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package compiler
// This file implements function values and closures. It may need some lowering
// in a later step, see func-lowering.go.
import (
type funcValueImplementation int
const (
funcValueNone funcValueImplementation = iota
// A func value is implemented as a pair of pointers:
// {context, function pointer}
// where the context may be a pointer to a heap-allocated struct containing
// the free variables, or it may be undef if the function being pointed to
// doesn't need a context. The function pointer is a regular function
// pointer.
// As funcValueDoubleword, but with the function pointer replaced by a
// unique ID per function signature. Function values are called by using a
// switch statement and choosing which function to call.
// funcImplementation picks an appropriate func value implementation for the
// target.
func (c *Compiler) funcImplementation() funcValueImplementation {
if c.GOARCH == "wasm" {
return funcValueSwitch
} else {
return funcValueDoubleword
// createFuncValue creates a function value from a raw function pointer with no
// context.
func (c *Compiler) createFuncValue(funcPtr, context llvm.Value, sig *types.Signature) llvm.Value {
var funcValueScalar llvm.Value
switch c.funcImplementation() {
case funcValueDoubleword:
// Closure is: {context, function pointer}
funcValueScalar = funcPtr
case funcValueSwitch:
sigGlobal := c.getFuncSignature(sig)
funcValueWithSignatureGlobalName := funcPtr.Name() + "$withSignature"
funcValueWithSignatureGlobal := c.mod.NamedGlobal(funcValueWithSignatureGlobalName)
if funcValueWithSignatureGlobal.IsNil() {
funcValueWithSignatureType := c.mod.GetTypeByName("runtime.funcValueWithSignature")
funcValueWithSignature := llvm.ConstNamedStruct(funcValueWithSignatureType, []llvm.Value{
llvm.ConstPtrToInt(funcPtr, c.uintptrType),
funcValueWithSignatureGlobal = llvm.AddGlobal(c.mod, funcValueWithSignatureType, funcValueWithSignatureGlobalName)
funcValueScalar = llvm.ConstPtrToInt(funcValueWithSignatureGlobal, c.uintptrType)
panic("unimplemented func value variant")
funcValueType := c.getFuncType(sig)
funcValue := llvm.Undef(funcValueType)
funcValue = c.builder.CreateInsertValue(funcValue, context, 0, "")
funcValue = c.builder.CreateInsertValue(funcValue, funcValueScalar, 1, "")
return funcValue
// getFuncSignature returns a global for identification of a particular function
// signature. It is used in runtime.funcValueWithSignature and in calls to
// getFuncPtr.
func (c *Compiler) getFuncSignature(sig *types.Signature) llvm.Value {
typeCodeName := getTypeCodeName(sig)
sigGlobalName := "reflect/types.type:" + typeCodeName
sigGlobal := c.mod.NamedGlobal(sigGlobalName)
if sigGlobal.IsNil() {
sigGlobal = llvm.AddGlobal(c.mod, c.ctx.Int8Type(), sigGlobalName)
return sigGlobal
// extractFuncScalar returns some scalar that can be used in comparisons. It is
// a cheap operation.
func (c *Compiler) extractFuncScalar(funcValue llvm.Value) llvm.Value {
return c.builder.CreateExtractValue(funcValue, 1, "")
// extractFuncContext extracts the context pointer from this function value. It
// is a cheap operation.
func (c *Compiler) extractFuncContext(funcValue llvm.Value) llvm.Value {
return c.builder.CreateExtractValue(funcValue, 0, "")
// decodeFuncValue extracts the context and the function pointer from this func
// value. This may be an expensive operation.
func (c *Compiler) decodeFuncValue(funcValue llvm.Value, sig *types.Signature) (funcPtr, context llvm.Value, err error) {
context = c.builder.CreateExtractValue(funcValue, 0, "")
switch c.funcImplementation() {
case funcValueDoubleword:
funcPtr = c.builder.CreateExtractValue(funcValue, 1, "")
case funcValueSwitch:
llvmSig := c.getRawFuncType(sig)
sigGlobal := c.getFuncSignature(sig)
funcPtr = c.createRuntimeCall("getFuncPtr", []llvm.Value{funcValue, sigGlobal}, "")
funcPtr = c.builder.CreateIntToPtr(funcPtr, llvmSig, "")
panic("unimplemented func value variant")
// getFuncType returns the type of a func value given a signature.
func (c *Compiler) getFuncType(typ *types.Signature) llvm.Type {
switch c.funcImplementation() {
case funcValueDoubleword:
rawPtr := c.getRawFuncType(typ)
return c.ctx.StructType([]llvm.Type{c.i8ptrType, rawPtr}, false)
case funcValueSwitch:
return c.mod.GetTypeByName("runtime.funcValue")
panic("unimplemented func value variant")
// getRawFuncType returns a LLVM function pointer type for a given signature.
func (c *Compiler) getRawFuncType(typ *types.Signature) llvm.Type {
// Get the return type.
var returnType llvm.Type
switch typ.Results().Len() {
case 0:
// No return values.
returnType = c.ctx.VoidType()
case 1:
// Just one return value.
returnType = c.getLLVMType(typ.Results().At(0).Type())
// Multiple return values. Put them together in a struct.
