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mod async_functions;
mod call_hook;
mod cli_tests;
mod custom_signal_handler;
mod debug;
mod externals;
mod fuel;
mod func;
mod funcref;
mod fuzzing;
mod gc;
mod globals;
mod host_funcs;
mod iloop;
mod import_calling_export;
mod import_indexes;
mod instance;
mod invoke_func_via_table;
mod limits;
mod linker;
mod memory;
mod memory_creator;
mod module;
mod module_linking;
mod module_serialize;
mod name;
mod pooling_allocator;
mod relocs;
mod stack_overflow;
mod store;
mod table;
mod traps;
mod wast;
/// A helper to compile a module in a new store with reference types enabled.
pub(crate) fn ref_types_module(
source: &str,
) -> anyhow::Result<(wasmtime::Store<()>, wasmtime::Module)> {
use wasmtime::*;
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let mut config = Config::new();
let engine = Engine::new(&config)?;
let store = Store::new(&engine, ());
let module = Module::new(&engine, source)?;
Ok((store, module))
/// A helper determining whether the pooling allocator tests should be skipped.
pub(crate) fn skip_pooling_allocator_tests() -> bool {
// There are a couple of issues when running the pooling allocator tests under QEMU:
// - high memory usage that may exceed the limits imposed by the environment (e.g. CI)
// -