Browse Source

Debug Tools: Metrics: added "Inputs" section, moved from Demo for consistency.

ocornut 2 years ago
  1. 2
  2. 158
  3. 178
  4. 1


@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ Other changes:
- Drag and Drop: fixed GetDragDropPayload() returning a non-NULL value if a drag source is - Drag and Drop: fixed GetDragDropPayload() returning a non-NULL value if a drag source is
active but a payload hasn't been submitted yet. This is convenient to detect new payload active but a payload hasn't been submitted yet. This is convenient to detect new payload
from within a drag source handler. (#5910, #143) from within a drag source handler. (#5910, #143)
- Demo: simplified "Inputs" section, moved contents to Metrics->Inputs.
- Debug Tools: Metrics: added "Inputs" section, moved from Demo for consistency.
- Backends: GLFW: cancel out errors emitted by glfwGetKeyName() when a name is missing. (#5908) - Backends: GLFW: cancel out errors emitted by glfwGetKeyName() when a name is missing. (#5908)
- Backends: WebGPU: fixed validation error with default depth buffer settings. (#5869, #5914) [@kdchambers] - Backends: WebGPU: fixed validation error with default depth buffer settings. (#5869, #5914) [@kdchambers]


@ -12982,6 +12982,55 @@ static void RenderViewportsThumbnails()
ImGui::Dummy(bb_full.GetSize() * SCALE); ImGui::Dummy(bb_full.GetSize() * SCALE);
} }
// Draw an arbitrary US keyboard layout to visualize translated keys
void ImGui::DebugRenderKeyboardPreview(ImDrawList* draw_list)
const ImVec2 key_size = ImVec2(35.0f, 35.0f);
const float key_rounding = 3.0f;
const ImVec2 key_face_size = ImVec2(25.0f, 25.0f);
const ImVec2 key_face_pos = ImVec2(5.0f, 3.0f);
const float key_face_rounding = 2.0f;
const ImVec2 key_label_pos = ImVec2(7.0f, 4.0f);
const ImVec2 key_step = ImVec2(key_size.x - 1.0f, key_size.y - 1.0f);
const float key_row_offset = 9.0f;
ImVec2 board_min = GetCursorScreenPos();
ImVec2 board_max = ImVec2(board_min.x + 3 * key_step.x + 2 * key_row_offset + 10.0f, board_min.y + 3 * key_step.y + 10.0f);
ImVec2 start_pos = ImVec2(board_min.x + 5.0f - key_step.x, board_min.y);
struct KeyLayoutData { int Row, Col; const char* Label; ImGuiKey Key; };
const KeyLayoutData keys_to_display[] =
{ 0, 0, "", ImGuiKey_Tab }, { 0, 1, "Q", ImGuiKey_Q }, { 0, 2, "W", ImGuiKey_W }, { 0, 3, "E", ImGuiKey_E }, { 0, 4, "R", ImGuiKey_R },
{ 1, 0, "", ImGuiKey_CapsLock }, { 1, 1, "A", ImGuiKey_A }, { 1, 2, "S", ImGuiKey_S }, { 1, 3, "D", ImGuiKey_D }, { 1, 4, "F", ImGuiKey_F },
{ 2, 0, "", ImGuiKey_LeftShift },{ 2, 1, "Z", ImGuiKey_Z }, { 2, 2, "X", ImGuiKey_X }, { 2, 3, "C", ImGuiKey_C }, { 2, 4, "V", ImGuiKey_V }
// Elements rendered manually via ImDrawList API are not clipped automatically.
// While not strictly necessary, here IsItemVisible() is used to avoid rendering these shapes when they are out of view.
