=proto int duk_get_boolean(duk_context *ctx, int index); =stack [ ... val! ... ] =summary
Get the boolean value at index without modifying or coercing the value. Returns 1 if the value is true, 0 if the value is false, not a boolean, or the index is invalid.
Note that the value is not coerced, so a "truthy" Ecmascript value (like a non-empty string) will be treated as false. If you want to coerce the value, use duk_to_boolean().
=example if (duk_get_boolean(ctx, -3)) { printf("value is true\n"); } =fixme An API primitive which coerces but doesn't modify value? This would be closest to ordinary Ecmascript use. The current behavior comes from the idea that duk_get_xxx() calls do not coerce anything.