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identifier algorithms internal doc

Sami Vaarala 11 years ago
  1. 962


@ -0,0 +1,962 @@
Identifier algorithms
This document discusses the exposed algorithms for identifier handling,
taking into account the internal representation of the lexical environment.
The goal of the compiler is to convert almost all identifier related
accesses to register accesses. For full compliance, a "slow path" is
needed, and is provided by the identifier algorithms described here.
The goal for implementation is to make these slow path algorithms
compact, not fast.
Preliminary work
The ``GetIdentifierReference`` specification algorithm walks the chain of
environment records looking for a matching identifier binding. It returns
a "reference" value which can act as both a left-hand-side and a
right-hand-side value. The reference identifies (1) an environment record,
(2) an identifier name, and (3) a strictness flag.
When using the reference as a left-hand-side value, the environment record
is written to. For declarative records, this is a write to internal object
(an internal ``duk_hobject`` in Duktape) or a value stack entry (a ``duk_tval``
for register bound identifiers). For object environment records, this is a
property write (a ``[[Put]]`` call) to a user visible object, possibly invoking
a setter call.
When using the reference as a right-hand-side value, the environment record
is read from. For declarative records, this is a read from an internal
object or a value stack entry (for register bound identifiers). For object
environment records, this is a property read (a ``[[Get]]`` call), possibly
invoking a getter call.
Note that the storage location of any identifier value is conceptually an
external or an internal object. However, the concrete implementation is a
bit more complicated: an identifier value may be either stored in an object
or in an activation's register file, i.e., a particular entry in the value
stack of some thread. This needs to be taken into account when representing
a "reference" type internally.
A close analog of ``GetIdentifierReference`` is currently implemented as a
helper function (referred to as GETIDREF in this document). GETIDREF returns
multiple values which the caller can use to implement the actual operation
(``GETVAR``, ``PUTVAR``, ``DELVAR``, ``HASVAR``). The values returned include:
* ``result``: ``true`` if binding found, ``false`` otherwise. If ``false``,
other values are undefined.
* ``holder``: a pointer to the "holder" object, the internal or external
object storing the binding value. For register-bound identifiers, this
is NULL.
* ``value``: an ``duk_tval`` pointer to the current value for register
bindings, points to a value stored in a value stack. For declarative
environment records, ``value`` points to the ``duk_tval`` property
entry of the internal object. For object environment records, this
is NULL.
* ``attrs``: property attributes of ``value`` (if ``value`` is NULL, this
field is not needed). Attributes are needed in PUTVAR: before updating
a value in-place using a direct ``duk_tval`` write, we need to know that
the value is writable. Register bound variables are always writable
(mutable), denoted "W" in the table below.
* ``this_binding``: an ``duk_tval`` pointer to the ``this`` binding related
to the reference, points to a value stored in an object.
* ``env``: a pointer to the lexical environment record (an ``duk_hobject``)
where the binding was found. For register-bound identifiers, this is NULL.
The following table clarifies the return values in different cases:
| Case | result | holder | value | attrs | this_binding | env |
| Delayed declarative | true | NULL | points | W | NULL | NULL |
| environment, bound in | | | to | | | |
| register of current | | | valstack| | | |
| activation | | | | | | |
| Declarative environment,| true | NULL | points | W | NULL | env |
| bound in register of | | | to | | | |
| open environment record | | | valstack| | | |
| | | | | | | |
| Declarative environment,| true | env | points | from | NULL | env |
| bound in (open or | | | to prop | prop | | |
| closed) environment | | | storage | | | |
| record object | | | | | | |
| Object environment, | true | target | NULL | n/a | NULL | env |
| bound in target object, | | | | | | |
| no "this binding" | | | | | | |
| Object environment, | true | target | NULL | n/a | target | env |
| bound in target object, | | | | | | |
| has "this binding" | | | | | | |
| Not found | false | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
The object environment records created by the ``with`` statement provide
a "this binding" (``provideThis`` is true, see E5 Section 12.10); other
object environment records do not. The "this binding" only affects
function calls made through bound identifiers, e.g. as in::
var foo = {
bar: function() { print("" + this); },
toString: function() { print("i'm foo"); }
with (foo) {
// prints "i'm foo", similar to being called
// like:
Original algorithm
The original ``GetIdentifierReference`` is described in E5 Section
The inputs are: lexical environment ``lex``, identifier string ``name``,
and a ``strict`` flag:
1. If ``lex`` is the value ``null``, then
a. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is ``undefined``, whose
referenced name is ``name``, and whose strict mode flag is ``strict``.
