--- !ditz.rubyforge.org,2008-03-06/issue title: rewrite matrix testing hack to be more useful desc: |- Allow exhaustive runs as well as sampled runs. Allow parallelism. In addition to a fixed testcase, allow a random testcase to be executed. This allows random sampling of compile options + testcases, which would otherwise be a space far too large. type: :task component: duk release: v1.1 reporter: Sami Vaarala status: :unstarted disposition: creation_time: 2014-10-13 21:34:09.306296 Z references: [] id: d709b170438fecdf9290b80a008ee0cbd36cc87b log_events: - - 2014-10-13 21:34:09.519351 Z - Sami Vaarala - created - ""