@ -1180,14 +1180,21 @@ struct ImGuiViewportP : public ImGuiViewport
ImVec2WorkOffsetMin;// Work Area: Offset from Pos to top-left corner of Work Area. Generally (0,0) or (0,+main_menu_bar_height). Work Area is Full Area but without menu-bars/status-bars (so WorkArea always fit inside Pos/Size!)
ImVec2WorkOffsetMin;// Work Area: Offset from Pos to top-left corner of Work Area. Generally (0,0) or (0,+main_menu_bar_height). Work Area is Full Area but without menu-bars/status-bars (so WorkArea always fit inside Pos/Size!)
ImVec2WorkOffsetMax;// Work Area: Offset from Pos+Size to bottom-right corner of Work Area. Generally (0,0) or (0,-status_bar_height).
ImVec2WorkOffsetMax;// Work Area: Offset from Pos+Size to bottom-right corner of Work Area. Generally (0,0) or (0,-status_bar_height).
ImVec2CurrWorkOffsetMin;// Work Area: Offset being built/increased during current frame
ImVec2BuildWorkOffsetMin;// Work Area: Offset being built during current frame. Generally >= 0.0f.
ImVec2CurrWorkOffsetMax;// Work Area: Offset being built/decreased during current frame
ImVec2BuildWorkOffsetMax;// Work Area: Offset being built during current frame. Generally <= 0.0f.
// Calculate work rect pos/size given a set of offset (we have 1 pair of offset for rect locked from last frame data, and 1 pair for currently building rect)
PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowMinSize,ImVec2(0,0));// Lift normal size constraint, however the presence of a menu-bar will give us the minimum height we want.
PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowMinSize,ImVec2(0,0));// Lift normal size constraint