2. Let ``envRec`` be ``lex``\ ‘s environment record.
3. Let ``exists`` be the result of calling the ``HasBinding(N)`` concrete
method of ``envRec`` passing ``name`` as the argument ``N``.
4. If ``exists`` is ``true``, then
a. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is ``envRec``, whose
referenced name is ``name``, and whose strict mode flag is ``strict``.
5. Else
a. Let ``outer`` be the value of ``lex``\ ’s outer environment reference.
b. Return the result of calling ``GetIdentifierReference`` passing
``outer``, ``name``, and ``strict`` as arguments.
* The algorithm supports the case where the starting lexical environment is
``null``, although step 1 is more likely intended to just be the recursion
* The recursion walks the ``outer`` reference chain, which our implementation
handles through internal prototypes of the environment records.
Eliminating recursion
1. **NEXT:**
If ``lex`` is the value ``null``, then:
a. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is ``undefined``, whose
referenced name is ``name``, and whose strict mode flag is ``strict``.
2. Let ``envRec`` be ``lex``\ ‘s environment record.
3. Let ``exists`` be the result of calling the ``HasBinding(N)`` concrete
method of ``envRec`` passing ``name`` as the argument ``N``.
4. If ``exists`` is ``true``, then
a. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is ``envRec``, whose
referenced name is ``name``, and whose strict mode flag is ``strict``.
5. Let ``lex`` be the value of ``lex``\ 's outer environment reference.
6. Goto NEXT.
Concrete implementation
A few notes first:
* The implementation delays the creation of an explicit declarative
environment record when possible. In this case the initial ``lex``
value is ``NULL`` and should be treated like an empty declarative
environment record with a certain outer reference, and possibly a
set of identifiers bound to registers. To do this, we need a
reference to the current activation (``act`` below).
* Some callers require a variant which does not follow the outer
environment reference chain. The algorithm incorporates a flag
``parents`` controlling this (if true, parent chain is followed).
First draft:
1. If ``lex`` is ``null`` and ``act`` is defined then
(delayed declarative environment record):
a. Check whether ``name`` is bound to a register of ``act``.
To do this, the function object needs to be looked up based on
``act``, and the function metadata be consulted; in particular,
the ``_varmap`` internal property (which maps names to register
numbers) is used.
b. If ``name`` is mapped, return the following:
* Result: ``true``
* Value pointer: point to register storage
* Attributes: writable
* This pointer: NULL
* Environment pointer: NULL
* Holder pointer: NULL
c. If ``parents`` is ``false``, goto NOTFOUND.
d. Else, let ``lex`` be the outer environment record that a
declarative environment record created for ``act`` would
have. This is concretetely looked up from the ``_lexenv``
internal property of the function related to ``act``.
2. **NEXT:**
If ``lex`` is the value ``null``, then goto NOTFOUND.
3. If ``lex`` is a declarative environment record, then:
a. If ``lex`` is *open* (activation registers are still in use):
1. Check whether ``name`` is mapped to a register of the activation
related to the environment record. These are concretely looked
up using internal properties of ``lex``. (Note that the related
activation may be any function, and even that of another thread.)
2. If so, return the following values (value pointer can always be
given, and the caller is always allowed to modify the value in-place,
because all register bindings are mutable):
* Result: ``true``
* Value pointer: point to register storage
* This pointer: NULL
* Environment pointer: ``lex``
* Holder pointer: NULL
b. If ``lex`` has a property named ``name``, return the following values:
* Result: ``true``
* Value pointer: point to storage location of property in ``lex``
* Attributes: from ``lex`` property (non-writable for immutable
bindings, writable for others)
* This pointer: NULL
* Environment pointer: ``lex``
* Holder pointer: ``lex``
4. Else ``lex`` is an object environment record:
a. Let ``target`` be the binding object for ``lex``.
