use wasmtime::*; #[test] fn bad_globals() { let mut store = Store::<()>::default(); let ty = GlobalType::new(ValType::I32, Mutability::Var); assert!(Global::new(&mut store, ty.clone(), Val::I64(0)).is_err()); assert!(Global::new(&mut store, ty.clone(), Val::F32(0)).is_err()); assert!(Global::new(&mut store, ty.clone(), Val::F64(0)).is_err()); let ty = GlobalType::new(ValType::I32, Mutability::Const); let g = Global::new(&mut store, ty.clone(), Val::I32(0)).unwrap(); assert!(g.set(&mut store, Val::I32(1)).is_err()); let ty = GlobalType::new(ValType::I32, Mutability::Var); let g = Global::new(&mut store, ty.clone(), Val::I32(0)).unwrap(); assert!(g.set(&mut store, Val::I64(0)).is_err()); } #[test] fn bad_tables() { let mut store = Store::<()>::default(); // mismatched initializer let ty = TableType::new(RefType::FUNCREF, 0, Some(1)); assert!(Table::new(&mut store, ty.clone(), Ref::Extern(None)).is_err()); // get out of bounds let ty = TableType::new(RefType::FUNCREF, 0, Some(1)); let t = Table::new(&mut store, ty.clone(), Ref::Func(None)).unwrap(); assert!(t.get(&mut store, 0).is_none()); assert!(t.get(&mut store, u32::max_value()).is_none()); // set out of bounds or wrong type let ty = TableType::new(RefType::FUNCREF, 1, Some(1)); let t = Table::new(&mut store, ty.clone(), Ref::Func(None)).unwrap(); assert!(t.set(&mut store, 0, Ref::Extern(None)).is_err()); assert!(t.set(&mut store, 0, Ref::Func(None)).is_ok()); assert!(t.set(&mut store, 1, Ref::Func(None)).is_err()); // grow beyond max let ty = TableType::new(RefType::FUNCREF, 1, Some(1)); let t = Table::new(&mut store, ty.clone(), Ref::Func(None)).unwrap(); assert!(t.grow(&mut store, 0, Ref::Func(None)).is_ok()); assert!(t.grow(&mut store, 1, Ref::Func(None)).is_err()); assert_eq!(t.size(&store), 1); // grow wrong type let ty = TableType::new(RefType::FUNCREF, 1, Some(2)); let t = Table::new(&mut store, ty.clone(), Ref::Func(None)).unwrap(); assert!(t.grow(&mut store, 1, Ref::Extern(None)).is_err()); assert_eq!(t.size(&store), 1); } #[test] #[cfg_attr(miri, ignore)] fn cross_store() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut cfg = Config::new(); cfg.wasm_reference_types(true); let engine = Engine::new(&cfg)?; let mut store1 = Store::new(&engine, ()); let mut store2 = Store::new(&engine, ()); eprintln!("============ Cross-store instantiation =============="); let func = Func::wrap(&mut store2, || {}); let ty = GlobalType::new(ValType::I32, Mutability::Const); let global = Global::new(&mut store2, ty, Val::I32(0))?; let ty = MemoryType::new(1, None); let memory = Memory::new(&mut store2, ty)?; let ty = TableType::new(RefType::FUNCREF, 1, None); let table = Table::new(&mut store2, ty, Ref::Func(None))?; let need_func = Module::new(&engine, r#"(module (import "" "" (func)))"#)?; assert!(Instance::new(&mut store1, &need_func, &[func.into()]).is_err()); let need_global = Module::new(&engine, r#"(module (import "" "" (global i32)))"#)?; assert!(Instance::new(&mut store1, &need_global, &[global.into()]).is_err()); let need_table = Module::new(&engine, r#"(module (import "" "" (table 1 funcref)))"#)?; assert!(Instance::new(&mut store1, &need_table, &[table.into()]).is_err()); let need_memory = Module::new(&engine, r#"(module (import "" "" (memory 1)))"#)?; assert!(Instance::new(&mut store1, &need_memory, &[memory.into()]).is_err()); eprintln!("============ Cross-store globals =============="); let store1val = Val::FuncRef(Some(Func::wrap(&mut store1, || {}))); let store1ref = store1val.clone().ref_().unwrap(); let store2val = Val::FuncRef(Some(Func::wrap(&mut store2, || {}))); let store2ref = store2val.clone().ref_().unwrap(); let ty = GlobalType::new(ValType::FUNCREF, Mutability::Var); assert!(Global::new(&mut store2, ty.clone(), store1val.clone()).is_err()); if let Ok(g) = Global::new(&mut store2, ty.clone(), store2val.clone()) { assert!(g.set(&mut store2, store1val.clone()).is_err()); } eprintln!("============ Cross-store tables =============="); let ty = TableType::new(RefType::FUNCREF, 1, None); assert!(Table::new(&mut store2, ty.clone(), store1ref.clone()).is_err()); let t1 = Table::new(&mut store2, ty.clone(), store2ref.clone())?; assert!(t1.set(&mut store2, 0, store1ref.clone()).is_err()); assert!(t1.grow(&mut store2, 0, store1ref.clone()).is_err()); assert!(t1.fill(&mut store2, 0, store1ref.clone(), 1).is_err()); eprintln!