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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Small tool to compare code size between TinyGo runs (with the -size=short flag).
import sys
class Comparison:
def __init__(self, command, code0, data0, bss0, code1, data1, bss1):
self.command = command
self.code0 = code0
self.data0 = data0
self.bss0 = bss0
self.code1 = code1
self.data1 = data1
self.bss1 = bss1
def flash0(self):
return self.code0 + self.data0
def flash1(self):
return self.code1 + self.data1
def codediff(self):
return self.code1 - self.code0
def flashdiff(self):
return self.flash1 - self.flash0
def readSizes(path):
sizes = []
lines = open(path).readlines()
for i in range(len(lines)):
if not lines[i].strip().startswith('code '):
# found a size header
code, data, bss = map(int, lines[i+1].split()[:3])
command = lines[i-1].strip()
'command': command,
'code': code,
'data': data,
'bss': bss,
return sizes
def main():
path0 = sys.argv[1]
path1 = sys.argv[2]
sizes0 = readSizes(path0)
sizes1 = readSizes(path1)
comparisons = []
for i in range(len(sizes0)):
if i >= len(sizes1):
print('%s has more commands than %s' % (path0, path1))
print(' ', sizes0[i]['command'])
if sizes0[i]['command'] != sizes1[i]['command']:
print('not the same command!')
print(' ', sizes0[i]['command'])
print(' ', sizes1[i]['command'])
comparisons.append(Comparison(sizes0[i]['command'], sizes0[i]['code'], sizes0[i]['data'], sizes0[i]['bss'], sizes1[i]['code'], sizes1[i]['data'], sizes1[i]['bss']))
if len(sizes0) < len(sizes1):
print('%s has more commands than %s' % (path1, path0))
print(' ', sizes1[len(sizes0)]['command'])
comparisons.sort(key=lambda x: x.flashdiff)
totalCode0 = 0
totalCode1 = 0
totalDiff = 0
totalProduct = 1
print(' before after diff')
for comparison in comparisons:
diffPct = comparison.flashdiff / comparison.flash0
print('%7d %7d %6d %6.2f%% %s' % (comparison.flash0, comparison.flash1, comparison.flashdiff, diffPct * 100, comparison.command))
totalCode0 += comparison.flash0
totalCode1 += comparison.flash1
totalDiff += comparison.flashdiff
totalProduct *= (1 + diffPct)
geomean = totalProduct ** (1.0 / float(len(comparisons)))
print('%7d %7d %6d %6.2f%% sum' % (totalCode0, totalCode1, totalDiff, geomean - 1))
if __name__ == '__main__':