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42 lines
771 B

(core module)
(core module)
(core module)
(core module)
(core module
(func (export "a") (result i32) i32.const 0)
(func (export "b") (result i64) i64.const 0)
(core module
(func (export "c") (result f32) f32.const 0)
(func (export "d") (result f64) f64.const 0)
(import "a" (component))
"root-level component imports are not supported")
(component (export "a"))
"exporting a component from the root component is not supported")
(core module $m (func (export "")))
(core instance $m (instantiate $m))
(func (export "a") (canon lift (core func $m "")))
(assert_return (invoke "a"))