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# Helper script for release checklist compile test.
set -x
TESTCODE="for (var arr=[]; arr.length < 1e6; arr.push(1)); Duktape.compact(arr); var estimate =[4] / arr.length; print('duk_tval size approximation:', estimate);"
for compiler in gcc clang; do
for archopt in -m64 -m32; do
echo "*** $compiler $archopt"
echo "- single source, normal options"
rm -f duk
$compiler -o duk $archopt -Os -pedantic -std=c99 -Wall -fstrict-aliasing -fomit-frame-pointer -I./src ${OPTS1} src/duktape.c examples/cmdline/duk_cmdline.c -lm
./duk -e 'print(Duktape.env)' -e "$TESTCODE" mandel.js
echo "- single source, debug options"
rm -f duk
$compiler -o duk $archopt -Os -pedantic -std=c99 -Wall -fstrict-aliasing -fomit-frame-pointer -I./src ${OPTS2} src/duktape.c examples/cmdline/duk_cmdline.c -lm
./duk -e 'print(Duktape.env)' -e "$TESTCODE" mandel.js
echo "- separate sources, normal options"
rm -f duk
$compiler -o duk $archopt -Os -pedantic -std=c99 -Wall -fstrict-aliasing -fomit-frame-pointer -I./src-separate $OPTS1 src-separate/*.c examples/cmdline/duk_cmdline.c -lm
./duk -e 'print(Duktape.env)' -e "$TESTCODE" mandel.js
echo "- separate sources, debug options"
rm -f duk
$compiler -o duk $archopt -Os -pedantic -std=c99 -Wall -fstrict-aliasing -fomit-frame-pointer -I./src-separate $OPTS2 src-separate/*.c examples/cmdline/duk_cmdline.c -lm
./duk -e 'print(Duktape.env)' -e "$TESTCODE" mandel.js