IMGUI_APIImDrawData*GetDrawData();// same value as passed to your io.RenderDrawListsFn() function. valid after Render() and until the next call to NewFrame().
IMGUI_APIvoidRender();// finalize rendering data, then call your io.RenderDrawListsFn() function if set.
IMGUI_APIImDrawData*GetDrawData();// same value as passed to your io.RenderDrawListsFn() function. valid after Render() and until the next call to NewFrame()
IMGUI_APIvoidNewFrame();// start a new ImGui frame, you can submit any command from this point until NewFrame()/Render().
IMGUI_APIvoidEndFrame();// ends the ImGui frame. automatically called by Render()!
IMGUI_APIvoidRender();// ends the ImGui frame, finalize rendering data, then call your io.RenderDrawListsFn() function if set.
IMGUI_APIvoidShowTestWindow(bool*opened=NULL);// test window, demonstrate ImGui features
IMGUI_APIvoidShowMetricsWindow(bool*opened=NULL);// metrics window for debugging imgui
IMGUI_APIvoidShowTestWindow(bool*opened=NULL);// test window demonstrating ImGui features
IMGUI_APIvoidShowMetricsWindow(bool*opened=NULL);// metrics window for debugging ImGui
// Window
IMGUI_APIboolBegin(constchar*name,bool*p_opened=NULL,ImGuiWindowFlagsflags=0);// see .cpp for details. return false when window is collapsed, so you can early out in your code. 'bool* p_opened' creates a widget on the upper-right to close the window (which sets your bool to false).