@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ HOW TO UPDATE?
Breaking changes:
- DragScalarN, SliderScalarN, InputScalarN: Fixed incorrect pushes into ItemWidth
stack when number of components is 1. [#7095] [@Nahor]
- imgui_freetype: commented out ImGuiFreeType::BuildFontAtlas() obsoleted in 1.81.
Prefer using #define IMGUI_ENABLE_FREETYPE or see commented code for manual calls.
- Removed CalcListClipping() marked obsolete in 1.86. (#3841)
@ -72,12 +70,15 @@ Other changes:
- InputTextMultiline: Tabbing through a multi-line text editor which allows Tab character inputs
(using the ImGuiInputTextFlags_AllowTabInput flag) doesn't automatically activate it, in order
to allow passing through multiple widgets easily. (#3092, #5759, #787)
- DragScalarN, SliderScalarN, InputScalarN: Fixed incorrect pushes into ItemWidth
stack when number of components is 1. [#7095] [@Nahor]
- Drags, Sliders, Inputs: removed all attempts to filter non-numerical characters during text
editing. Invalid inputs not applied to value, visibly reverted after validation. (#6810, #7096)
- Drags, Sliders, Inputs: removal of filter means that "nan" and "inf" values may be input. (#7096)
- DragScalarN, SliderScalarN, InputScalarN, PushMultiItemsWidths: improve multi-components
width computation to better distribute the error. (#7120, #7121) [@Nahor]
- ColorEdit4: Layout tweaks for very small sizes. (#7120, #7121)
- ColorEdit: Layout tweaks for very small sizes. (#7120, #7121)
- ColorPicker: Fixed saturation/value cursor radius not scaling properly.
- Menus: Tweaked hover slack logic, adding a timer to avoid situations where a slow vertical
movements toward another parent BeginMenu() can keep the wrong child menu open. (#6671, #6926)
- Settings: Fixed an issue marking settings as dirty when merely clicking on a border or resize