Dummy(board_max - board_min);
if (!IsItemVisible())
draw_list->PushClipRect(board_min, board_max, true);
for (int n = 0; n < IM_ARRAYSIZE(keys_to_display); n++)
const KeyLayoutData* key_data = &keys_to_display[n];
ImVec2 key_min = ImVec2(start_pos.x + key_data->Col * key_step.x + key_data->Row * key_row_offset, start_pos.y + key_data->Row * key_step.y);
ImVec2 key_max = key_min + key_size;
draw_list->AddRectFilled(key_min, key_max, IM_COL32(204, 204, 204, 255), key_rounding);
draw_list->AddRect(key_min, key_max, IM_COL32(24, 24, 24, 255), key_rounding);
ImVec2 face_min = ImVec2(key_min.x + key_face_pos.x, key_min.y + key_face_pos.y);
ImVec2 face_max = ImVec2(face_min.x + key_face_size.x, face_min.y + key_face_size.y);
draw_list->AddRect(face_min, face_max, IM_COL32(193, 193, 193, 255), key_face_rounding, ImDrawFlags_None, 2.0f);
draw_list->AddRectFilled(face_min, face_max, IM_COL32(252, 252, 252, 255), key_face_rounding);
ImVec2 label_min = ImVec2(key_min.x + key_label_pos.x, key_min.y + key_label_pos.y);
draw_list->AddText(label_min, IM_COL32(64, 64, 64, 255), key_data->Label);
if (ImGui::IsKeyDown(key_data->Key))
draw_list->AddRectFilled(key_min, key_max, IM_COL32(255, 0, 0, 128), key_rounding);
// Helper tool to diagnose between text encoding issues and font loading issues. Pass your UTF-8 string and verify that there are correct. // Helper tool to diagnose between text encoding issues and font loading issues. Pass your UTF-8 string and verify that there are correct.
void ImGui::DebugTextEncoding(const char* str) void ImGui::DebugTextEncoding(const char* str)
{ {
@ -13380,41 +13429,95 @@ void ImGui::ShowMetricsWindow(bool* p_open)
TreePop(); TreePop();
} }
if (TreeNode("Key Owners & Shortcut Routing")) if (TreeNode("Inputs"))
{ {
TextUnformatted("Key Owners:"); Text("KEYBOARD/GAMEPAD/MOUSE KEYS");
if (BeginListBox("##owners", ImVec2(-FLT_MIN, GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() * 8))) {
// We iterate both legacy native range and named ImGuiKey ranges, which is a little odd but this allows displaying the data for old/new backends.
// User code should never have to go through such hoops: old code may use native keycodes, new code may use ImGuiKey codes.
struct funcs { static bool IsLegacyNativeDupe(ImGuiKey) { return false; } };
struct funcs { static bool IsLegacyNativeDupe(ImGuiKey key) { return key < 512 && GetIO().KeyMap[key] != -1; } }; // Hide Native<>ImGuiKey duplicates when both exists in the array
//Text("Legacy raw:"); for (ImGuiKey key = ImGuiKey_KeysData_OFFSET; key < ImGuiKey_COUNT; key++) { if (io.KeysDown[key]) { SameLine(); Text("\"%s\" %d", GetKeyName(key), key); } }
Text("Keys down:"); for (ImGuiKey key = ImGuiKey_KeysData_OFFSET; key < ImGuiKey_COUNT; key = (ImGuiKey)(key + 1)) { if (funcs::IsLegacyNativeDupe(key) || !IsKeyDown(key)) continue; SameLine(); Text(IsNamedKey(key) ? "\"%s\"" : "\"%s\" %d", GetKeyName(key), key); SameLine(); Text("(%.02f)", GetKeyData(key)->DownDuration); }
Text("Keys pressed:"); for (ImGuiKey key = ImGuiKey_KeysData_OFFSET; key < ImGuiKey_COUNT; key = (ImGuiKey)(key + 1)) { if (funcs::IsLegacyNativeDupe(key) || !IsKeyPressed(key)) continue; SameLine(); Text(IsNamedKey(key) ? "\"%s\"" : "\"%s\" %d", GetKeyName(key), key); }
Text("Keys released:"); for (ImGuiKey key = ImGuiKey_KeysData_OFFSET; key < ImGuiKey_COUNT; key = (ImGuiKey)(key + 1)) { if (funcs::IsLegacyNativeDupe(key) || !IsKeyReleased(key)) continue; SameLine(); Text(IsNamedKey(key) ? "\"%s\"" : "\"%s\" %d", GetKeyName(key), key); }
Text("Keys mods: %s%s%s%s", io.KeyCtrl ? "CTRL " : "", io.KeyShift ? "SHIFT " : "", io.KeyAlt ? "ALT " : "", io.KeySuper ? "SUPER " : "");
Text("Chars queue:"); for (int i = 0; i < io.InputQueueCharacters.Size; i++) { ImWchar c = io.InputQueueCharacters[i]; SameLine(); Text("\'%c\' (0x%04X)", (c > ' ' && c <= 255) ? (char)c : '?', c); } // FIXME: We should convert 'c' to UTF-8 here but the functions are not public.
