@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ |
//! #[derive(PartialEq)]
//! enum Enum { First, Second, Third }
//! let mut my_enum = Enum::First;
//! # let mut my_enum = Enum::First;
//! ui.horizontal(|ui| {
//! ui.radio_value(&mut my_enum, Enum::First, "First");
//! ui.radio_value(&mut my_enum, Enum::Second, "Second");
@ -157,13 +157,29 @@ |
//! * check if the mouse is hovering or clicking that location
//! * chose button colors based on if it is being hovered or clicked
//! * add a [`Shape::Rect`] and [`Shape::Text`] to the list of shapes to be painted later this frame
//! * return a [`Response`] with the `clicked` member so the user can check for interactions
//! * return a [`Response`] with the [`clicked`](`Response::clicked`) member so the user can check for interactions
//! There is no button being created and stored somewhere.
//! The only output of this call is some colored shapes, and a [`Response`].
//! Similarly, consider this code:
//! ```
//! # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
//! # let mut value: f32 = 0.0;
//! ui.add(egui::Slider::new(&mut value, 0.0..=100.0).text("My value"));
//! # });
//! ```
//! Here egui will read `value` to display the slider, then look if the mouse is dragging the slider and if so change the `value`.
//! Note that `egui` does not store the slider value for you - it only displays the current value, and changes it
//! by how much the slider has been dragged in the previous few milliseconds.
//! This means it is responsibility of the egui user to store the state (`value`) so that it persists between frames.
//! Read more about the pros and cons of immediate mode at <https://github.com/emilk/egui#why-immediate-mode>.
//! # Misc
//! ## How widgets works
//! ```