@ -88,11 +88,15 @@ changes below. Here's a summary of changes: |
string by copying the buffer bytes directly into the string internal |
representation. |
* Disabling ``DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT`` leaves ``ArrayBuffer`` constructor |
and ``ArrayBuffer.prototype`` present but non-functional. You can still create |
ArrayBuffer instances using ``duk_push_buffer_object()`` but ArrayBuffer methods |
won't work (and ``new ArrayBuffer()`` also won't work). (This behavior is not |
guaranteed and may change even in minor versions.) |
* Disabling ``DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT`` allows use of plain buffers in |
the C API, and allows manipulation of plain buffers in Ecmascript code via |
their virtual properties (index properties, ``.length``, etc). Plain buffers |
will still inherit from ``ArrayBuffer.prototype``, but all ArrayBuffer, typed |
array, and Node.js Buffer methods, as well as ``String.fromBuffer()`` will be |
non-functional. Plain buffers won't object coerce. Duktape custom built-ins |
operating on plain buffers (like Duktape.dec() with hex or base-64 encoding) |
continue to work. (This behavior is not guaranteed and may change even in |
minor versions.) |
To upgrade: |