if (IsMousePosValid())
Text("Mouse pos: (%g, %g)", io.MousePos.x, io.MousePos.y);
Text("Mouse pos: <INVALID>");
Text("Mouse delta: (%g, %g)", io.MouseDelta.x, io.MouseDelta.y);
int count = IM_ARRAYSIZE(io.MouseDown);
Text("Mouse down:"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if (IsMouseDown(i)) { SameLine(); Text("b%d (%.02f secs)", i, io.MouseDownDuration[i]); }
Text("Mouse clicked:"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if (IsMouseClicked(i)) { SameLine(); Text("b%d (%d)", i, io.MouseClickedCount[i]); }
Text("Mouse released:"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if (IsMouseReleased(i)) { SameLine(); Text("b%d", i); }
Text("Mouse wheel: %.1f", io.MouseWheel);
Text("Pen Pressure: %.1f", io.PenPressure); // Note: currently unused
{ {
for (ImGuiKey key = ImGuiKey_NamedKey_BEGIN; key < ImGuiKey_NamedKey_END; key = (ImGuiKey)(key + 1)) Indent();
Text("WheelingWindow: '%s'", g.WheelingWindow ? g.WheelingWindow->Name : "NULL");
Text("WheelingWindowReleaseTimer: %.2f", g.WheelingWindowReleaseTimer);
Text("WheelingAxisAvg[] = { %.3f, %.3f }, Main Axis: %s", g.WheelingAxisAvg.x, g.WheelingAxisAvg.y, (g.WheelingAxisAvg.x > g.WheelingAxisAvg.y) ? "X" : (g.WheelingAxisAvg.x < g.WheelingAxisAvg.y) ? "Y" : "<none>");
if (BeginListBox("##owners", ImVec2(-FLT_MIN, GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() * 6)))
{ {
ImGuiKeyOwnerData* owner_data = GetKeyOwnerData(key); for (ImGuiKey key = ImGuiKey_NamedKey_BEGIN; key < ImGuiKey_NamedKey_END; key = (ImGuiKey)(key + 1))
if (owner_data->OwnerCurr == ImGuiKeyOwner_None) {
continue; ImGuiKeyOwnerData* owner_data = GetKeyOwnerData(key);
Text("%s: 0x%08X%s", GetKeyName(key), owner_data->OwnerCurr, if (owner_data->OwnerCurr == ImGuiKeyOwner_None)
owner_data->LockUntilRelease ? " LockUntilRelease" : owner_data->LockThisFrame ? " LockThisFrame" : ""); continue;
DebugLocateItemOnHover(owner_data->OwnerCurr); Text("%s: 0x%08X%s", GetKeyName(key), owner_data->OwnerCurr,
owner_data->LockUntilRelease ? " LockUntilRelease" : owner_data->LockThisFrame ? " LockThisFrame" : "");
} }
EndListBox(); Unindent();
} }
TextUnformatted("Shortcut Routing:"); Text("SHORTCUT ROUTING");
if (BeginListBox("##routes", ImVec2(-FLT_MIN, GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() * 8)))
{ {
for (ImGuiKey key = ImGuiKey_NamedKey_BEGIN; key < ImGuiKey_NamedKey_END; key = (ImGuiKey)(key + 1)) Indent();
if (BeginListBox("##routes", ImVec2(-FLT_MIN, GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() * 6)))
{ {
ImGuiKeyRoutingTable* rt = &g.KeysRoutingTable; for (ImGuiKey key = ImGuiKey_NamedKey_BEGIN; key < ImGuiKey_NamedKey_END; key = (ImGuiKey)(key + 1))
for (ImGuiKeyRoutingIndex idx = rt->Index[key - ImGuiKey_NamedKey_BEGIN]; idx != -1; )
{ {
char key_chord_name[64]; ImGuiKeyRoutingTable* rt = &g.KeysRoutingTable;
ImGuiKeyRoutingData* routing_data = &rt->Entries[idx]; for (ImGuiKeyRoutingIndex idx = rt->Index[key - ImGuiKey_NamedKey_BEGIN]; idx != -1; )
GetKeyChordName(key | routing_data->Mods, key_chord_name, IM_ARRAYSIZE(key_chord_name)); {
Text("%s: 0x%08X", key_chord_name, routing_data->RoutingCurr); char key_chord_name[64];
