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use libfuzzer_sys::arbitrary::{Result, Unstructured};
use libfuzzer_sys::fuzz_target;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst;
use std::sync::Once;
use wasmtime_fuzzing::generators::{Config, DiffValue, DiffValueType, SingleInstModule};
use wasmtime_fuzzing::oracles::diff_wasmtime::WasmtimeInstance;
use wasmtime_fuzzing::oracles::engine::{build_allowed_env_list, parse_env_list};
use wasmtime_fuzzing::oracles::{differential, engine, log_wasm, DiffEqResult};
// Upper limit on the number of invocations for each WebAssembly function
// executed by this fuzz target.
const NUM_INVOCATIONS: usize = 5;
// Only run once when the fuzz target loads.
static SETUP: Once = Once::new();
// Environment-specified configuration for controlling the kinds of engines and
// modules used by this fuzz target. E.g.:
// - ALLOWED_ENGINES=wasmi,spec cargo +nightly fuzz run ...
// - ALLOWED_ENGINES=-v8 cargo +nightly fuzz run ...
// - ALLOWED_MODULES=single-inst cargo +nightly fuzz run ...
static mut ALLOWED_ENGINES: Vec<&str> = vec![];
static mut ALLOWED_MODULES: Vec<&str> = vec![];
// Statistics about what's actually getting executed during fuzzing
static STATS: RuntimeStats = RuntimeStats::new();
fuzz_target!(|data: &[u8]| {
SETUP.call_once(|| {
// To avoid a uncaught `SIGSEGV` due to signal handlers; see comments on
// `setup_ocaml_runtime`.
// Retrieve the configuration for this fuzz target from `ALLOWED_*`
// environment variables.
let allowed_engines = build_allowed_env_list(
&["wasmtime", "wasmi", "spec", "v8", "winch"],
let allowed_modules = build_allowed_env_list(
&["wasm-smith", "single-inst"],
unsafe {
ALLOWED_ENGINES = allowed_engines;
ALLOWED_MODULES = allowed_modules;
// Errors in `run` have to do with not enough input in `data`, which we
// ignore here since it doesn't affect how we'd like to fuzz.
let _ = execute_one(&data);
fn execute_one(data: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
let mut u = Unstructured::new(data);
// Generate a Wasmtime and module configuration and update its settings
// initially to be suitable for differential execution where the generated
// wasm will behave the same in two different engines. This will get further
// refined below.
let mut config: Config = u.arbitrary()?;
// Choose an engine that Wasmtime will be differentially executed against.
// The chosen engine is then created, which might update `config`, and
// returned as a trait object.
let lhs = u.choose(unsafe { &*std::ptr::addr_of!(ALLOWED_ENGINES) })?;
let mut lhs = match engine::build(&mut u, lhs, &mut config)? {
Some(engine) => engine,
// The chosen engine does not have support compiled into the fuzzer,
// discard this test case.
None => return Ok(()),
// Using the now-legalized module configuration generate the Wasm module;
// this is specified by either the ALLOWED_MODULES environment variable or a
// random selection between wasm-smith and single-inst.
let build_wasm_smith_module = |u: &mut Unstructured, config: &Config| -> Result<_> {
STATS.wasm_smith_modules.fetch_add(1, SeqCst);
let module = config.generate(u, Some(1000))?;
let build_single_inst_module = |u: &mut Unstructured, config: &Config| -> Result<_> {
STATS.single_instruction_modules.fetch_add(1, SeqCst);
let module = SingleInstModule::new(u, &config.module_config)?;
if unsafe { ALLOWED_MODULES.is_empty() } {
panic!("unable to generate a module to fuzz against; check `ALLOWED_MODULES`")
let wasm = match *u.choose(unsafe { ALLOWED_MODULES.as_slice() })? {
"wasm-smith" => build_wasm_smith_module(&mut u, &config)?,
"single-inst" => build_single_inst_module(&mut u, &config)?,
_ => unreachable!(),
// Instantiate the generated wasm file in the chosen differential engine.
let lhs_instance = lhs.instantiate(&wasm);
// Always use Wasmtime as the second engine to instantiate within.
let rhs_store = config.to_store();
let rhs_module = wasmtime::Module::new(rhs_store.engine(), &wasm).unwrap();
let rhs_instance = WasmtimeInstance::new(rhs_store, rhs_module);
let (mut lhs_instance, mut rhs_instance) =
match DiffEqResult::new(&*lhs, lhs_instance, rhs_instance) {
// Both sides successful, continue below to invoking exports.
