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//! An example of how to interact with multiple memories.
//! Here a small wasm module with multiple memories is used to show how memory
//! is initialized, how to read and write memory through the `Memory` object,
//! and how wasm functions can trap when dealing with out-of-bounds addresses.
// You can execute this example with `cargo run --example example`
use anyhow::Result;
use wasmtime::*;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
// Enable the multi-memory feature.
let mut config = Config::new();
let engine = Engine::new(&config)?;
// Create our `store_fn` context and then compile a module and create an
// instance from the compiled module all in one go.
let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ());
let module = Module::from_file(store.engine(), "examples/multimemory.wat")?;
let instance = Instance::new(&mut store, &module, &[])?;
let memory0 = instance
.get_memory(&mut store, "memory0")
.ok_or(anyhow::format_err!("failed to find `memory0` export"))?;
let size0 = instance.get_typed_func::<(), i32, _>(&mut store, "size0")?;
let load0 = instance.get_typed_func::<i32, i32, _>(&mut store, "load0")?;
let store0 = instance.get_typed_func::<(i32, i32), (), _>(&mut store, "store0")?;
let memory1 = instance
.get_memory(&mut store, "memory1")
.ok_or(anyhow::format_err!("failed to find `memory1` export"))?;
let size1 = instance.get_typed_func::<(), i32, _>(&mut store, "size1")?;
let load1 = instance.get_typed_func::<i32, i32, _>(&mut store, "load1")?;
let store1 = instance.get_typed_func::<(i32, i32), (), _>(&mut store, "store1")?;
println!("Checking memory...");
assert_eq!(memory0.size(&store), 2);
assert_eq!(memory0.data_size(&store), 0x20000);
assert_eq!(memory0.data_mut(&mut store)[0], 0);
assert_eq!(memory0.data_mut(&mut store)[0x1000], 1);
assert_eq!(memory0.data_mut(&mut store)[0x1001], 2);
assert_eq!(memory0.data_mut(&mut store)[0x1002], 3);
assert_eq!(memory0.data_mut(&mut store)[0x1003], 4);
assert_eq!( store, ())?, 2);
assert_eq!( store, 0)?, 0);
assert_eq!( store, 0x1000)?, 1);
assert_eq!( store, 0x1001)?, 2);
assert_eq!( store, 0x1002)?, 3);
assert_eq!( store, 0x1003)?, 4);
assert_eq!( store, 0x1ffff)?, 0);
assert!( store, 0x20000).is_err()); // out of bounds trap
assert_eq!(memory1.size(&store), 2);
assert_eq!(memory1.data_size(&store), 0x20000);
assert_eq!(memory1.data_mut(&mut store)[0], 0);
assert_eq!(memory1.data_mut(&mut store)[0x1000], 4);
assert_eq!(memory1.data_mut(&mut store)[0x1001], 3);
assert_eq!(memory1.data_mut(&mut store)[0x1002], 2);
assert_eq!(memory1.data_mut(&mut store)[0x1003], 1);
assert_eq!( store, ())?, 2);
assert_eq!( store, 0)?, 0);
assert_eq!( store, 0x1000)?, 4);
assert_eq!( store, 0x1001)?, 3);
assert_eq!( store, 0x1002)?, 2);
assert_eq!( store, 0x1003)?, 1);
assert_eq!( store, 0x1ffff)?, 0);
assert!( store, 0x20000).is_err()); // out of bounds trap
println!("Mutating memory...");
memory0.data_mut(&mut store)[0x1003] = 5; store, (0x1002, 6))?;
assert!( store, (0x20000, 0)).is_err()); // out of bounds trap
assert_eq!([0x1002], 6);
assert_eq!([0x1003], 5);
assert_eq!( store, 0x1002)?, 6);
assert_eq!( store, 0x1003)?, 5);
memory1.data_mut(&mut store)[0x1003] = 7; store, (0x1002, 8))?;
assert!( store, (0x20000, 0)).is_err()); // out of bounds trap
assert_eq!([0x1002], 8);
assert_eq!([0x1003], 7);
assert_eq!( store, 0x1002)?, 8);
assert_eq!( store, 0x1003)?, 7);
println!("Growing memory...");
memory0.grow(&mut store, 1)?;
assert_eq!(memory0.size(&store), 3);
assert_eq!(memory0.data_size(&store), 0x30000);
assert_eq!( store, 0x20000)?, 0); store, (0x20000, 0))?;
assert!( store, 0x30000).is_err());
assert!( store, (0x30000, 0)).is_err());
assert!(memory0.grow(&mut store, 1).is_err());
assert!(memory0.grow(&mut store, 0).is_ok());
memory1.grow(&mut store, 2)?;
assert_eq!(memory1.size(&store), 4);
assert_eq!(memory1.data_size(&store), 0x40000);
assert_eq!( store, 0x30000)?, 0); store, (0x30000, 0))?;
assert!( store, 0x40000).is_err());
assert!( store, (0x40000, 0)).is_err());
assert!(memory1.grow(&mut store, 1).is_err());
assert!(memory1.grow(&mut store, 0).is_ok());