("============ Cross-store funcs =============="); let module = Module::new(&engine, r#"(module (func (export "f") (param funcref)))"#)?; let s1_inst = Instance::new(&mut store1, &module, &[])?; let s2_inst = Instance::new(&mut store2, &module, &[])?; let s1_f = s1_inst.get_func(&mut store1, "f").unwrap(); let s2_f = s2_inst.get_func(&mut store2, "f").unwrap(); assert!(s1_f .call(&mut store1, &[Val::FuncRef(None)], &mut []) .is_ok()); assert!(s2_f .call(&mut store2, &[Val::FuncRef(None)], &mut []) .is_ok()); assert!(s1_f .call(&mut store1, &[Some(s1_f.clone()).into()], &mut []) .is_ok()); assert!(s1_f .call(&mut store1, &[Some(s2_f.clone()).into()], &mut []) .is_err()); assert!(s2_f .call(&mut store2, &[Some(s1_f.clone()).into()], &mut []) .is_err()); assert!(s2_f .call(&mut store2, &[Some(s2_f.clone()).into()], &mut []) .is_ok()); let s1_f_t = s1_f.typed::, ()>(&store1)?; let s2_f_t = s2_f.typed::, ()>(&store2)?; assert!( store1, None).is_ok()); assert!( store2, None).is_ok()); assert!( store1, Some(s1_f.clone())).is_ok()); assert!( store1, Some(s2_f.clone())).is_err()); assert!( store2, Some(s1_f.clone())).is_err()); assert!( store2, Some(s2_f.clone())).is_ok()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn get_set_externref_globals_via_api() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut cfg = Config::new(); cfg.wasm_reference_types(true); let engine = Engine::new(&cfg)?; let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); // Initialize with a null externref. let global = Global::new( &mut store, GlobalType::new(ValType::EXTERNREF, Mutability::Var), Val::ExternRef(None), )?; assert!(global.get(&mut store).unwrap_externref().is_none()); let hello = ExternRef::new(&mut store, "hello".to_string())?; global.set(&mut store, hello.into())?; let r = global.get(&mut store).unwrap_externref().cloned().unwrap(); assert!(; assert_eq!(, "hello"); // Initialize with a non-null externref. let externref = ExternRef::new(&mut store, 42_i32)?; let global = Global::new( &mut store, GlobalType::new(ValType::EXTERNREF, Mutability::Const), externref.into(), )?; let r = global.get(&mut store).unwrap_externref().cloned().unwrap(); assert!(; assert_eq!(, 42); Ok(()) } #[test] fn get_set_funcref_globals_via_api() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut cfg = Config::new(); cfg.wasm_reference_types(true); let engine = Engine::new(&cfg)?; let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let f = Func::wrap(&mut store, || {}); // Initialize with a null funcref. let global = Global::new( &mut store, GlobalType::new(ValType::FUNCREF, Mutability::Var), Val::FuncRef(None), )?; assert!(global.get(&mut store).unwrap_funcref().is_none()); global.set(&mut store, Val::FuncRef(Some(f.clone())))?; let f2 = global.get(&mut store).unwrap_funcref().cloned().unwrap(); assert!(FuncType::eq(&f.ty(&store), &f2.ty(&store))); // Initialize with a non-null funcref. let global = Global::new( &mut store, GlobalType::new(ValType::FUNCREF, Mutability::Var), Val::FuncRef(Some(f.clone())), )?; let f2 = global.get(&mut store).unwrap_funcref().cloned().unwrap(); assert!(FuncType::eq(&f.ty(&store), &f2.ty(&store))); Ok(()) } #[test] fn create_get_set_funcref_tables_via_api() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut cfg = Config::new(); cfg.wasm_reference_types(true); let engine = Engine::new(&cfg)?; let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let table_ty = TableType::new(RefType::FUNCREF, 10, None); let init = Ref::Func(Some(Func::wrap(&mut store, || {}))); let table = Table::new(&mut store, table_ty, init)?; assert!(table.get(&mut store, 5).unwrap().unwrap_func().is_some()); table.set(&mut store, 5, Ref::Func(None))?; assert!(table.get(&mut store, 5).unwrap().unwrap_func().is_none()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn fill_funcref_tables_via_api() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut cfg = Config::new(); cfg.wasm_reference_types(true); let engine = Engine::new(&cfg)?; let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let table_ty = TableType::new(RefType::FUNCREF, 10, None); let table = Table::new(&mut store, table_ty, Ref::Func(None))?; for i in 0..10 { assert!(table.get(&mut store, i).unwrap().unwrap_func().is_none()); } let fill = Ref::Func(Some(Func::wrap(&mut store, || {}))); table.fill(&mut store, 2, fill, 4)?; for i in (0..2).chain(7..10) { assert!