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use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Result};
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll, RawWaker, RawWakerVTable, Waker};
use wasmtime::*;
fn async_store() -> Store<()> {
Store::new(&Engine::new(Config::new().async_support(true)).unwrap(), ())
async fn run_smoke_test(store: &mut Store<()>, func: Func) {
func.call_async(&mut *store, &[], &mut []).await.unwrap();
func.call_async(&mut *store, &[], &mut []).await.unwrap();
async fn run_smoke_typed_test(store: &mut Store<()>, func: Func) {
let func = func.typed::<(), ()>(&store).unwrap();
func.call_async(&mut *store, ()).await.unwrap();
func.call_async(&mut *store, ()).await.unwrap();
async fn smoke() {
let mut store = async_store();
let func = Func::new_async(
&mut store,
FuncType::new(None, None),
move |_caller, _params, _results| Box::new(async { Ok(()) }),
run_smoke_test(&mut store, func).await;
run_smoke_typed_test(&mut store, func).await;
let func = Func::wrap0_async(&mut store, move |_caller| Box::new(async { Ok(()) }));
run_smoke_test(&mut store, func).await;
run_smoke_typed_test(&mut store, func).await;
async fn smoke_host_func() -> Result<()> {
let mut store = async_store();
let mut linker = Linker::new(store.engine());
FuncType::new(None, None),
move |_caller, _params, _results| Box::new(async { Ok(()) }),
linker.func_wrap0_async("", "second", move |_caller| Box::new(async { Ok(()) }))?;
let func = linker
.get(&mut store, "", "first")
run_smoke_test(&mut store, func).await;
run_smoke_typed_test(&mut store, func).await;
let func = linker
.get(&mut store, "", "second")
run_smoke_test(&mut store, func).await;
run_smoke_typed_test(&mut store, func).await;
async fn smoke_with_suspension() {
let mut store = async_store();
let func = Func::new_async(
&mut store,
FuncType::new(None, None),
move |_caller, _params, _results| {
Box::new(async {
run_smoke_test(&mut store, func).await;
run_smoke_typed_test(&mut store, func).await;
let func = Func::wrap0_async(&mut store, move |_caller| {
Box::new(async {
run_smoke_test(&mut store, func).await;
run_smoke_typed_test(&mut store, func).await;
async fn smoke_host_func_with_suspension() -> Result<()> {
let mut store = async_store();
let mut linker = Linker::new(store.engine());
FuncType::new(None, None),
move |_caller, _params, _results| {
Box::new(async {
linker.func_wrap0_async("", "second", move |_caller| {
Box::new(async {
let func = linker
.get(&mut store, "", "first")
run_smoke_test(&mut store, func).await;
run_smoke_typed_test(&mut store, func).await;
let func = linker
.get(&mut store, "", "second")
run_smoke_test(&mut store, func).await;
run_smoke_typed_test(&mut store, func).await;
async fn recursive_call() {
let mut store = async_store();
let async_wasm_func = Func::new_async(
&mut store,
FuncType::new(None, None),
|_caller, _params, _results| {
Box::new(async {
// Create an imported function which recursively invokes another wasm
// function asynchronously, although this one is just our own host function
// which suffices for this test.
let func2 = Func::new_async(
&mut store,
FuncType::new(None, None),
move |mut caller, _params, _results| {
Box::new(async move {
.call_async(&mut caller, &[], &mut [])
// Create an instance which calls an async import twice.
let module = Module::new(
(import \"\" \"\" (func))
(func (export \"\")
;; call imported function which recursively does an async
;; call
call 0
;; do it again, and our various pointers all better align
call 0))
let instance = Instance::new_async(&mut store, &module, &[func2.into()])
let func = instance.get_func(&mut store, "").unwrap();
func.call_async(&mut store, &[], &mut []).await.unwrap();
async fn suspend_while_suspending() {
let mut store = async_store();
// Create a synchronous function which calls our asynchronous function and
// runs it locally. This shouldn't generally happen but we know everything
// is synchronous in this test so it's fine for us to do this.
// The purpose of this test is intended to stress various cases in how
// we manage pointers in ways that are not necessarily common but are still
// possible in safe code.
let async_thunk = Func::new_async(
&mut store,
FuncType::new(None, None),
|_caller, _params, _results| Box::new(async { Ok(()) }),
let sync_call_async_thunk = Func::new(
&mut store,
FuncType::new(None, None),
move |mut caller, _params, _results| {
let mut future = Box::pin(async_thunk.call_async(&mut caller, &[], &mut []));
let poll = future
.poll(&mut Context::from_waker(&noop_waker()));
// A small async function that simply awaits once to pump the loops and
// then finishes.