(Note: this is always defined, and an object.)
b. If the result of calling ``[[HasProperty]]`` for ``target`` with the
property name ``name`` is ``true``:
1. If ``lex`` has the internal property ``_this``, set ``thisBinding``
to its value. Else set ``thisBinding`` to ``NULL``.
2. Return the following values:
* Result: ``true``
* Value pointer: NULL
* Attributes: arbitrary (use zero)
* This pointer: ``thisBinding``
* Environment pointer: ``lex``
* Holder pointer: ``target``
5. If ``parents`` is ``false``, goto NOTFOUND.
6. Let ``lex`` be the internal prototype of ``lex``.
7. Goto NEXT.
8. **NOTFOUND:**
Return the following:
* Result: ``false``
* Value pointer: NULL
* Attributes: arbitrary (use zero)
* This pointer: NULL
* Environment pointer: NULL
* Holder pointer: NULL
HASVAR: check existence of identifier
Unlike e.g. GETVAR, HASVAR does not traverse the environment record outer
reference chain. HASVAR is also not really an exposed primitive; Ecmascript
code cannot access it directly. It is used internally for function call
handling, and can also be used from the C API.
1. Let ``res`` be the result of calling ``GETIDREF`` with the arguments
``env``, ``name``, and ``parents`` set to ``false``.
2. Return the "result" component of ``res``.
GETVAR: read identifier value
Conceptual steps:
* Identifier resolution (E5 Section 10.3.1) is used to resolve identifier
* Identifier resolution calls ``GetIdentifierReference`` (E5 Section, which returns a Reference type.
* A right-hand-side expression "coerces" the Reference to a value using
``GetValue`` (E5 Section 8.7.1).
In the optimal case, all of these can be resolved at compile time, converting
the identifier read into a register lookup. No explicit run-time processing
happens in this case.
In other cases the compiler emits a ``GETVAR`` instruction which performs the
necessary (slow) steps at run time. The identifier name (a string) is always
known at compile time as there is no indirect variable lookup; an ``eval``
call might look like one, but any identifier reference has a string name when
compiling the ``eval`` argument string, e.g. as in::
function f() {
return eval("return foo;);
The run time part begins with, essentially, ``GetIdentifierReference`` which
is given a lexical environment ``env``, an identifier name ``name``, and a
``strict`` flag which depends on the function containing the expression.
The GETVAR primitive differs from a plain identifier lookup in that it also
returns the "this binding" related to the identifier, if defined.
Let's look at ``GetValue`` first.
GetValue simplifies to (here, ``V`` is the Reference):
1. Let ``base`` be the result of calling ``GetBase(V)`` (which must be an
environment record).
2. If ``IsUnresolvableReference(V)``, throw a ``ReferenceError`` exception.
3. Return the result of calling the ``GetBindingValue`` (see 10.2.1)
concrete method of ``base`` passing ``GetReferencedName(V)`` and
``IsStrictReference(V)`` as arguments.
Inlining the ``GetBindingValue`` calls (E5 Sections and
1. Let ``base`` be the result of calling ``GetBase(V)`` (which must be an
environment record).
2. If ``IsUnresolvableReference(V)``, throw a ``ReferenceError`` exception.
(Note: this is unconditional.)
3. If ``base`` is a declarative environment record, then:
a. If the binding for ``name`` is an uninitialized immutable binding,
1. If ``strict`` is ``true``, then throw a ``ReferenceError`` exception.
2. Else, return ``undefined``.
b. Return the value currently bound to ``name`` in ``base``.
(Note: the value must exist, because ``IsUnresolvableReference()``
checks that it does.)
4. Else ``base`` must be an object environment record and:
a. Let ``bindings`` be the bindings object for ``base``.
b. Let ``value`` be the result of calling the ``[[HasProperty]]``
internal method of ``bindings``, passing ``name`` as the property
c. If ``value`` is ``false``, then:
1. If ``strict`` is ``true``, then throw a ``ReferenceError`` exception.
2. Else, return ``undefined``.
d. Return the result of calling the ``[[Get]]`` internal method of
``bindings``, passing ``name`` for the argument.
(Note: this may invoke an accessor.)
Reworking a bit to eliminate duplication of ``ReferenceError`` throwing,
and cleaning up:
1. Let ``base`` be the result of calling ``GetBase(V)`` (which must be an
environment record).
