package builder
import (
// Library is a container for information about a single C library, such as a
// compiler runtime or libc.
type Library struct {
// The library name, such as compiler-rt or picolibc.
name string
cflags func() []string
// The source directory, relative to TINYGOROOT.
sourceDir string
// The source files, relative to sourceDir.
sources func(target string) []string
// fullPath returns the full path to the source directory.
func (l *Library) fullPath() string {
return filepath.Join(goenv.Get("TINYGOROOT"), l.sourceDir)
// sourcePaths returns a slice with the full paths to the source files.
func (l *Library) sourcePaths(target string) []string {
sources := l.sources(target)
paths := make([]string, len(sources))
for i, name := range sources {
paths[i] = filepath.Join(l.fullPath(), name)
return paths
// Load the library archive, possibly generating and caching it if needed.
// The resulting file is stored in the provided tmpdir, which is expected to be
// removed after the Load call.
func (l *Library) Load(target, tmpdir string) (path string, err error) {
path, job, err := l.load(target, tmpdir)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if job != nil {
jobs := append([]*compileJob{job}, job.dependencies...)
err = runJobs(jobs)
return path, err
// load returns a path to the library file for the given target, loading it from
// cache if possible. It will return a non-zero compiler job if the library
// wasn't cached, this job (and its dependencies) must be run before the library
// path is valid.
// The provided tmpdir will be used to store intermediary files and possibly the
// output archive file, it is expected to be removed after use.
func (l *Library) load(target, tmpdir string) (path string, job *compileJob, err error) {
// Try to load a precompiled library.
precompiledPath := filepath.Join(goenv.Get("TINYGOROOT"), "pkg", target, l.name+".a")
if _, err := os.Stat(precompiledPath); err == nil {
// Found a precompiled library for this OS/architecture. Return the path
// directly.
return precompiledPath, nil, nil
outfile := l.name + "-" + target + ".a"
// Try to fetch this library from the cache.
if path, err := cacheLoad(outfile, commands["clang"][0], l.sourcePaths(target)); path != "" || err != nil {
// Cache hit.
return path, nil, err
// Cache miss, build it now.
remapDir := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "tinygo-"+l.name)
dir := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "build-lib-"+l.name)
err = os.Mkdir(dir, 0777)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
// Precalculate the flags to the compiler invocation.
// Note: -fdebug-prefix-map is necessary to make the output archive
// reproducible. Otherwise the temporary directory is stored in the archive
// itself, which varies each run.
args := append(l.cflags(), "-c", "-Oz", "-g", "-ffunction-sections", "-fdata-sections", "-Wno-macro-redefined", "--target="+target, "-fdebug-prefix-map="+dir+"="+remapDir)
if strings.HasPrefix(target, "arm") || strings.HasPrefix(target, "thumb") {
args = append(args, "-fshort-enums", "-fomit-frame-pointer", "-mfloat-abi=soft")
if strings.HasPrefix(target, "riscv32-") {
args = append(args, "-march=rv32imac", "-mabi=ilp32", "-fforce-enable-int128")
if strings.HasPrefix(target, "riscv64-") {
args = append(args, "-march=rv64gc", "-mabi=lp64")
// Create job to put all the object files in a single archive. This archive
// file is the (static) library file.
var objs []string
arpath := filepath.Join(dir, l.name+".a")
job = &compileJob{
description: "ar " + l.name + ".a",
run: func() error {
// Create an archive of all object files.
err := makeArchive(arpath, objs)
if err != nil {
return err
// Store this archive in the cache.
_, err = cacheStore(arpath, outfile, commands["clang"][0], l.sourcePaths(target))
return err
// Create jobs to compile all sources. These jobs are depended upon by the
// archive job above, so must be run first.
for _, srcpath := range l.sourcePaths(target) {
srcpath := srcpath // avoid concurrency issues by redefining inside the loop
objpath := filepath.Join(dir, filepath.Base(srcpath)+".o")
objs = append(objs, objpath)
job.dependencies = append(job.dependencies, &compileJob{
description: "compile " + srcpath,
run: func() error {
var compileArgs []string
compileArgs = append(compileArgs, args...)
compileArgs = append(compileArgs, "-o", objpath, srcpath)
err := runCCompiler("clang", compileArgs...)
if err != nil {
return &commandError{"failed to build", srcpath, err}
return nil
return arpath, job, nil