DebugLocateItemOnHover(routing_data->RoutingCurr); ImGuiKeyRoutingData* routing_data = &rt->Entries[idx];
idx = routing_data->NextEntryIndex; GetKeyChordName(key | routing_data->Mods, key_chord_name, IM_ARRAYSIZE(key_chord_name));
Text("%s: 0x%08X", key_chord_name, routing_data->RoutingCurr);
idx = routing_data->NextEntryIndex;
} }
} }
EndListBox(); Text("(ActiveIdUsing: AllKeyboardKeys: %d, NavDirMask: 0x%X)", g.ActiveIdUsingAllKeyboardKeys, g.ActiveIdUsingNavDirMask);
} }
Text("(ActiveIdUsing: AllKeyboardKeys: %d, NavDirMask: 0x%X)", g.ActiveIdUsingAllKeyboardKeys, g.ActiveIdUsingNavDirMask);
TreePop(); TreePop();
} }
@ -13454,13 +13557,6 @@ void ImGui::ShowMetricsWindow(bool* p_open)
Text("NavWindowingTarget: '%s'", g.NavWindowingTarget ? g.NavWindowingTarget->Name : "NULL"); Text("NavWindowingTarget: '%s'", g.NavWindowingTarget ? g.NavWindowingTarget->Name : "NULL");
Unindent(); Unindent();
Text("WheelingWindow: '%s'", g.WheelingWindow ? g.WheelingWindow->Name : "NULL");
Text("WheelingWindowReleaseTimer: %.2f", g.WheelingWindowReleaseTimer);
Text("WheelingAxisAvg[] = { %.3f, %.3f }, Main Axis: %s", g.WheelingAxisAvg.x, g.WheelingAxisAvg.y, (g.WheelingAxisAvg.x > g.WheelingAxisAvg.y) ? "X" : (g.WheelingAxisAvg.x < g.WheelingAxisAvg.y) ? "Y" : "<none>");
TreePop(); TreePop();
} }


@ -5686,146 +5686,59 @@ namespace ImGui { extern ImGuiKeyData* GetKeyData(ImGuiKey key); }
static void ShowDemoWindowInputs() static void ShowDemoWindowInputs()
{ {
IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Inputs, Navigation & Focus"); IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Inputs & Focus");
if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Inputs, Navigation & Focus")) if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Inputs & Focus"))
{ {
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
// Display ImGuiIO output flags // Display inputs submitted to ImGuiIO
IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Inputs, Navigation & Focus/Output"); IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Inputs & Focus/Inputs");
ImGui::SetNextItemOpen(true, ImGuiCond_Once); ImGui::SetNextItemOpen(true, ImGuiCond_Once);
if (ImGui::TreeNode("Output")) if (ImGui::TreeNode("Inputs"))
ImGui::Text("io.WantCaptureMouse: %d", io.WantCaptureMouse);
ImGui::Text("io.WantCaptureMouseUnlessPopupClose: %d", io.WantCaptureMouseUnlessPopupClose);
ImGui::Text("io.WantCaptureKeyboard: %d", io.WantCaptureKeyboard);
ImGui::Text("io.WantTextInput: %d", io.WantTextInput);
ImGui::Text("io.WantSetMousePos: %d", io.WantSetMousePos);
ImGui::Text("io.NavActive: %d, io.NavVisible: %d", io.NavActive, io.NavVisible);
// Display Mouse state
IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Inputs, Navigation & Focus/Mouse State");
if (ImGui::TreeNode("Mouse State"))
{ {
"This is a simplified view. See more detailed input state:\n"
"- in 'Tools->Metrics/Debugger->Inputs'.\n"
"- in 'Tools->Debug Log->IO'.");
if (ImGui::IsMousePosValid()) if (ImGui::IsMousePosValid())
ImGui::Text("Mouse pos: (%g, %g)", io.MousePos.x, io.MousePos.y); ImGui::Text("Mouse pos: (%g, %g)", io.MousePos.x, io.MousePos.y);
else else
ImGui::Text("Mouse pos: <INVALID>"); ImGui::Text("Mouse pos: <INVALID>");