2. If ``IsUnresolvableReference(V)``, throw a ``ReferenceError`` exception.
(Note: this is unconditional.)
3. If ``base`` is a declarative environment record, then:
a. If the binding for ``name`` is an uninitialized immutable binding,
then goto NOTFOUND.
b. Return the value currently bound to ``name`` in ``base``.
(Note: the value must exist, because ``IsUnresolvableReference()``
checks that it does.)
4. Else ``base`` must be an object environment record and:
a. Let ``bindings`` be the bindings object for ``base``.
b. If the result of calling the ``[[HasProperty]]`` internal method of
``bindings``, passing ``name`` as the property name, is ``false``,
then goto NOTFOUND.
c. Return the result of calling the ``[[Get]]`` internal method of
``bindings``, passing ``name`` for the argument.
(Note: this may invoke an accessor.)
5. **NOTFOUND:**
a. If ``strict`` is ``true``, then throw a ``ReferenceError`` exception.
b. Else, return ``undefined``.
* Step 3.a: uninitialized immutable bindings don't occur when running
user code, they only exist temporarily in the specification algorithms.
* Step 4.c: it is important to note that getting a value from an object
environment record accesses a user visible property, and may lead to
an accessor call. The accessor can have arbitrary side effects, such
+ Modifying arbitrary objects, even the binding object itself.
+ Causing a garbage collection, and resizing and reallocation of any
object's property allocation or any valstack. This may invalidate
*any* existing ``duk_tval`` pointers to such structures (but not
any "plain" heap object pointers, such as pointers to strings and
Arguments are environment record ``env``, and identifier name ``name``.
The return value is a pair (value, this_binding).
1. Let ``res`` be the result of calling ``GETIDREF`` with the arguments
``env``, ``name``, and ``parents`` set to ``true``.
2. If ``res.result`` is ``false``, throw a ``ReferenceError``.
(Note: this is unconditional.)
3. If ``res.value`` is not NULL (identifier bound to a register in a
declarative environment record) then:
a. Return ``res.value`` and ``undefined``.
4. Else ``res.holder`` must not be NULL (identifier bound to a declarative
environment record or an object environment record target object):
a. Let ``this`` be ``ref.this_binding``.
b. Let ``val`` be the result of calling ``[[Get]]`` on ``res.holder`` with
the property name ``name``.
c. Return ``val`` and ``this``.
* In step 4, note that the ``[[Get]]`` call may invoke a getter and may
thus have an arbitrary number of side effects, including resizing of the
property allocation of any object and any valstack. Any existing
``duk_tval`` pointers may be invalidated. This is why step 4.a should
conceptually happen first.
Handling of ``typeof`` for an unresolvable identifier
The ``typeof`` operator needs slightly different behavior to the above
algorithm for unresolvable references. Instead of throwing a ``ReferenceError``
``typeof`` returns ``undefined`` for an unresolvable reference.
Another alternative would be to use HASVAR first and then (depending on
the result) use GETVAR.
PUTVAR: write identifier value
* ``GetIdentifierReference``
* ``PutValue``
Note: the E5 specification prohibits a binding or assignment to an
identifier named ``eval`` or ``arguments`` in strict mode. This is
actually prevented during compilation, and causes a compile time
* E5 Section 11.13: single or compound assignment
* E5 Section 12.2.1: variable or function declaration in a function body
* E5 Section 13.1: function argument name
* E5 Section 12.14.1: ``catch`` clause variable name
As a result, there is no need to check for this at run time when
assigning values to variables (either in actual program code, or
in bytecode prologue initializing function bindings). The implementation
does assert for this condition though.
Let's look at ``PutValue`` first.
PutValue simplifies to (here, ``V`` is the Reference and ``W`` is the value):
1. Let ``base`` be the result of calling ``GetBase(V)`` (which must be an
environment record).
2. If ``IsUnresolvableReference(V)``, then:
a. If ``IsStrictReference(V)`` is ``true`` then throw a
``ReferenceError`` exception.
b. Call the ``[[Put]]`` internal method of the global object, passing
``GetReferencedName(V)`` for the property name, ``W`` for the value,
and ``false`` for the ``Throw`` flag.
