py/mphal.h contains declarations for generic mp_hal_XXX functions, such
as stdio and delay/ticks, which ports should provide definitions for. A
port will also provide mphalport.h with further HAL declarations.
These MPHAL functions are intended to replace previously used HAL_Delay(),
HAL_GetTick() to provide better naming and MPHAL separation (they are
fully equivalent otherwise).
Also, refactor extmod/modlwip to use them.
Extracted GPIO clock enable logic into mp_hal_gpio_clock_enable
and called from anyplace which might need to use GPIO functions
on ports other than A-D.
Thanks to Dave Hylands for the patch.
Converts generted pins to use qstrs instead of string pointers.
This patch also adds the following functions:
dir(pyb.Pin.board) and dir(pyb.Pin.cpu) also produce useful results.
pyb.Pin now takes kw args.
pyb.Pin.__str__ now prints more useful information about the pin
I found the following functions in my to be useful:
def pins():
for pin_name in dir(pyb.Pin.board):
pin = pyb.Pin(pin_name)
print('{:10s} {:s}'.format(pin_name, str(pin)))
def af():
for pin_name in dir(pyb.Pin.board):
pin = pyb.Pin(pin_name)
print('{:10s} {:s}'.format(pin_name, str(pin.af_list())))