ImGui::Text("Mouse delta: (%g, %g)", io.MouseDelta.x, io.MouseDelta.y); ImGui::Text("Mouse delta: (%g, %g)", io.MouseDelta.x, io.MouseDelta.y);
ImGui::Text("Mouse down:");
int count = IM_ARRAYSIZE(io.MouseDown); for (int i = 0; i < IM_ARRAYSIZE(io.MouseDown); i++) if (ImGui::IsMouseDown(i)) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text("b%d (%.02f secs)", i, io.MouseDownDuration[i]); }
ImGui::Text("Mouse down:"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if (ImGui::IsMouseDown(i)) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text("b%d (%.02f secs)", i, io.MouseDownDuration[i]); }
ImGui::Text("Mouse clicked:"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if (ImGui::IsMouseClicked(i)) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text("b%d (%d)", i, ImGui::GetMouseClickedCount(i)); }
ImGui::Text("Mouse released:"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if (ImGui::IsMouseReleased(i)) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text("b%d", i); }
ImGui::Text("Mouse wheel: %.1f", io.MouseWheel); ImGui::Text("Mouse wheel: %.1f", io.MouseWheel);
ImGui::Text("Pen Pressure: %.1f", io.PenPressure); // Note: currently unused
// Display mouse cursors
IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Inputs, Navigation & Focus/Mouse Cursors");
if (ImGui::TreeNode("Mouse Cursors"))
const char* mouse_cursors_names[] = { "Arrow", "TextInput", "ResizeAll", "ResizeNS", "ResizeEW", "ResizeNESW", "ResizeNWSE", "Hand", "NotAllowed" };
IM_ASSERT(IM_ARRAYSIZE(mouse_cursors_names) == ImGuiMouseCursor_COUNT);
ImGuiMouseCursor current = ImGui::GetMouseCursor();
ImGui::Text("Current mouse cursor = %d: %s", current, mouse_cursors_names[current]);
ImGui::CheckboxFlags("io.BackendFlags: HasMouseCursors", &io.BackendFlags, ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseCursors);
ImGui::Text("Hover to see mouse cursors:");
ImGui::SameLine(); HelpMarker(
"Your application can render a different mouse cursor based on what ImGui::GetMouseCursor() returns. "
"If software cursor rendering (io.MouseDrawCursor) is set ImGui will draw the right cursor for you, "
"otherwise your backend needs to handle it.");
for (int i = 0; i < ImGuiMouseCursor_COUNT; i++)
char label[32];
sprintf(label, "Mouse cursor %d: %s", i, mouse_cursors_names[i]);
ImGui::Bullet(); ImGui::Selectable(label, false);
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
// Display Keyboard/Mouse state
IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Inputs, Navigation & Focus/Keyboard, Gamepad & Navigation State");
if (ImGui::TreeNode("Keyboard, Gamepad & Navigation State"))
// We iterate both legacy native range and named ImGuiKey ranges, which is a little odd but this allows displaying the data for old/new backends. // We iterate both legacy native range and named ImGuiKey ranges, which is a little odd but this allows displaying the data for old/new backends.
// User code should never have to go through such hoops: old code may use native keycodes, new code may use ImGuiKey codes. // User code should never have to go through such hoops: old code may use native keycodes, new code may use ImGuiKey codes.