let async_import = Func::new_async(
&mut store,
FuncType::new(None, None),
move |_caller, _params, _results| {
Box::new(async move {
let module = Module::new(
(import \"\" \"\" (func $sync_call_async_thunk))
(import \"\" \"\" (func $async_import))
(func (export \"\")
;; Set some store-local state and pointers
call $sync_call_async_thunk
;; .. and hopefully it's all still configured correctly
call $async_import))
let instance = Instance::new_async(
&mut store,
&[sync_call_async_thunk.into(), async_import.into()],
let func = instance.get_func(&mut store, "").unwrap();
func.call_async(&mut store, &[], &mut []).await.unwrap();
async fn cancel_during_run() {
let mut store = Store::new(&Engine::new(Config::new().async_support(true)).unwrap(), 0);
let async_thunk = Func::new_async(
&mut store,
FuncType::new(None, None),
move |mut caller, _params, _results| {
assert_eq!(*, 0);
*caller.data_mut() = 1;
let dtor = SetOnDrop(caller);
Box::new(async move {
// SetOnDrop is not destroyed when dropping the reference of it
// here. Instead, it is moved into the future where it's forced
// to live in and will be destroyed at the end of the future.
// Shouldn't have called anything yet...
assert_eq!(*, 0);
// Create our future, but as per async conventions this still doesn't
// actually do anything. No wasm or host function has been called yet.
let future = Box::pin(async_thunk.call_async(&mut store, &[], &mut []));
// Push the future forward one tick, which actually runs the host code in
// our async func. Our future is designed to be pending once, however.
let future = PollOnce::new(future).await;
// Now that our future is running (on a separate, now-suspended fiber), drop
// the future and that should deallocate all the Rust bits as well.
assert_eq!(*, 2);
struct SetOnDrop<'a>(Caller<'a, usize>);
impl Drop for SetOnDrop<'_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
assert_eq!(*, 1);
*self.0.data_mut() = 2;
async fn iloop_with_fuel() {
let engine = Engine::new(Config::new().async_support(true).consume_fuel(true)).unwrap();
let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ());
store.out_of_fuel_async_yield(1_000, 10);
let module = Module::new(
(func (loop br 0))
(start 0)
let instance = Instance::new_async(&mut store, &module, &[]);
// This should yield a bunch of times but eventually finish
let (_, pending) = CountPending::new(Box::pin(instance)).await;
assert!(pending > 100);
async fn fuel_eventually_finishes() {
let engine = Engine::new(Config::new().async_support(true).consume_fuel(true)).unwrap();
let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ());
store.out_of_fuel_async_yield(u64::max_value(), 10);
let module = Module::new(
(local i32)
i32.const 100
local.set 0
local.get 0
i32.const -1
local.tee 0
br_if 0)
(start 0)
let instance = Instance::new_async(&mut store, &module, &[]);
async fn async_with_pooling_stacks() {
let mut pool = PoolingAllocationConfig::default();
let mut config = Config::new();
let engine = Engine::new(&config).unwrap();
let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ());
let func = Func::new_async(
&mut store,
FuncType::new(None, None),
move |_caller, _params, _results| Box::new(async { Ok(()) }),
run_smoke_test(&mut store, func).await;
run_smoke_typed_test(&mut store, func).await;
async fn async_host_func_with_pooling_stacks() -> Result<()> {
let mut pooling = PoolingAllocationConfig::default();
let mut config = Config::new();
let mut store = Store::new(&Engine::new(&config)?, ());
let mut linker = Linker::new(store.engine());
FuncType::new(None, None),
move |_caller, _params, _results| Box::new(async { Ok(()) }),
let func = linker.get(&mut store, "", "").unwrap().into_func().unwrap();
run_smoke_test(&mut store, func).await;
run_smoke_typed_test(&mut store, func).await;
async fn execute_across_threads<F: Future + Send + 'static>(future: F) {
let future = PollOnce::new(Box::pin(future)).await;
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || future)
.expect("shouldn't panic");
async fn resume_separate_thread() {
// This test will poll the following future on two threads. Simulating a
// trap requires accessing TLS info, so that should be preserved correctly.
execute_across_threads(async {
let mut store = async_store();
let module = Module::new(
(import \"\" \"\" (func))
(start 0)
let func = Func::wrap0_async(&mut store, |_| {
Box::new(async {
Err::<(), _>(anyhow!("test"))
let result = Instance::new_async(&mut store, &module, &[func.into()]).await;
async fn resume_separate_thread2() {
// This test will poll the following future on two threads. Catching a
// signal requires looking up TLS information to determine whether it's a
// trap to handle or not, so that must be preserved correctly across threads.
execute_across_threads(async {
let mut store = async_store();
let module = Module::new(
(import \"\" \"\" (func))
(func $start
call 0
(start $start)
let func = Func::wrap0_async(&mut store, |_| {
Box::new(async {
let result = Instance::new_async(&mut store, &module, &[func.into()]).await;
async fn resume_separate_thread3() {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
// This test doesn't actually do anything with cross-thread polls, but
// instead it deals with scheduling futures at "odd" times.
// First we'll set up a *synchronous* call which will initialize TLS info.
