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package compiler
// This file defines alias functions for functions that are normally defined in
// Go assembly.
// The Go toolchain defines many performance critical functions in assembly
// instead of plain Go. This is a problem for TinyGo as it currently (as of
// august 2021) is not able to compile these assembly files and even if it
// could, it would not be able to make use of them for many targets that are
// supported by TinyGo (baremetal RISC-V, AVR, etc). Therefore, many of these
// functions are aliased to their generic Go implementation.
// This results in slower than possible implementations, but at least they are
// usable.
import ""
var stdlibAliases = map[string]string{
// math package
"math.Asin": "math.asin",
"math.Asinh": "math.asinh",
"math.Acos": "math.acos",
"math.Acosh": "math.acosh",
"math.Atan": "math.atan",
"math.Atanh": "math.atanh",
"math.Atan2": "math.atan2",
"math.Cbrt": "math.cbrt",
"math.Ceil": "math.ceil",
"math.Cos": "math.cos",
"math.Cosh": "math.cosh",
"math.Erf": "math.erf",
"math.Erfc": "math.erfc",
"math.Exp": "math.exp",
"math.Expm1": "math.expm1",
"math.Exp2": "math.exp2",
"math.Floor": "math.floor",
"math.Frexp": "math.frexp",
"math.Hypot": "math.hypot",
"math.Ldexp": "math.ldexp",
"math.Log": "math.log",
"math.Log1p": "math.log1p",
"math.Log10": "math.log10",
"math.Log2": "math.log2",
"math.Max": "math.max",
"math.Min": "math.min",
"math.Mod": "math.mod",
"math.Modf": "math.modf",
"math.Pow": "math.pow",
"math.Remainder": "math.remainder",
"math.Sin": "math.sin",
"math.Sinh": "math.sinh",
"math.Sqrt": "math.sqrt",
"math.Tan": "math.tan",
"math.Tanh": "math.tanh",
"math.Trunc": "math.trunc",
// createAlias implements the function (in the builder) as a call to the alias
// function.
func (b *builder) createAlias(alias llvm.Value) {
if b.Debug {
if b.fn.Syntax() != nil {
// Create debug info file if present.
b.difunc = b.attachDebugInfo(b.fn)
pos := b.program.Fset.Position(b.fn.Pos())
b.SetCurrentDebugLocation(uint(pos.Line), uint(pos.Column), b.difunc, llvm.Metadata{})
entryBlock := llvm.AddBasicBlock(b.llvmFn, "entry")
if b.llvmFn.Type() != alias.Type() {
b.addError(b.fn.Pos(), "alias function should have the same type as aliasee "+alias.Name())
result := b.CreateCall(alias, b.llvmFn.Params(), "")
if result.Type().TypeKind() == llvm.VoidTypeKind {
} else {