* Tests for the 'caller' property of an arguments object created
* for a non-strict callee.
"comment": "breaks with DUK_OPT_NONSTD_FUNC_CALLER_PROPERTY"
object foo bar
undefined undefined
123 123
dummy dummy
// non-strict callee
function f(x,y) { return arguments; }
// strict caller
function g() { 'use strict'; return f('foo', 'bar'); }
// dummy non-strict function
function dummy() {}
f.myName = 'f';
g.myName = 'g';
dummy.myName = 'dummy';
function test() {
// Create arguments object for the case where a strict function (g)
// calls a non-strict caller (f).
a = g();
print(typeof a, a[0], a[1]);
// Initially there is no 'caller' property at all, and thus no
// special behavior.
print(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, "caller"), a.caller);
// Setting 'caller' to a non-function value triggers no special
// behavior.
a.caller = 123;
print(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, "caller").value, a.caller);
// Setting 'caller' to a non-strict function also triggers no
// special behavior.
a.caller = dummy;
print(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, "caller").value.myName, a.caller.myName);
// Setting 'caller' to a strict function (any strict function, but
// here we set it to 'g') triggers special behavior.
a.caller = g;
// this is OK, the special behavior *only* happens at the [[Get]] level
print(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, "caller").value.myName);
// this fails due to special behavior in [[Get]]
try {
} catch (e) {