3. Call the ``SetMutableBinding`` (10.2.1) concrete method of ``base``,
passing ``GetReferencedName(V)``, ``W``, and ``IsStrictReference(V)``
as arguments.
4. Return.
Inlining the ``SetMutableBinding`` calls (E5 Sections and
1. Let ``base`` be the result of calling ``GetBase(V)`` (which must be an
environment record).
2. If ``IsUnresolvableReference(V)``, then:
a. If ``IsStrictReference(V)`` is ``true`` then throw a
``ReferenceError`` exception.
b. Call the ``[[Put]]`` internal method of the global object, passing
``GetReferencedName(V)`` for the property name, ``W`` for the value,
and ``false`` for the ``Throw`` flag.
3. If ``base`` is a declarative environment record, then:
a. If the binding for ``GetReferencedName(V)`` in ``base`` is a mutable
binding, change its bound value to ``W``.
b. Else this must be an attempt to change the value of an immutable
binding so throw a ``TypeError`` exception.
4. Else ``base`` must be an object environment record and:
a. Let ``bindings`` be the binding object for ``base``.
b. Call the ``[[Put]]`` internal method of ``bindings`` with
arguments ``GetReferencedName(V)``, ``W``, and ``IsStrictReference(V)``.
(Note: this may invoke an accessor.)
4. Return.
* Step 4.c may have a wide variety of side effects including resizing any
object property allocation or valstack.
Arguments are environment record ``env``, identifier name ``name``, new
identifier value ``val``, and a ``strict`` flag indicating whether the
code executing a PUTVAR is strict.
1. Let ``res`` be the result of calling ``GETIDREF`` with the arguments
``env``, ``name``, and ``parents`` set to ``true``.
2. If ``res.result`` is ``false``:
a. If ``strict`` is ``true``, throw a ``ReferenceError``.
b. Call the ``[[Put]]`` internal method of the global object, passing
``name`` for the property name, ``val`` for the value,
and ``false`` for the ``Throw`` flag.
3. If ``res.value`` is not NULL (identifier bound to a register, or to
a property in a declarative environment record) and ``res.attrs``
indicates value is writable, then:
a. Write ``val`` to the target of the pointer ``res.value``.
(Identifier bound to a register in a declarative environment record.)
b. Return.
4. Else ``res.holder`` must not be NULL. Identifier is bound to a declarative
environment record (an immutable binding) or an object environment record
target object:
a. Call the ``[[Put]]`` internal method of ``res.holder`` with
arguments ``name``, ``val``, and ``strict``.
(Note: this may invoke an accessor.)
b. Return.
* In step 4, note that the ``[[Put]]`` call may invoke a setter and may
thus have an arbitrary number of side effects, including resizing of the
property allocation of any object and any valstack. Any existing
``duk_tval`` pointers may be invalidated.
DELVAR: delete identifier
* ``GetIdentifierReference``
* ``delete`` operator applied to an identifier (not a property)
* ``DeleteBinding``
The deletion process locates the nearest declaration and deletes that (if possible).
There may be on outer declaration which is still in effect. For instance (Rhino)::
js> var a = 10;
js> function f() {
... eval("var a = 20; print(a); " +
... "print(delete a); print(a); " +
... "print(delete a)"); };
js> f()
The innermost binding is an established by eval into an empty declarative environment
of the function. The declaration succeeds and creates a deletable, mutable binding,
which is then printed and successfully deleted. The global binding is still visible,
but it is a non-deletable, mutable binding, so the delete fails. Multiple levels of
deletable bindings for the same identifier are thus possible, and ``delete`` will
always try to delete the one that is currently visible.
The delete operator
The ``delete`` operator is defined in E5 Section 11.4.1. A few notes:
* In non-strict mode, deletion of an unresolvable identifier succeeds
silently (step 3.b), e.g.::
function f() { return delete foo; }
print(f()); // prints true
* In non-strict mode, deletion of a resolvable but undeletable binding
succeeds with ``false``::
// 'x' is a non-deletable mutable binding
function f() {
var x = 1;
print(delete x);
// -> false
* In non-strict mode, deletion of a resolvable and deletable binding
succeeds with ``true``::
foo = 1; // establishes 'foo' into global object
// -> {"value":1,"writable":true,
// "enumerable":true,"configurable":true}
print(JSON.stringify(this, 'foo'));
// -> true
print(delete foo);
// -> empty
print(JSON.stringify(this, 'foo'));
* In strict mode, any attempt to delete an identifier (resolvable or
not) is always a *compile time* ``SyntaxError``, see steps 3.a and 5.a.