// This appears to be the common way to handle multiple return values in
// LLVM.
members := make([]llvm.Type, typ.Results().Len())
for i := 0; i < typ.Results().Len(); i++ {
members[i] = c.getLLVMType(typ.Results().At(i).Type())
returnType = c.ctx.StructType(members, false)
// Get the parameter types.
var paramTypes []llvm.Type
if typ.Recv() != nil {
recv := c.getLLVMType(typ.Recv().Type())
if recv.StructName() == "runtime._interface" {
// This is a call on an interface, not a concrete type.
// The receiver is not an interface, but a i8* type.
recv = c.i8ptrType
paramTypes = append(paramTypes, c.expandFormalParamType(recv)...)
for i := 0; i < typ.Params().Len(); i++ {
subType := c.getLLVMType(typ.Params().At(i).Type())
paramTypes = append(paramTypes, c.expandFormalParamType(subType)...)
// All functions take these parameters at the end.
paramTypes = append(paramTypes, c.i8ptrType) // context
paramTypes = append(paramTypes, c.i8ptrType) // parent coroutine
// Make a func type out of the signature.
return llvm.PointerType(llvm.FunctionType(returnType, paramTypes, false), c.funcPtrAddrSpace)
// parseMakeClosure makes a function value (with context) from the given
// closure expression.
func (c *Compiler) parseMakeClosure(frame *Frame, expr *ssa.MakeClosure) (llvm.Value, error) {
if len(expr.Bindings) == 0 {
panic("unexpected: MakeClosure without bound variables")
f :=*ssa.Function))
// Collect all bound variables.
boundVars := make([]llvm.Value, 0, len(expr.Bindings))
boundVarTypes := make([]llvm.Type, 0, len(expr.Bindings))
for _, binding := range expr.Bindings {
// The context stores the bound variables.
llvmBoundVar := c.getValue(frame, binding)
boundVars = append(boundVars, llvmBoundVar)
boundVarTypes = append(boundVarTypes, llvmBoundVar.Type())
contextType := c.ctx.StructType(boundVarTypes, false)
// Allocate memory for the context.
contextAlloc := llvm.Value{}
contextHeapAlloc := llvm.Value{}
if c.targetData.TypeAllocSize(contextType) <= c.targetData.TypeAllocSize(c.i8ptrType) {
// Context fits in a pointer - e.g. when it is a pointer. Store it
// directly in the stack after a convert.
// Because contextType is a struct and we have to cast it to a *i8,
// store it in an alloca first for bitcasting (store+bitcast+load).
contextAlloc = c.builder.CreateAlloca(contextType, "")
} else {
// Context is bigger than a pointer, so allocate it on the heap.
size := c.targetData.TypeAllocSize(contextType)
sizeValue := llvm.ConstInt(c.uintptrType, size, false)
contextHeapAlloc = c.createRuntimeCall("alloc", []llvm.Value{sizeValue}, "")
contextAlloc = c.builder.CreateBitCast(contextHeapAlloc, llvm.PointerType(contextType, 0), "")
// Store all bound variables in the alloca or heap pointer.
for i, boundVar := range boundVars {
indices := []llvm.Value{
llvm.ConstInt(c.ctx.Int32Type(), 0, false),
llvm.ConstInt(c.ctx.Int32Type(), uint64(i), false),
gep := c.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(contextAlloc, indices, "")
c.builder.CreateStore(boundVar, gep)
context := llvm.Value{}
if c.targetData.TypeAllocSize(contextType) <= c.targetData.TypeAllocSize(c.i8ptrType) {
// Load value (as *i8) from the alloca.
contextAlloc = c.builder.CreateBitCast(contextAlloc, llvm.PointerType(c.i8ptrType, 0), "")
context = c.builder.CreateLoad(contextAlloc, "")
} else {
// Get the original heap allocation pointer, which already is an
// *i8.
context = contextHeapAlloc
// Create the closure.
return c.createFuncValue(f.LLVMFn, context, f.Signature), nil