reloc_external CallPCRel4 u0:0 -4 |
; movq 0x10(%rsp), %rbx |
; movq 0x18(%rsp), %r13 |
; movq 0x20(%rsp), %r15 |
; addq $0x30, %rsp |
; movq %rbp, %rsp |
; popq %rbp |
; retq |
function %different_types(i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64) -> i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64 { |
ss0 = explicit_slot 1 |
ss1 = explicit_slot 2, align = 2 |
ss2 = explicit_slot 8, align = 4 |
ss3 = explicit_slot 16, align = 8 |
ss4 = explicit_slot 48, align = 16 |
sig0 = () system_v |
fn0 = colocated u0:0 sig0 |
block0(v0: i8, v1: i16, v2: i32, v3: i64, v4: f32, v5: f64): |
stack_store v0, ss0 |
stack_store v1, ss1 |
stack_store v2, ss2 |
stack_store v4, ss2+4 |
stack_store v3, ss3 |
stack_store v5, ss3+8 |
call fn0(), stack_map=[i8 @ ss0+0, i16 @ ss1+0, i32 @ ss2+0, f32 @ ss2+4, i64 @ ss3+0, f64 @ ss3+8] |
return v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 |
} |
; VCode: |
; pushq %rbp |
; movq %rsp, %rbp |
; subq %rsp, $176, %rsp |
; movq %rbx, 128(%rsp) |
; movq %r12, 136(%rsp) |
; movq %r13, 144(%rsp) |
; movq %r14, 152(%rsp) |
; movq %r15, 160(%rsp) |
; block0: |
; movq %r8, %r13 |
; lea rsp(0 + virtual offset), %r8 |
; movb %dil, 0(%r8) |
; movq %rdi, %rbx |
; lea rsp(8 + virtual offset), %r8 |
; movw %si, 0(%r8) |
; movq %rsi, %r14 |
; lea rsp(16 + virtual offset), %r9 |
; movl %edx, 0(%r9) |
; movq %rdx, %r12 |
; lea rsp(20 + virtual offset), %r10 |
; movss %xmm0, 0(%r10) |
; movdqu %xmm0, rsp(96 + virtual offset) |
; lea rsp(24 + virtual offset), %r11 |
; movq %rcx, 0(%r11) |
; movq %rcx, %r15 |
; lea rsp(32 + virtual offset), %rsi |
; movsd %xmm1, 0(%rsi) |
; movdqu %xmm1, rsp(112 + virtual offset) |
; call User(userextname0) |
; ; UserStackMap { by_type: [(types::I8, CompoundBitSet {0}), (types::I16, CompoundBitSet {8}), (types::I32, CompoundBitSet {16}), (types::F32, CompoundBitSet {20}), (types::I64, CompoundBitSet {24}), (types::F64, CompoundBitSet {32})] } |
; movq %r12, %rdx |
; movq %r13, %r8 |
; movl %edx, 0(%r8) |
; movq %r15, %rcx |
; movq %rcx, 8(%r8) |
; movq %rbx, %rax |
; movq %r14, %rdx |
; movdqu rsp(96 + virtual offset), %xmm0 |
; movdqu rsp(112 + virtual offset), %xmm1 |
; movq 128(%rsp), %rbx |
; movq 136(%rsp), %r12 |
; movq 144(%rsp), %r13 |
; movq 152(%rsp), %r14 |
; movq 160(%rsp), %r15 |
; addq %rsp, $176, %rsp |
; movq %rbp, %rsp |
; popq %rbp |
; ret |
; |
; Disassembled: |
; block0: ; offset 0x0 |
; pushq %rbp |
; movq %rsp, %rbp |
; subq $0xb0, %rsp |
; movq %rbx, 0x80(%rsp) |
; movq %r12, 0x88(%rsp) |
; movq %r13, 0x90(%rsp) |
; movq %r14, 0x98(%rsp) |
; movq %r15, 0xa0(%rsp) |
; block1: ; offset 0x33 |
; movq %r8, %r13 |
; leaq (%rsp), %r8 |
; movb %dil, (%r8) |
; movq %rdi, %rbx |
; leaq 8(%rsp), %r8 |
; movw %si, (%r8) |
; movq %rsi, %r14 |
; leaq 0x10(%rsp), %r9 |
; movl %edx, (%r9) |
; movq %rdx, %r12 |
; leaq 0x14(%rsp), %r10 |
; movss %xmm0, (%r10) |
; movdqu %xmm0, 0x60(%rsp) |
; leaq 0x18(%rsp), %r11 |
; movq %rcx, (%r11) |
; movq %rcx, %r15 |
; leaq 0x20(%rsp), %rsi |
; movsd %xmm1, (%rsi) |
; movdqu %xmm1, 0x70(%rsp) |
; callq 0x86 ; reloc_external CallPCRel4 u0:0 -4 |
; movq %r12, %rdx |
; movq %r13, %r8 |
; movl %edx, (%r8) |
; movq %r15, %rcx |
; movq %rcx, 8(%r8) |
; movq %rbx, %rax |
; movq %r14, %rdx |
; movdqu 0x60(%rsp), %xmm0 |
; movdqu 0x70(%rsp), %xmm1 |
; movq 0x80(%rsp), %rbx |
; movq 0x88(%rsp), %r12 |
; movq 0x90(%rsp), %r13 |
; movq 0x98(%rsp), %r14 |
; movq 0xa0(%rsp), %r15 |
; addq $0xb0, %rsp |
; movq %rbp, %rsp |
; popq %rbp |
; retq |
Reference in new issue