struct funcs { static bool IsLegacyNativeDupe(ImGuiKey) { return false; } }; struct funcs { static bool IsLegacyNativeDupe(ImGuiKey) { return false; } };
const ImGuiKey key_first = (ImGuiKey)ImGuiKey_NamedKey_BEGIN;
#else #else
struct funcs { static bool IsLegacyNativeDupe(ImGuiKey key) { return key < 512 && ImGui::GetIO().KeyMap[key] != -1; } }; // Hide Native<>ImGuiKey duplicates when both exists in the array struct funcs { static bool IsLegacyNativeDupe(ImGuiKey key) { return key < 512 && ImGui::GetIO().KeyMap[key] != -1; } }; // Hide Native<>ImGuiKey duplicates when both exists in the array
const ImGuiKey key_first = (ImGuiKey)0;
//ImGui::Text("Legacy raw:"); for (ImGuiKey key = key_first; key < ImGuiKey_COUNT; key++) { if (io.KeysDown[key]) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text("\"%s\" %d", ImGui::GetKeyName(key), key); } }
#endif #endif
ImGui::Text("Keys down:"); for (ImGuiKey key = key_first; key < ImGuiKey_COUNT; key = (ImGuiKey)(key + 1)) { if (funcs::IsLegacyNativeDupe(key)) continue; if (ImGui::IsKeyDown(key)) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text("\"%s\" %d (%.02f)", ImGui::GetKeyName(key), key, ImGui::GetKeyData(key)->DownDuration); } } ImGui::Text("Keys down:"); for (ImGuiKey key = ImGuiKey_KeysData_OFFSET; key < ImGuiKey_COUNT; key = (ImGuiKey)(key + 1)) { if (funcs::IsLegacyNativeDupe(key) || !ImGui::IsKeyDown(key)) continue; ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text((key < ImGuiKey_NamedKey_BEGIN) ? "\"%s\"" : "\"%s\" %d", ImGui::GetKeyName(key), key); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text("(%.02f)", ImGui::GetKeyData(key)->DownDuration); }
ImGui::Text("Keys pressed:"); for (ImGuiKey key = key_first; key < ImGuiKey_COUNT; key = (ImGuiKey)(key + 1)) { if (funcs::IsLegacyNativeDupe(key)) continue; if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(key)) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text("\"%s\" %d", ImGui::GetKeyName(key), key); } }
ImGui::Text("Keys released:"); for (ImGuiKey key = key_first; key < ImGuiKey_COUNT; key = (ImGuiKey)(key + 1)) { if (funcs::IsLegacyNativeDupe(key)) continue; if (ImGui::IsKeyReleased(key)) { ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text("\"%s\" %d", ImGui::GetKeyName(key), key); } }
ImGui::Text("Keys mods: %s%s%s%s", io.KeyCtrl ? "CTRL " : "", io.KeyShift ? "SHIFT " : "", io.KeyAlt ? "ALT " : "", io.KeySuper ? "SUPER " : ""); ImGui::Text("Keys mods: %s%s%s%s", io.KeyCtrl ? "CTRL " : "", io.KeyShift ? "SHIFT " : "", io.KeyAlt ? "ALT " : "", io.KeySuper ? "SUPER " : "");
ImGui::Text("Chars queue:"); for (int i = 0; i < io.InputQueueCharacters.Size; i++) { ImWchar c = io.InputQueueCharacters[i]; ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text("\'%c\' (0x%04X)", (c > ' ' && c <= 255) ? (char)c : '?', c); } // FIXME: We should convert 'c' to UTF-8 here but the functions are not public. ImGui::Text("Chars queue:"); for (int i = 0; i < io.InputQueueCharacters.Size; i++) { ImWchar c = io.InputQueueCharacters[i]; ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text("\'%c\' (0x%04X)", (c > ' ' && c <= 255) ? (char)c : '?', c); } // FIXME: We should convert 'c' to UTF-8 here but the functions are not public.
