--- !ditz.rubyforge.org,2008-03-06/issue title: add es6-to-es5 transpiler tests desc: https://github.com/addyosmani/es6-tools type: :task component: duk release: reporter: Sami Vaarala status: :unstarted disposition: creation_time: 2014-07-02 08:43:11.660997 Z references: [] id: 0fecadcf2cc0c9b5e649e2565fc585b00bf408d0 log_events: - - 2014-07-02 08:43:11.836925 Z - Sami Vaarala - created - "" - - 2014-07-10 12:43:24.528275 Z - Sami Vaarala - assigned to release v0.12 from v0.11 - "" - - 2014-08-05 12:17:46.955028 Z - Sami Vaarala - unassigned from release v0.12 - |- The transpilers seem somewhat immature still, so postponing this. For instance, traceur didn't work out of the box and es6now doesn't translate block scoped variables and expects a 'window' binding to be present.