DiffEqResult::Success(l, r) => (l, r),
// Both sides failed, or computation has diverged. In both cases this
// test case is done.
DiffEqResult::Poisoned | DiffEqResult::Failed => return Ok(()),
// Call each exported function with different sets of arguments.
'outer: for (name, signature) in rhs_instance.exported_functions() {
let mut invocations = 0;
loop {
let arguments = signature
.map(|t| DiffValue::arbitrary_of_type(&mut u, t.try_into().unwrap()))
let result_tys = signature
.map(|t| DiffValueType::try_from(t).unwrap())
let ok = differential(
&mut rhs_instance,
.expect("failed to run differential evaluation");
invocations += 1;
STATS.total_invocations.fetch_add(1, SeqCst);
// If this differential execution has resulted in the two instances
// diverging in state we can't keep executing so don't execute any
// more functions.
if !ok {
break 'outer;
// We evaluate the same function with different arguments until we
// Hit a predetermined limit or we run out of unstructured data--it
// does not make sense to re-evaluate the same arguments over and
// over.
if invocations > NUM_INVOCATIONS || u.is_empty() {
STATS.successes.fetch_add(1, SeqCst);
struct RuntimeStats {
/// Total number of fuzz inputs processed
attempts: AtomicUsize,
/// Number of times we've invoked engines
total_invocations: AtomicUsize,
/// Number of times a fuzz input finished all the way to the end without any
/// sort of error (including `Arbitrary` errors)
successes: AtomicUsize,
// Counters for which engine was chosen
wasmi: AtomicUsize,
v8: AtomicUsize,
spec: AtomicUsize,
wasmtime: AtomicUsize,
winch: AtomicUsize,
// Counters for which style of module is chosen
wasm_smith_modules: AtomicUsize,
single_instruction_modules: AtomicUsize,
impl RuntimeStats {
const fn new() -> RuntimeStats {
RuntimeStats {
attempts: AtomicUsize::new(0),
total_invocations: AtomicUsize::new(0),
successes: AtomicUsize::new(0),
wasmi: AtomicUsize::new(0),
v8: AtomicUsize::new(0),
spec: AtomicUsize::new(0),
wasmtime: AtomicUsize::new(0),
winch: AtomicUsize::new(0),
wasm_smith_modules: AtomicUsize::new(0),
single_instruction_modules: AtomicUsize::new(0),
fn bump_attempts(&self) {
let attempts = self.attempts.fetch_add(1, SeqCst);
if attempts == 0 || attempts % 1_000 != 0 {
let successes = self.successes.load(SeqCst);
"=== Execution rate ({} successes / {} attempted modules): {:.02}% ===",
successes as f64 / attempts as f64 * 100f64,
let v8 = self.v8.load(SeqCst);
let spec = self.spec.load(SeqCst);
let wasmi = self.wasmi.load(SeqCst);
let wasmtime = self.wasmtime.load(SeqCst);
let winch = self.winch.load(SeqCst);
let total = v8 + spec + wasmi + wasmtime + winch;
"\twasmi: {:.02}%, spec: {:.02}%, wasmtime: {:.02}%, v8: {:.02}%, winch: {:.02}%",
wasmi as f64 / total as f64 * 100f64,
spec as f64 / total as f64 * 100f64,
wasmtime as f64 / total as f64 * 100f64,
v8 as f64 / total as f64 * 100f64,
winch as f64 / total as f64 * 100f64,
let wasm_smith = self.wasm_smith_modules.load(SeqCst);
let single_inst = self.single_instruction_modules.load(SeqCst);
let total = wasm_smith + single_inst;
"\twasm-smith: {:.02}%, single-inst: {:.02}%",
wasm_smith as f64 / total as f64 * 100f64,
single_inst as f64 / total as f64 * 100f64,
fn bump_engine(&self, name: &str) {
match name {
"wasmi" => self.wasmi.fetch_add(1, SeqCst),
"wasmtime" => self.wasmtime.fetch_add(1, SeqCst),
"spec" => self.spec.fetch_add(1, SeqCst),
"v8" => self.v8.fetch_add(1, SeqCst),
"winch" => self.winch.fetch_add(1, SeqCst),
_ => return,