// Draw an arbitrary US keyboard layout to visualize translated keys
const ImVec2 key_size = ImVec2(35.0f, 35.0f);
const float key_rounding = 3.0f;
const ImVec2 key_face_size = ImVec2(25.0f, 25.0f);
const ImVec2 key_face_pos = ImVec2(5.0f, 3.0f);
const float key_face_rounding = 2.0f;
const ImVec2 key_label_pos = ImVec2(7.0f, 4.0f);
const ImVec2 key_step = ImVec2(key_size.x - 1.0f, key_size.y - 1.0f);
const float key_row_offset = 9.0f;
ImVec2 board_min = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos(); ImGui::TreePop();
ImVec2 board_max = ImVec2(board_min.x + 3 * key_step.x + 2 * key_row_offset + 10.0f, board_min.y + 3 * key_step.y + 10.0f); }
ImVec2 start_pos = ImVec2(board_min.x + 5.0f - key_step.x, board_min.y);
struct KeyLayoutData { int Row, Col; const char* Label; ImGuiKey Key; }; // Display ImGuiIO output flags
const KeyLayoutData keys_to_display[] = IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Inputs & Focus/Outputs");
{ ImGui::SetNextItemOpen(true, ImGuiCond_Once);
{ 0, 0, "", ImGuiKey_Tab }, { 0, 1, "Q", ImGuiKey_Q }, { 0, 2, "W", ImGuiKey_W }, { 0, 3, "E", ImGuiKey_E }, { 0, 4, "R", ImGuiKey_R }, if (ImGui::TreeNode("Outputs"))
{ 1, 0, "", ImGuiKey_CapsLock }, { 1, 1, "A", ImGuiKey_A }, { 1, 2, "S", ImGuiKey_S }, { 1, 3, "D", ImGuiKey_D }, { 1, 4, "F", ImGuiKey_F }, {
{ 2, 0, "", ImGuiKey_LeftShift },{ 2, 1, "Z", ImGuiKey_Z }, { 2, 2, "X", ImGuiKey_X }, { 2, 3, "C", ImGuiKey_C }, { 2, 4, "V", ImGuiKey_V } ImGui::Text("io.WantCaptureMouse: %d", io.WantCaptureMouse);
}; ImGui::Text("io.WantCaptureMouseUnlessPopupClose: %d", io.WantCaptureMouseUnlessPopupClose);
ImGui::Text("io.WantCaptureKeyboard: %d", io.WantCaptureKeyboard);
// Elements rendered manually via ImDrawList API are not clipped automatically. ImGui::Text("io.WantTextInput: %d", io.WantTextInput);
// While not strictly necessary, here IsItemVisible() is used to avoid rendering these shapes when they are out of view. ImGui::Text("io.WantSetMousePos: %d", io.WantSetMousePos);
ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(board_max.x - board_min.x, board_max.y - board_min.y)); ImGui::Text("io.NavActive: %d, io.NavVisible: %d", io.NavActive, io.NavVisible);
if (ImGui::IsItemVisible())
ImDrawList* draw_list = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
draw_list->PushClipRect(board_min, board_max, true);
for (int n = 0; n < IM_ARRAYSIZE(keys_to_display); n++)
const KeyLayoutData* key_data = &keys_to_display[n];
ImVec2 key_min = ImVec2(start_pos.x + key_data->Col * key_step.x + key_data->Row * key_row_offset, start_pos.y + key_data->Row * key_step.y);
ImVec2 key_max = ImVec2(key_min.x + key_size.x, key_min.y + key_size.y);
draw_list->AddRectFilled(key_min, key_max, IM_COL32(204, 204, 204, 255), key_rounding);
draw_list->AddRect(key_min, key_max, IM_COL32(24, 24, 24, 255), key_rounding);
ImVec2 face_min = ImVec2(key_min.x + key_face_pos.x, key_min.y + key_face_pos.y);
ImVec2 face_max = ImVec2(face_min.x + key_face_size.x, face_min.y + key_face_size.y);
draw_list->AddRect(face_min, face_max, IM_COL32(193, 193, 193, 255), key_face_rounding, ImDrawFlags_None, 2.0f);
draw_list->AddRectFilled(face_min, face_max, IM_COL32(252, 252, 252, 255), key_face_rounding);
ImVec2 label_min = ImVec2(key_min.x + key_label_pos.x, key_min.y + key_label_pos.y);
draw_list->AddText(label_min, IM_COL32(64, 64, 64, 255), key_data->Label);
if (ImGui::IsKeyDown(key_data->Key))
draw_list->AddRectFilled(key_min, key_max, IM_COL32(255, 0, 0, 128), key_rounding);
ImGui::TreePop(); ImGui::TreePop();
} }
if (ImGui::TreeNode("Capture override")) IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Inputs & Focus/IO Output: Capture override");
if (ImGui::TreeNode("IO Output: Capture override"))
{ {
HelpMarker( HelpMarker(
