// (Optional) When using multiple viewports: call io.AddMouseViewportEvent() with the viewport the OS mouse cursor is hovering.
// If ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseHoveredViewport is not set by the backend, Dear imGui will ignore this field and infer the information using its flawed heuristic.
// - [X] GLFW >= 3.3 backend ON WINDOWS ONLY does correctly ignore viewports with the _NoInputs flag.
// - [X] GLFW >= 3.3 backend ON WINDOWS ONLY does correctly ignore viewports with the _NoInputs flag (since we implement hit via our WndProc hook)
// On other platforms we rely on the library fallbacking to its own search when reporting a viewport with _NoInputs flag.
// - [!] GLFW <= 3.2 backend CANNOT correctly ignore viewports with the _NoInputs flag, and CANNOT reported Hovered Viewport because of mouse capture.
// Some backend are not able to handle that correctly. If a backend report an hovered viewport that has the _NoInputs flag (e.g. when dragging a window
// for docking, the viewport has the _NoInputs flag in order to allow us to find the viewport under), then Dear ImGui is forced to ignore the value reported
// - [X] GLFW backend correctly reports this regardless of another viewport behind focused and dragged from (we need this to find a useful drag and drop target).
// FIXME: This is currently only correct on Win32. See what we do below with the WM_NCHITTEST, missing an equivalent for other systems.
// See https://github.com/glfw/glfw/issues/1236 if you want to help in making this a GLFW feature.