(table.get(&mut store, i).unwrap().unwrap_func().is_none()); } for i in 2..6 { assert!(table.get(&mut store, i).unwrap().unwrap_func().is_some()); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn grow_funcref_tables_via_api() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut cfg = Config::new(); cfg.wasm_reference_types(true); let engine = Engine::new(&cfg)?; let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let table_ty = TableType::new(RefType::FUNCREF, 10, None); let table = Table::new(&mut store, table_ty, Ref::Func(None))?; assert_eq!(table.size(&store), 10); table.grow(&mut store, 3, Ref::Func(None))?; assert_eq!(table.size(&store), 13); Ok(()) } #[test] fn create_get_set_externref_tables_via_api() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut cfg = Config::new(); cfg.wasm_reference_types(true); let engine = Engine::new(&cfg)?; let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let table_ty = TableType::new(RefType::EXTERNREF, 10, None); let init = ExternRef::new(&mut store, 42_usize)?; let table = Table::new(&mut store, table_ty, init.into())?; assert_eq!( *table .get(&mut store, 5) .unwrap() .unwrap_extern() .unwrap() .data(&store)? .downcast_ref::() .unwrap(), 42 ); table.set(&mut store, 5, Ref::Extern(None))?; assert!(table.get(&mut store, 5).unwrap().unwrap_extern().is_none()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn fill_externref_tables_via_api() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut cfg = Config::new(); cfg.wasm_reference_types(true); let engine = Engine::new(&cfg)?; let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let table_ty = TableType::new(RefType::EXTERNREF, 10, None); let table = Table::new(&mut store, table_ty, Ref::Extern(None))?; for i in 0..10 { assert!(table.get(&mut store, i).unwrap().unwrap_extern().is_none()); } let val = ExternRef::new(&mut store, 42_usize)?; table.fill(&mut store, 2, val.into(), 4)?; for i in (0..2).chain(7..10) { assert!(table.get(&mut store, i).unwrap().unwrap_extern().is_none()); } for i in 2..6 { assert_eq!( *table .get(&mut store, i) .unwrap() .unwrap_extern() .unwrap() .data(&store)? .downcast_ref::() .unwrap(), 42 ); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn grow_externref_tables_via_api() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut cfg = Config::new(); cfg.wasm_reference_types(true); let engine = Engine::new(&cfg)?; let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let table_ty = TableType::new(RefType::EXTERNREF, 10, None); let table = Table::new(&mut store, table_ty, Ref::Extern(None))?; assert_eq!(table.size(&store), 10); table.grow(&mut store, 3, Ref::Extern(None))?; assert_eq!(table.size(&store), 13); Ok(()) } #[test] fn read_write_memory_via_api() { let cfg = Config::new(); let mut store = Store::new(&Engine::new(&cfg).unwrap(), ()); let ty = MemoryType::new(1, None); let mem = Memory::new(&mut store, ty).unwrap(); mem.grow(&mut store, 1).unwrap(); let value = b"hello wasm"; let size = mem.data_size(&store); mem.write(&mut store, size - value.len(), value).unwrap(); let mut buffer = [0u8; 10];, mem.data_size(&store) - buffer.len(), &mut buffer) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, &buffer); // Error conditions. // Out of bounds write. let size = mem.data_size(&store); let res = mem.write(&mut store, size - value.len() + 1, value); assert!(res.is_err()); assert_ne!([mem.data_size(&store) - value.len() + 1], value[0], "no data is written", ); // Out of bounds read. buffer[0] = 0x42; let res = &store, mem.data_size(&store) - buffer.len() + 1, &mut buffer, ); assert!(res.is_err()); assert_eq!(buffer[0], 0x42, "no data is read"); // Read offset overflow. let res =, usize::MAX, &mut buffer); assert!(res.is_err()); // Write offset overflow. let res = mem.write(&mut store, usize::MAX, &mut buffer); assert!(res.is_err()); } // Returns (a, b, c) pairs of function type and function such that // // a <: b <: c // // The functions will panic if actually called. fn dummy_funcs_and_subtypes( store: &mut Store<()>, ) -> (FuncType, Func, FuncType, Func, FuncType, Func) { let engine = store.engine().clone(); let a_ty = FuncType::new(&engine, None, Some(ValType::NULLFUNCREF)); let a = Func::new( &mut *store, a_ty.clone(), |_caller, _args, _results| unreachable!