// This call is simply to a host-defined function, but it still has the same
// "enter into wasm" semantics since it's just calling a trampoline. In this
// situation we'll set up the TLS info so it's in place while the body of
// the function executes...
let mut store = Store::new(&Engine::default(), None);
let f = Func::wrap(&mut store, move |mut caller: Caller<'_, _>| -> Result<()> {
// ... and the execution of this host-defined function (while the TLS
// info is initialized), will set up a recursive call into wasm. This
// recursive call will be done asynchronously so we can suspend it
// halfway through.
let f = async {
let mut store = async_store();
let module = Module::new(
(import \"\" \"\" (func))
(start 0)
let func = Func::wrap0_async(&mut store, |_| {
Box::new(async {
drop(Instance::new_async(&mut store, &module, &[func.into()]).await);
let mut future = Box::pin(f);
let poll = future
.poll(&mut Context::from_waker(&noop_waker()));
// ... so at this point our call into wasm is suspended. The call into
// wasm will have overwritten TLS info, and we sure hope that the
// information is restored at this point. Note that we squirrel away the
// future somewhere else to get dropped later. If we were to drop it
// here then we would reenter the future's suspended stack to clean it
// up, which would do more alterations of TLS information we're not
// testing here.
*caller.data_mut() = Some(future);
// ... all in all this function will need access to the original TLS
// information to raise the trap. This TLS information should be
// restored even though the asynchronous execution is suspended.
assert!( store, &[], &mut []).is_err());
async fn recursive_async() -> Result<()> {
let mut store = async_store();
let m = Module::new(
(func (export \"overflow\") call 0)
(func (export \"normal\"))
let i = Instance::new_async(&mut store, &m, &[]).await?;
let overflow = i.get_typed_func::<(), ()>(&mut store, "overflow")?;
let normal = i.get_typed_func::<(), ()>(&mut store, "normal")?;
let f2 = Func::wrap0_async(&mut store, move |mut caller| {
Box::new(async move {
// recursive async calls shouldn't immediately stack overflow...
normal.call_async(&mut caller, ()).await?;
// ... but calls that actually stack overflow should indeed stack
// overflow
let err = overflow
.call_async(&mut caller, ())
assert_eq!(err, Trap::StackOverflow);
f2.call_async(&mut store, &[], &mut []).await?;
async fn linker_module_command() -> Result<()> {
let mut store = async_store();
let mut linker = Linker::new(store.engine());
let module1 = Module::new(
(global $g (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
(func (export "_start"))
(func (export "g") (result i32)
global.get $g
i32.const 1
global.set $g)
let module2 = Module::new(
(import "" "g" (func (result i32)))
(func (export "get") (result i32)
call 0)
linker.module_async(&mut store, "", &module1).await?;
let instance = linker.instantiate_async(&mut store, &module2).await?;
let f = instance.get_typed_func::<(), i32>(&mut store, "get")?;
assert_eq!(f.call_async(&mut store, ()).await?, 0);
assert_eq!(f.call_async(&mut store, ()).await?, 0);
async fn linker_module_reactor() -> Result<()> {
let mut store = async_store();
let mut linker = Linker::new(store.engine());
let module1 = Module::new(
(global $g (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
(func (export "g") (result i32)
global.get $g
i32.const 1
global.set $g)
let module2 = Module::new(
(import "" "g" (func (result i32)))
(func (export "get") (result i32)
call 0)
linker.module_async(&mut store, "", &module1).await?;
let instance = linker.instantiate_async(&mut store, &module2).await?;
let f = instance.get_typed_func::<(), i32>(&mut store, "get")?;
assert_eq!(f.call_async(&mut store, ()).await?, 0);
assert_eq!(f.call_async(&mut store, ()).await?, 1);
pub struct CountPending<F> {
future: F,
yields: usize,
impl<F> CountPending<F> {
pub fn new(future: F) -> CountPending<F> {
CountPending { future, yields: 0 }
impl<F> Future for CountPending<F>
F: Future + Unpin,
type Output = (F::Output, usize);
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
match Pin::new(&mut self.future).poll(cx) {
Poll::Pending => {
self.yields += 1;
Poll::Ready(e) => Poll::Ready((e, self.yields)),
pub struct PollOnce<F>(Option<F>);
impl<F> PollOnce<F> {
pub fn new(future: F) -> PollOnce<F> {
impl<F> Future for PollOnce<F>
F: Future + Unpin,
type Output = F;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<F> {
let mut future = self.0.take().unwrap();
match Pin::new(&mut future).poll(cx) {
Poll::Pending => Poll::Ready(future),
Poll::Ready(_) => panic!("should not be ready"),
fn noop_waker() -> Waker {
const VTABLE: RawWakerVTable =
RawWakerVTable::new(|ptr| RawWaker::new(ptr, &VTABLE), |_| {}, |_| {}, |_| {});
const RAW: RawWaker = RawWaker::new(0 as *const (), &VTABLE);
unsafe { Waker::from_raw(RAW) }