class ADC -- analog to digital conversion: read analog values on a pin ====================================================================== Usage:: import pyb adc = pyb.ADC(pin) # create an analog object from a pin val = # read an analog value adc = pyb.ADCAll(resolution) # creale an ADCAll object val = adc.read_channel(channel) # read the given channel val = adc.read_core_temp() # read MCU temperature val = adc.read_core_vbat() # read MCU VBAT val = adc.read_core_vref() # read MCU VREF Constructors ------------ .. class:: pyb.ADC(pin) Create an ADC object associated with the given pin. This allows you to then read analog values on that pin. Methods ------- .. method:: Read the value on the analog pin and return it. The returned value will be between 0 and 4095. .. method:: adc.read_timed(buf, freq) Read analog values into the given buffer at the given frequency. Buffer can be bytearray or array.array for example. If a buffer with 8-bit elements is used, sample resolution will be reduced to 8 bits. Example:: adc = pyb.ADC(pyb.Pin.board.X19) # create an ADC on pin X19 buf = bytearray(100) # create a buffer of 100 bytes adc.read_timed(buf, 10) # read analog values into buf at 10Hz # this will take 10 seconds to finish for val in buf: # loop over all values print(val) # print the value out This function does not allocate any memory.