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use libfuzzer_sys::arbitrary::{Result, Unstructured};
use libfuzzer_sys::fuzz_target;
use wasmtime_fuzzing::generators::InstanceAllocationStrategy;
use wasmtime_fuzzing::{generators, oracles};
fuzz_target!(|data: &[u8]| {
// errors in `run` have to do with not enough input in `data`, which we
// ignore here since it doesn't affect how we'd like to fuzz.
fn run(data: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
let mut u = Unstructured::new(data);
let mut config: generators::Config = u.arbitrary()?;
// Enable features that v8 has implemented
config.module_config.config.simd_enabled = u.arbitrary()?;
config.module_config.config.bulk_memory_enabled = u.arbitrary()?;
// FIXME: reference types are disabled for now as we seemingly keep finding
// a segfault in v8. This is found relatively quickly locally and keeps
// getting found by oss-fuzz and currently we don't think that there's
// really much we can do about it. For the time being disable reference
// types entirely. An example bug is
// config.module_config.config.reference_types_enabled = u.arbitrary()?;
// FIXME: to enable fuzzing with the threads proposal, see
// config.module_config.config.threads_enabled = u.arbitrary()?;
// Allow multiple tables, as set_differential_config() assumes reference
// types are disabled and therefore sets max_tables to 1
config.module_config.config.max_tables = 4;
if let InstanceAllocationStrategy::Pooling {
instance_limits: limits,
} = &mut config.wasmtime.strategy
limits.tables = 4;
let module = config.generate(&mut u, Some(1000))?;
oracles::differential_v8_execution(&module.to_bytes(), &config);