/*=== basic object 1 foo 0 foobarfoo object 1 foo 0 foobarfoo object true object 1 foo 0 foobarfoo object true object 2 foo foo object true object 1 0 foobarfoo object 1 0 foobarfoo object 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 object 1 49 64974 1 object 1 49 64974 1 object 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ===*/ print('basic'); function basicTest() { var s = new String('foobarfoo'); var m; // 'foo' coerces to /foo/, non-global regexp; result is the same as if // /foo/.exec() had been called m = s.match('foo'); print(typeof m, m.length, m[0], m.index, m.input); // a string argument creates a RegExp, and plain string match cannot be done m = s.match('f..'); print(typeof m, m.length, m[0], m.index, m.input); // no match m = s.match('quux'); print(typeof m, m === null); // explicit non-global regexps, for comparison m = s.match(/foo/); print(typeof m, m.length, m[0], m.index, m.input); m = s.match(/quux/); print(typeof m, m === null); // global regexp: return list of matches m = s.match(/foo/g); print(typeof m, m.length, m[0], m[1]); // global regexp, no match; null instead of empty array m = s.match(/quux/g); print(typeof m, m === null); // empty string or empty regexp match (internally the same, because a // string is used to create a regexp matching an empty string) -> match // once at the beginning m = s.match(''); print(typeof m, m.length, m[0], m.index, m.input); m = s.match(/(?:)/); print(typeof m, m.length, m[0], m.index, m.input); // global regexp matching an empty string -> match once between each // character, once before the first char, and once after the last char m = s.match(/(?:)/g); print(typeof m, m.length, m[0].length, m[1].length, m[2].length, m[3].length, m[4].length, m[5].length, m[6].length, m[7].length, m[8].length, m[9].length); // Some non-BMP tests; important because implementation uses both char // and byte offsets. These tests are similar to the ones above. s = new String('\u1234\u0031\ufdce\u1234\u0031\ufdce'); m = s.match('\u0031\ufdce'); print(typeof m, m.length, m[0].charCodeAt(0), m[0].charCodeAt(1), m.index); m = s.match('\u0031.'); print(typeof m, m.length, m[0].charCodeAt(0), m[0].charCodeAt(1), m.index); m = s.match(/(?:)/g); print(typeof m, m.length, m[0].length, m[1].length, m[2].length, m[3].length, m[4].length, m[5].length, m[6].length); } try { basicTest(); } catch (e) { print(e); } /*=== regexp before [object RegExp], source=zoo, global=false, ignoreCase=false, multiline=false, lastIndex=1 (string) [object Null] after [object RegExp], source=zoo, global=false, ignoreCase=false, multiline=false, lastIndex=0 (number) valueOf() lastIndex before [object RegExp], source=foo, global=false, ignoreCase=false, multiline=false, lastIndex=1 (object) valueOf() lastIndex [object Array] 1 foo input=foobarfoobar index=0 valueOf() lastIndex after [object RegExp], source=foo, global=false, ignoreCase=false, multiline=false, lastIndex=1 (object) before [object RegExp], source=zoo, global=true, ignoreCase=false, multiline=false, lastIndex=1 (string) [object Null] after [object RegExp], source=zoo, global=true, ignoreCase=false, multiline=false, lastIndex=0 (number) before [object RegExp], source=foo, global=true, ignoreCase=false, multiline=false, lastIndex=0 (number) [object Array] 1 foo after [object RegExp], source=foo, global=true, ignoreCase=false, multiline=false, lastIndex=0 (number) before [object RegExp], source=foo, global=true, ignoreCase=false, multiline=false, lastIndex=0 (number) [object Array] 2 foo foo after [object RegExp], source=foo, global=true, ignoreCase=false, multiline=false, lastIndex=0 (number) before [object RegExp], source=foo, global=true, ignoreCase=true, multiline=false, lastIndex=0 (number) [object Array] 2 Foo fOO after [object RegExp], source=foo, global=true, ignoreCase=true, multiline=false, lastIndex=0 (number) before [object RegExp], source=foo, global=true, ignoreCase=true, multiline=false, lastIndex=1 (string) [object Array] 3 Foo fOO FOO after [object RegExp], source=foo, global=true, ignoreCase=true, multiline=false, lastIndex=0 (number) ===*/ /* For non-global RegExp instances, match() logic is the same as normal * RegExp exec(): E5.1 Section, step 7.a calls exec() directly, * returning the exec() return value from match(). * * Global RegExp instances get an entirely different handling in match(), * though exec() is used as a component. In essence, match() finds all * matches, and creates a result array containing the matching strings * (match[0]) for each match. 