(), ); let b_ty = FuncType::new( &engine, None, Some(ValType::Ref(RefType::new( true, HeapType::Concrete(FuncType::new(&engine, None, None)), ))), ); let b = Func::new( &mut *store, b_ty.clone(), |_caller, _args, _results| unreachable!(), ); let c_ty = FuncType::new(&engine, None, Some(ValType::FUNCREF)); let c = Func::new( &mut *store, c_ty.clone(), |_caller, _args, _results| unreachable!(), ); (a_ty, a, b_ty, b, c_ty, c) } #[test] fn new_global_func_subtyping() { let engine = Engine::default(); let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let (a_ty, a, b_ty, b, c_ty, c) = dummy_funcs_and_subtypes(&mut store); for (global_ty, a_expected, b_expected, c_expected) in [ // a <: a, b {} Ok(_) => panic!("should have got type mismatch, but didn't"), Err(e) if !expected => assert!(e.to_string().contains("type mismatch")), Err(e) => panic!("should have created global, but got error: {e:?}"), } } } } } #[test] fn global_set_func_subtyping() { let engine = Engine::default(); let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let (a_ty, a, b_ty, b, c_ty, c) = dummy_funcs_and_subtypes(&mut store); for (global_ty, a_expected, b_expected, c_expected) in [ // a <: a, b {} Ok(_) => panic!("should have got type mismatch, but didn't"), Err(e) if !expected => assert!(e.to_string().contains("type mismatch")), Err(e) => panic!("should have set global, but got error: {e:?}"), } } } } #[test] fn new_table_func_subtyping() { let engine = Engine::default(); let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let (a_ty, a, b_ty, b, c_ty, c) = dummy_funcs_and_subtypes(&mut store); for (table_ty, a_expected, b_expected, c_expected) in [ // a <: a, b {} Ok(_) => panic!("should have got type mismatch, but didn't"), Err(e) if !expected => assert!(e.to_string().contains("type mismatch")), Err(e) => panic!("should have created table, but got error: {e:?}"), } } } } #[test] fn table_set_func_subtyping() { let engine = Engine::default(); let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let (a_ty, a, b_ty, b, c_ty, c) = dummy_funcs_and_subtypes(&mut store); for (table_ty, a_expected, b_expected, c_expected) in [ // a <: a, b {} Ok(_) => panic!("should have got type mismatch, but didn't"), Err(e) if !expected => assert!(e.to_string().contains("type mismatch")), Err(e) => panic!("should have set table element, but got error: {e:?}"), } if expected { assert!(table.get(&mut store, i).expect("in bounds").is_non_null()); } i += 1; } } } #[test] fn table_grow_func_subtyping() { let engine = Engine::default(); let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let (a_ty, a, b_ty, b, c_ty, c) = dummy_funcs_and_subtypes(&mut store); for (table_ty, a_expected, b_expected, c_expected) in [ // a <: a, b {} Ok(_) => panic!("should have got type mismatch, but didn't"), Err(e) if !expected => assert!(e.to_string().contains("type mismatch")), Err(e) => panic!("should have done table grow, but got error: {e:?}"), } if expected { let new_size = table.size(&store); assert_eq!(new_size, orig_size + 10); for i in orig_size..new_size { assert!(table.get(&mut store, i).expect("in bounds").is_non_null()); } } } } } #[test] fn table_fill_func_subtyping() { let engine = Engine::default(); let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let (a_ty, a, b_ty, b, c_ty, c) = dummy_funcs_and_subtypes(&mut store); for (table_ty, a_expected, b_expected, c_expected) in [ // a <: a, b {} Ok(_) => panic!("should have got type mismatch, but didn't"), Err(e) if !expected => assert!(e.to_string().contains("type mismatch")), Err(e) => panic!("should have done table fill, but got error: {e:?}"), } if expected { for i in 3..7 { assert!(table.get(&mut store, i).expect("in bounds").is_non_null()); } } } } } #[test] fn table_copy_func_subtyping() { let engine = Engine::default(); let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let (a_ty, a, b_ty, b, c_ty, c) = dummy_funcs_and_subtypes(&mut store); for (table_ty, a_expected, b_expected, c_expected) in [ // a <: a, b {} Ok(_) => panic!("should have got type mismatch, but didn't"), Err(e) if !expected => assert!(e.to_string().contains("type mismatch")), Err(e) => panic!("should have done table copy, but got error: {e:?}"), } if expected { for i in 2..7 { assert!(dest_table .get(&mut store, i) .expect("in bounds") .is_non_null()); } } } } }