* Rename prepare_sources.py to configure.py; the operation is similar to
autoconf ./configure so the association is useful.
* Rename make_dist.py to dist.py.
* Generate only one source set (combined or separate) for one run of
* Change dist.py to run configure.py three times to generate the default
source sets.
* Use an autodeleted temporary directory for preparing sources, which
removes some of the manual temporary file handling.
* Plain buffers still inherit from ArrayBuffer.prototype.
* Plain buffers won't object coerce, so Object(plainBuffer) fails.
* All buffer object related methods throw an error; their function bodies
are essentially empty. Note that this includes bindings such as
String.fromBuffer(), ArrayBuffer.allocPlain(), ArrayBuffer.plainOf(),
and so on. In essence, you can index plain buffers in Ecmascript but
the buffer values must be created via the C API.
* Duktape custom bindings like Duktape.dec('hex', 'deadbeef') still work
and produce plain buffers.
The current Makefile does not work on Arch Linux in particular,
which uses 'node' binary name.
Make output is:
which: no nodejs in (/usr/lib/hardening-wrapper/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/emscripten:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl)
*** Missing NodeJS:
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs nodejs-legacy npm # may also be 'node'
*** Missing BeautifulSoup (affects website build)
$ sudo apt-get install python-bs4
*** Errors found in system setup, see error messages above!
Makefile:327: recipe for target 'checksetup' failed
make: *** [checksetup] Error 1
Use multiple 'command -v' calls until one returns with success.
On failure 'command -v' output is empty, while 'which' may return
anything from 'nodejs not found' to 'which: no nodejs in (...)' and
print it either to stdout or to stderr.
- Linux feature option for strdup().
- Use svaarala's fork of linenoise with compile warnings fixes. The fixes
are not mandatory (= works from linenoise master) but makes the compile