"The value of io.WantCaptureMouse and io.WantCaptureKeyboard are normally set by Dear ImGui " "The value of io.WantCaptureMouse and io.WantCaptureKeyboard are normally set by Dear ImGui "
@ -5859,7 +5772,36 @@ static void ShowDemoWindowInputs()
ImGui::TreePop(); ImGui::TreePop();
} }
IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Inputs, Navigation & Focus/Tabbing"); // Display mouse cursors
IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Inputs & Focus/Mouse Cursors");
if (ImGui::TreeNode("Mouse Cursors"))
const char* mouse_cursors_names[] = { "Arrow", "TextInput", "ResizeAll", "ResizeNS", "ResizeEW", "ResizeNESW", "ResizeNWSE", "Hand", "NotAllowed" };
IM_ASSERT(IM_ARRAYSIZE(mouse_cursors_names) == ImGuiMouseCursor_COUNT);
ImGuiMouseCursor current = ImGui::GetMouseCursor();
ImGui::Text("Current mouse cursor = %d: %s", current, mouse_cursors_names[current]);
ImGui::CheckboxFlags("io.BackendFlags: HasMouseCursors", &io.BackendFlags, ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseCursors);
ImGui::Text("Hover to see mouse cursors:");
ImGui::SameLine(); HelpMarker(
"Your application can render a different mouse cursor based on what ImGui::GetMouseCursor() returns. "
"If software cursor rendering (io.MouseDrawCursor) is set ImGui will draw the right cursor for you, "
"otherwise your backend needs to handle it.");
for (int i = 0; i < ImGuiMouseCursor_COUNT; i++)
char label[32];
sprintf(label, "Mouse cursor %d: %s", i, mouse_cursors_names[i]);
ImGui::Bullet(); ImGui::Selectable(label, false);
if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Inputs & Focus/Tabbing");
if (ImGui::TreeNode("Tabbing")) if (ImGui::TreeNode("Tabbing"))
{ {
ImGui::Text("Use TAB/SHIFT+TAB to cycle through keyboard editable fields."); ImGui::Text("Use TAB/SHIFT+TAB to cycle through keyboard editable fields.");
@ -5875,7 +5817,7 @@ static void ShowDemoWindowInputs()
ImGui::TreePop(); ImGui::TreePop();
} }
IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Inputs, Navigation & Focus/Focus from code"); IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Inputs & Focus/Focus from code");
if (ImGui::TreeNode("Focus from code")) if (ImGui::TreeNode("Focus from code"))
{ {
bool focus_1 = ImGui::Button("Focus on 1"); ImGui::SameLine(); bool focus_1 = ImGui::Button("Focus on 1"); ImGui::SameLine();
@ -5917,7 +5859,7 @@ static void ShowDemoWindowInputs()
ImGui::TreePop(); ImGui::TreePop();
} }
IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Inputs, Navigation & Focus/Dragging"); IMGUI_DEMO_MARKER("Inputs & Focus/Dragging");
if (ImGui::TreeNode("Dragging")) if (ImGui::TreeNode("Dragging"))
{ {
ImGui::TextWrapped("You can use ImGui::GetMouseDragDelta(0) to query for the dragged amount on any widget."); ImGui::TextWrapped("You can use ImGui::GetMouseDragDelta(0) to query for the dragged amount on any widget.");


@ -3162,6 +3162,7 @@ namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API void DebugNodeWindowsList(ImVector<ImGuiWindow*>* windows, const char* label); IMGUI_API void DebugNodeWindowsList(ImVector<ImGuiWindow*>* windows, const char* label);
IMGUI_API void DebugNodeWindowsListByBeginStackParent(ImGuiWindow** windows, int windows_size, ImGuiWindow* parent_in_begin_stack); IMGUI_API void DebugNodeWindowsListByBeginStackParent(ImGuiWindow** windows, int windows_size, ImGuiWindow* parent_in_begin_stack);
IMGUI_API void DebugNodeViewport(ImGuiViewportP* viewport); IMGUI_API void DebugNodeViewport(ImGuiViewportP* viewport);
IMGUI_API void DebugRenderKeyboardPreview(ImDrawList* draw_list);
IMGUI_API void DebugRenderViewportThumbnail(ImDrawList* draw_list, ImGuiViewportP* viewport, const ImRect& bb); IMGUI_API void DebugRenderViewportThumbnail(ImDrawList* draw_list, ImGuiViewportP* viewport, const ImRect& bb);
// Obsolete functions // Obsolete functions
