// After Begin() we fill the last item / hovered data using the title bar data. Make that a standard behavior (to allow usage of context menus on title bar only, etc.).
// As a specific feature guaranteed by the library, after calling Begin() the last Item represent the title bar. So e.g. IsItemHovered() will return true when hovering the title bar.
// Here we create a context menu only available from the title bar.
ImGui::TextWrapped("This example implements a console with basic coloring, completion and history. A more elaborate implementation may want to store entries along with extra data such as timestamp, emitter, etc.");
ImGui::TextWrapped("This example implements a console with basic coloring, completion and history. A more elaborate implementation may want to store entries along with extra data such as timestamp, emitter, etc.");
ImGui::TextWrapped("Enter 'HELP' for help, press TAB to use text completion.");
ImGui::TextWrapped("Enter 'HELP' for help, press TAB to use text completion.");
ImGui::Text("Printing unusually long amount of text.");
ImGui::Text("Printing unusually long amount of text.");
ImGui::Combo("Test type",&test_type,"Single call to TextUnformatted()\0Multiple calls to Text(), clipped manually\0Multiple calls to Text(), not clipped\0");
ImGui::Combo("Test type",&test_type,"Single call to TextUnformatted()\0Multiple calls to Text(), clipped manually\0Multiple calls to Text(), not clipped (slow)\0");