HelpMarker("You can use the ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackResize facility if you need to wire InputTextMultiline() to a dynamic string type. See misc/cpp/imgui_stdlib.h for an example. (This is not demonstrated in imgui_demo.cpp because we don't want to include <string> in here)");
ImGui::SameLine();HelpMarker("When _AllowTabInput is set, passing through the widget with Tabbing doesn't automatically activate it, in order to also cycling through subsequent widgets.");
ImGuiActivateFlags_PreferInput=1<<0,// Favor activation that requires keyboard text input (e.g. for Slider/Drag). Default for Enter key.
ImGuiActivateFlags_PreferTweak=1<<1,// Favor activation for tweaking with arrows or gamepad (e.g. for Slider/Drag). Default for Space key and if keyboard is not used.
ImGuiActivateFlags_TryToPreserveState=1<<2,// Request widget to preserve state if it can (e.g. InputText will try to preserve cursor/selection)
ImGuiActivateFlags_FromTabbing=1<<3,// Activation requested by a tabbing request