'lastIndex' of the RegExp is updated in * the process. If no matches are found, null is returned instead of an * empty array. See E5.1 Section, step 8. * * match() algorithm initializes lastIndex to zero (without ever reading or * coercing it). The exec() calls in match() step 8.f.i will update * lastIndex for both matching and non-matching case. For the non-matching * case, lastIndex is written to zero (exec() step 9.a). For the matching * case, lastIndex is written to end of match (exec() step 11.a). The * match() algorithm has a special case for an empty match, which will * advance the scan index and also update lastIndex; step 8.f.iii.2. Note * that since the global case match() loop only exits by a non-matching * exec() call, lastIndex should *always* be left to zero: a non-matching * exec() always leaves a zero in lastIndex (exec() step 9.a). * * In summary: * * 1) non-global match() essentially wraps a single regexp exec() call; * lastIndex is written to zero if regexp does not match, and is not * not touched if it matches. It is always ToInteger() coerced. * 2) global match() resets lastIndex to zero (step 8.a) before it is * read or coerced, so no lastIndex side effects should occur. * 3) global match() always leaves lastIndex as zero in the end. * * Note that 'lastIndex' could be an accessor property in principle and * this would expose the intermediate values used during match(). However, * 'lastIndex' is always initialized as a data property and is always * non-configurable so it cannot be changed into an accessor. * * Note that the expected match logic described above does not seem to match * V8 and Rhino (e.g. V8 seems to never update lastIndex). Perhaps the * reasoning above is wrong? */ print('regexp'); function getRegExpDump(re) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(re) + ', source=' + re.source + ', global=' + re.global + ', ignoreCase=' + re.ignoreCase + ', multiline=' + re.multiline + ', lastIndex=' + re.lastIndex + ' (' + typeof re.lastIndex + ')'; } function regExpTest() { var re; function test(this_val, regexp) { var t; var tmp = []; print('before', getRegExpDump(regexp)); try { t = String.prototype.match.call(this_val, regexp); tmp.push(Object.prototype.toString.call(t)); if (t !== null) { tmp.push(t.length); for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { tmp.push(t[i]); } if (typeof t.input !== 'undefined') { tmp.push('input=' + t.input); } if (typeof t.index !== 'undefined') { tmp.push('index=' + t.index); } } print(tmp.join(' ')); } catch (e) { print(e.name, e); } print('after', getRegExpDump(regexp)); } // Non-global match, match not found -> null // // RegExp.prototype.exec() will be called; it will read 'lastIndex' // and coerce it with ToInteger() but then ignore the result when // global flag is false (E5.1 Section, steps 4, 5, 7). // If the match fails, lastIndex will be written to zero (step 9.a). re = /zoo/; re.lastIndex = '1'; test('foobarfoobar', re); // Non-global match, match found. // // In the matching case for a non-global regexp, exec() *won't* write // lastIndex at all. Also check that lastIndex ToInteger() coercion // occurs even when it is unused. re = /foo/; re.lastIndex = { toString: function() { print('toString() lastIndex'); return '123'; }, valueOf: function() { print('valueOf() lastIndex'); return 1; } }; test('foobarfoobar', re); // Global match, match not found -> null. // // lastIndex should be left as zero (always for global matches). re = /zoo/g; re.lastIndex = '1'; // lastIndex start position is ignored test('foobar', re); // Global match, single match found -> array with one element. test('foobar', /foo/g); // Other global match cases test('foobarfoobar', /foo/g); test('FoobarfOObar', /foo/gi); re = /foo/gi; re.lastIndex = '1'; // lastIndex start position is ignored test('FoobarfOObarFOObar', re); // FIXME: RegExp.prototype.exec() replaced; still calls original function } try { regExpTest(); } catch (e) { print(e); } /*=== coercion TypeError TypeError TypeError object "true" 1 "rue" object "false" 2 "lse" object "123" 1 "23" object "foobar" 3 "bar" object "1,2,3" 2 "2,3" object "[object Object]" 8 "Object" object "foo" 0 "" object "foo" 0 "" object "foonullfoo" 3 "null" object "footruefoo" 3 "true" object "foofalsefoo" 3 "false" object "foo123foo" 3 "123" object "foobarfoo" 3 "bar" object "foo1,2foo" 3 "1,2" object "xxxOyyy" 3 "O" TypeError ===*/ print('coercion'); function coercionTest() { function test(this_val, regexp_val, arg_count) { var t; try { if (arg_count === 0) { t = String.prototype.match.call(); } else if (arg_count === 1) { t = String.prototype.match.call(this_val); } else { t = String.prototype.match.call(this_val, regexp_val); } // result is a RegExp match result print(typeof t, '"' + t.input + '"', t.index, '"' + t[0] + '"'); } catch (e) { print(e.name); } } // this coercion test(undefined, undefined, 0); test(undefined, 'foo'); test(null, 'foo'); test(true, 'rue'); test(false, 'lse'); test(123, '23'); test('foobar', 'bar'); test([1,2,3], '2,3'); test({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }, 'Object'); // regexp argument: if non-regexp, it is given to the RegExp constructor, // which coerces using ToString() except for undefined, which is explicitly // coerced to an empty string. test('foo', undefined, 1); // undefined -> new RegExp('') -> match at index 0 test('foo', undefined); test('foonullfoo', null); test('footruefoo', true); test('foofalsefoo', false); test('foo123foo', 123); test('foobarfoo', 'b.r'); // string is always in regexp syntax test('foo1,2foo', [1,2]); // object is interesting, it ToString() coerces to "[object Object]" which // is interpreted as a character class. test('xxxOyyy', { foo: 1, bar: 2 }); test('xxxAyyy', { foo: 1, bar: 2 }); // no match } try { coercionTest(); } catch (e) { print(e); }