+ Example 1::
// SyntaxError (compile time)
function f() {
'use strict';
delete foo; // unresolvable
+ Example 2::
// SyntaxError (compile time)
foo = 1;
function f() {
'use strict';
delete foo; // resolves, still a SyntaxError
+ Example 3 (applies even to object bindings)::
foo = { bar: 1};
with (foo) {
var f = function() {
'use strict';
delete bar; // resolves, still a SyntaxError
Note that *all* ``SyntaxError`` exceptions must be thrown at compile
time (E5 Section 16). So, any run time attempts to delete identifiers
with a DELVAR operation *must* happen from non-strict code.
With this in mind, the *run time part* of ``delete`` operator (i.e.,
the DELVAR primitive) only executes in non-strict code, and for a
reference ``ref`` becomes:
1. If ``IsUnresolvableReference(ref)`` then return ``true``.
2. Else ``ref`` is a reference to an environment record binding; let
``bindings`` be ``GetBase(ref)``.
3. Return the result of calling the ``DeleteBinding`` concrete method
of ``bindings``, providing ``GetReferencedName(ref)`` as the
Inlining the concrete ``DeleteBinding`` algorithms (E5 Sections and, and renaming ``ref`` to ``V`` and
``bindings`` to ``base`` to match the GETVAR and PUTVAR algorithms:
1. If ``IsUnresolvableReference(V)`` then return ``true``.
2. Else ``V`` is a reference to an environment record binding; let
``base`` be ``GetBase(V)``.
3. If ``base`` is a declarative environment record, then:
a. If ``base`` does not have a binding for the name
``GetReferencedName(V)``, return ``true``.
b. If the binding for ``GetReferencedName(V)`` in ``base`` cannot
be deleted, return ``false``.
c. Remove the binding for ``GetReferencedName(V)`` from ``base``.
d. Return ``true``.
4. Else ``base`` must be an object environment record and:
a. Let ``bindings`` be the binding (target) object for ``base``.
b. Return the result of calling ``[[Delete]]`` internal method of
``bindings``, passing ``GetReferencedName(V)`` and ``false``
* In step 4.b: ``[[Delete]]`` returns ``true`` if the own property either
does not exist, or the property exists and is deletable. ``false``
is only returned if a non-configurable own property exists. This matches
the behavior for identifiers in declarative environment records.
Arguments are environment record ``env``, identifier name ``name``, new
identifier value ``val``, and a ``strict`` flag indicating whether the
code executing a DELVAR is strict (the ``strict`` flag is always ``false``,
1. Let ``res`` be the result of calling ``GETIDREF`` with the arguments
``env``, ``name``, and ``parents`` set to ``true``.
2. If ``res.result`` is ``false``:
a. Return ``true``.
3. If ``res.value`` is not NULL (identifier bound to a register, or a
property in a declarative environment record) and ``res.attrs``
indicates value is non-configurable, then:
a. Return ``false``.
(Note: register-bound identifiers are not deletable.)
4. Else ``res.holder`` must not be NULL (identifier bound to a declarative
environment record or an object environment record target object):
a. Call the ``[[Delete]]`` internal method of ``res.holder`` with
arguments ``name`` and ``false``.
b. Return.
* The compiler should never emit a DELVAR for strict code, and the bytecode
executor should refuse to execute such an instruction for strict code.
There is no explicit check in the algorithm.
* Step 4.a covers two cases:
1. An identifier bound to a declarative environment record. In this
case ``res.holder`` is the internal environment record, and the
property delete follows normal ``[[Delete]]`` behavior. In particular,
``[[Delete]]`` only returns ``false`` if the property exists and is
not configurable. Otherwise ``[[Delete]]`` returns ``true``. This
matches the desired behavior for declarative environment records (see
the abstract, inlined version of the algorithm).
2. An identifier bound to an object environment record. In this case
``res.holder`` is the target object, and the ``[[Delete]]`` call is
the desired behavior.
