ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_NoRangeSelect=1<<2,// Disable Shift+Click/Shift+Keyboard handling (useful for unordered 2D selection).
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_NoAutoSelect=1<<3,// Disable selecting items when navigating (useful for e.g. supporting range-select in a list of checkboxes)
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_NoAutoClear=1<<4,// Disable clearing other items when navigating or selecting another one (generally used with ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_NoAutoSelect. useful for e.g. supporting range-select in a list of checkboxes)
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_BoxSelect=1<<5,// Enable box-selection (only supporting 1D list when using clipper, not 2D grids). Box-selection works better with little bit of spacing between items hit-box in order to be able to aim at empty space.
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_BoxSelect2d=1<<6,// Enable box-selection with 2D layout/grid support. This alters clipping logic so that e.g. horizontal movements will update selection of normally clipped items.
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_BoxSelect=1<<5,// Enable box-selection with same width and same x pos items. Box-selection works better with little bit of spacing between items hit-box in order to be able to aim at empty space.
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_BoxSelect2d=1<<6,// Enable box-selection with varying width or varying x pos items (e.g. different width labels, or 2D layout/grid). This alters clipping logic so that e.g. horizontal movements will update selection of normally clipped items.
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_BoxSelectNoScroll=1<<7,// Disable scrolling when box-selecting near edges of scope.
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_ClearOnEscape=1<<8,// Clear selection when pressing Escape while scope is focused.
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_ClearOnClickVoid=1<<9,// Clear selection when clicking on empty location within scope.
if(!g.BoxSelectState.UnclipMode||(g.LastItemData.InFlags&ImGuiItemFlags_IsMultiSelect)==0||!g.BoxSelectState.UnclipRect.Overlaps(total_bb))// Extra layer of "no logic clip" for box-select support
if(!is_multi_select||!g.BoxSelectState.UnclipMode||!g.BoxSelectState.UnclipRect.Overlaps(bb))// Extra layer of "no logic clip" for box-select support (would be more overhead to add to ItemAdd)