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#define __tmp_reg__ r16
#define __zero_reg__ r17
; Startup code
.section .text.__vector_RESET
.global __vector_RESET
clr __zero_reg__ ; this register is expected to be 0 by the C calling convention
; Keep the stack pointer at the default location, which is RAMEND.
; Initialize .data section.
.section .text.__do_copy_data,"ax",@progbits
.global __do_copy_data
ldi xl, lo8(__data_start)
ldi xh, hi8(__data_start)
ldi yl, lo8(__data_end)
ldi yh, hi8(__data_end)
ldi zl, lo8(__data_load_start)
ldi zh, hi8(__data_load_start)
1: ; loop
cp xl, yl ; if x == y
cpc xh, yh
breq 2f ; goto end
ld r16, Z+ ; r0 = *(z++)
st X+, r16 ; *(x++) = r0
rjmp 1b ; goto loop
2: ; end
; Initialize .bss section.
.section .text.__do_clear_bss,"ax",@progbits
.global __do_clear_bss
ldi xl, lo8(__bss_start)
ldi xh, hi8(__bss_start)
ldi yl, lo8(__bss_end)
1: ; loop
cp xl, yl ; if x == y
breq 2f ; goto end
st X+, __zero_reg__ ; *(x++) = 0
rjmp 1b ; goto loop
2: ; end