DECLVAR: declare identifier
Bindings are created with ``CreateMutableBinding`` and
``CreateImmutableBinding`` in E5 Section 10.5 (Declaration Binding
Instantiation) and Section 12.14 (``catch`` clause).
``CreateMutableBinding`` and ``CreateImmutableBinding`` both assume that
they are never called if the binding has already been declared. The
algorithms establishing new bindings carefully use ``HasBinding`` to avoid
duplicate declaration attempts (see "declaration binding instantiation"
for instance).
Declarations always go to a specified environment record; its outer
environment (parent) is not checked or affected. Thus, a variable name
can be re-declared if it exists in an outer context, e.g.::
var a = 10;
function f() {
// new declarative environment
var a = 20;
More specifically, new bindings are created in the following places (the
method of preventing a duplicate declaration is in parentheses):
* Section 10.5 step 4.d.iii - 4.d.iv: argument binding
(checks for existing binding)
* Section 10.5 step 5.c - 5.d: function declaration
(checks for existing binding; special handling for re-declarations of
global functions added in E5.1)
* Section 10.5 step 6, 7.b.i, and 7.c.i: ``arguments`` binding
(checks for existing binding)
* Section 10.5 step 8.b - 8.c: variable declaration
(checks for existing binding)
* Section 12.14 ``catch`` step 4: ``catch`` variable binding
(new environment, no need to check)
The DECLVAR algorithm can ignore attempts to re-declare a variable, except
that the re-declaration of global functions has special handling in E5.1.
Note that unlike GETVAR, PUTVAR, and DELVAR, DECLVAR has no "baseline"
algorithm in the E5 specification. Rather, it is a primitive which is
useful internally, and needs to match the scattered variable declaration
needs identified above.
Also note that all non-register-bound identifiers are stored as object
properties (either of an internal or an external object). Hence, DECLVAR
ultimately adds or updates a property of some holder object.
* environment record ``env``
* variable name ``name``
* initial value ``val``
* property attributes ``attrs``, which allow the caller to control whether
the binding is deletable (``[[Configurable]]`` attribute) and mutable
(``[[Writable]]`` attribute)
* flag ``is_func_decl``, which indicates whether the binding being declared
is a function declaration; this has no other effect than to control the
special global function re-declaration behavior of E5.1
* none
1. Let ``res`` be the result of calling ``GETIDREF`` with the arguments
``env``, ``name``, and ``parents`` set to ``false``.
2. If ``res.result`` is ``true`` (already declared):
a. If ``is_func_decl`` is ``false`` or ``env`` is not the global object
environment record, return (ignore re-declaration).
Else ``is_func_decl`` is ``true`` and ``env`` is the global object
environment record, and E5.1 special behavior is needed.
b. Let ``holder`` be ``ref.holder``; this must be the global object,
which must hold an own property called ``name``. This is the case
because the global object has a ``null`` internal prototype.
c. Let ``X`` be the property descriptor for ``name`` in ``holder``.
d. If ``X.[[Configurable]]`` is ``false``:
1. If ``X`` is an accessor property, throw a ``TypeError``.
2. If ``X.[[Writable]]`` is ``false`` or ``X.[[Enumerable]]`` is
``false``, throw a ``TypeError``.
3. Set ``attrs`` to the current property attributes of ``X``.
(Note: in effect, don't update ``X`` attributes; we know it is
writable, enumerable, and non-configurable.)
e. Update the property ``name`` of ``holder`` to be a data property with
the value ``val``, and attributes set to ``attrs``.
f. Return.
3. Let ``holder`` be the property holder object of ``env`` (this is ``env``
itself for a declarative environment, and the target (bindings) object
for an object environment).
4. Define a new property ``name`` to ``holder`` with property attributes
``attrs``. Note that this may fail if ``holder`` is not extensible;
this can only happen for object environment records, as declarative
environment records are never non-extensible.
5. Return.
* The concrete implementation has to deal with the fact that ``env`` creation
for an activation may be delayed. So, the environment needs to be created
on-the-fly if it doesn't exist yet.
* Step 2 inlines yet another version of ``[[DefineOwnProperty]]``.
* If a function is redeclared, it must have its binding value updated.