package builder
// This file implements support for writing ESP image files. These image files
// are read by the ROM bootloader so have to be in a particular format.
// In the future, it may be necessary to implement support for other image
// formats, such as the ESP8266 image formats (again, used by the ROM bootloader
// to load the firmware).
import (
type espImageSegment struct {
addr uint32
data []byte
// makeESPFirmareImage converts an input ELF file to an image file for an ESP32 or
// ESP8266 chip. This is a special purpose image format just for the ESP chip
// family, and is parsed by the on-chip mask ROM bootloader.
// The following documentation has been used:
// https://github.com/espressif/esptool/wiki/Firmware-Image-Format
// https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/blob/8fbb63c2a701c22ccf4ce249f43aded73e134a34/components/bootloader_support/include/esp_image_format.h#L58
// https://github.com/espressif/esptool/blob/master/esptool.py
func makeESPFirmareImage(infile, outfile, format string) error {
inf, err := elf.Open(infile)
if err != nil {
return err
defer inf.Close()
// Load all segments to be written to the image. These are actually ELF
// sections, not true ELF segments (similar to how esptool does it).
var segments []*espImageSegment
for _, section := range inf.Sections {
if section.Type != elf.SHT_PROGBITS || section.Size == 0 || section.Flags&elf.SHF_ALLOC == 0 {
data, err := section.Data()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to read section data: %w", err)
for len(data)%4 != 0 {
// Align segment to 4 bytes.
data = append(data, 0)
if uint64(uint32(section.Addr)) != section.Addr {
return fmt.Errorf("section address too big: 0x%x", section.Addr)
segments = append(segments, &espImageSegment{
addr: uint32(section.Addr),
data: data,
// Sort the segments by address. This is what esptool does too.
sort.SliceStable(segments, func(i, j int) bool { return segments[i].addr < segments[j].addr })
// Calculate checksum over the segment data. This is used in the image
// footer.
checksum := uint8(0xef)
for _, segment := range segments {
for _, b := range segment.data {
checksum ^= b
// Write first to an in-memory buffer, primarily so that we can easily
// calculate a hash over the entire image.
// An added benefit is that we don't need to check for errors all the time.
outf := &bytes.Buffer{}
// Separate esp32 and esp32-img. The -img suffix indicates we should make an
// image, not just a binary to be flashed at 0x1000 for example.
chip := format
makeImage := false
if strings.HasSuffix(format, "-img") {
makeImage = true
chip = format[:len(format)-len("-img")]
if makeImage {
// The bootloader starts at 0x1000, or 4096.
// TinyGo doesn't use a separate bootloader and runs the entire
// application in the bootloader location.
outf.Write(make([]byte, 4096))
// Chip IDs. Source:
// https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/blob/v4.3/components/bootloader_support/include/esp_app_format.h#L22
chip_id := map[string]uint16{
"esp32": 0x0000,
"esp32c3": 0x0005,
// Image header.
switch chip {
case "esp32", "esp32c3":
// Header format:
// https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/blob/v4.3/components/bootloader_support/include/esp_app_format.h#L71
// Note: not adding a SHA256 hash as the binary is modified by
// esptool.py while flashing and therefore the hash won't be valid
// anymore.
binary.Write(outf, binary.LittleEndian, struct {
magic uint8
segment_count uint8
spi_mode uint8
spi_speed_size uint8
entry_addr uint32
wp_pin uint8
spi_pin_drv [3]uint8
chip_id uint16
min_chip_rev uint8
reserved [8]uint8
hash_appended bool
magic: 0xE9,
segment_count: byte(len(segments)),
spi_mode: 2, // ESP_IMAGE_SPI_MODE_DIO
spi_speed_size: 0x1f, // ESP_IMAGE_SPI_SPEED_80M, ESP_IMAGE_FLASH_SIZE_2MB
entry_addr: uint32(inf.Entry),
wp_pin: 0xEE, // disable WP pin
chip_id: chip_id,
hash_appended: true, // add a SHA256 hash
case "esp8266":
// Header format:
// https://github.com/espressif/esptool/wiki/Firmware-Image-Format
// Basically a truncated version of the ESP32 header.
binary.Write(outf, binary.LittleEndian, struct {
magic uint8
segment_count uint8
spi_mode uint8
spi_speed_size uint8
entry_addr uint32
magic: 0xE9,
segment_count: byte(len(segments)),
spi_mode: 0, // irrelevant, replaced by esptool when flashing
spi_speed_size: 0x20, // spi_speed, spi_size: replaced by esptool when flashing
entry_addr: uint32(inf.Entry),
return fmt.Errorf("builder: unknown binary format %#v, expected esp32 or esp8266", format)
// Write all segments to the image.
// https://github.com/espressif/esptool/wiki/Firmware-Image-Format#segment
for _, segment := range segments {
binary.Write(outf, binary.LittleEndian, struct {
addr uint32
length uint32
addr: segment.addr,
length: uint32(len(segment.data)),
// Footer, including checksum.
// The entire image size must be a multiple of 16, so pad the image to one
// byte less than that before writing the checksum.
outf.Write(make([]byte, 15-outf.Len()%16))
if chip != "esp8266" {
// SHA256 hash (to protect against image corruption, not for security).
hash := sha256.Sum256(outf.Bytes())
// QEMU (or more precisely, qemu-system-xtensa from Espressif) expects the
// image to be a certain size.
if makeImage {
// Use a default image size of 4MB.
grow := 4096*1024 - outf.Len()
if grow > 0 {
outf.Write(make([]byte, grow))
// Write the image to the output file.
return os.WriteFile(outfile, outf.Bytes(), 0666)