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275 lines
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7 years ago
7 years ago
# aliases
all: tinygo
7 years ago
# Default build and source directories, as created by `make llvm-build`.
LLVM_BUILDDIR ?= llvm-build
CLANG_SRC ?= llvm-project/clang
LLD_SRC ?= llvm-project/lld
# Go binary and GOROOT to select
GO ?= go
export GOROOT = $(shell $(GO) env GOROOT)
# md5sum binary
MD5SUM = md5sum
# Python binary
PYTHON ?= python
# tinygo binary for tests
TINYGO ?= tinygo
# Use CCACHE for LLVM if possible
ifneq (, $(shell which ccache))
# Allow enabling LLVM assertions
ifeq (1, $(ASSERT))
.PHONY: all tinygo test $(LLVM_BUILDDIR) llvm-source clean fmt gen-device gen-device-nrf gen-device-avr
LLVM_COMPONENTS = all-targets analysis asmparser asmprinter bitreader bitwriter codegen core coroutines debuginfodwarf executionengine instrumentation interpreter ipo irreader linker lto mc mcjit objcarcopts option profiledata scalaropts support target
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
EXE = .exe
START_GROUP = -Wl,--start-group
END_GROUP = -Wl,--end-group
# LLVM compiled using MinGW on Windows appears to have problems with threads.
# Without this flag, linking results in errors like these:
# libLLVMSupport.a(Threading.cpp.obj):Threading.cpp:(.text+0x55): undefined reference to `std::thread::hardware_concurrency()'
CGO_LDFLAGS += -static -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++
CGO_LDFLAGS_EXTRA += -lversion
# Build libclang manually because the CMake-based build system on Windows
# doesn't allow building libclang as a static library.
LIBCLANG_PATH = $(abspath build/libclang-custom.a)
LIBCLANG_FILES = $(abspath $(wildcard $(LLVM_BUILDDIR)/tools/clang/tools/libclang/CMakeFiles/libclang.dir/*.cpp.obj))
# Add the libclang dependency to the tinygo binary target.
tinygo: $(LIBCLANG_PATH)
# Build libclang.
@mkdir -p build
ar rcs $(LIBCLANG_PATH) $^
else ifeq ($(shell uname -s),Darwin)
MD5SUM = md5
LIBCLANG_PATH = $(abspath $(LLVM_BUILDDIR))/lib/libclang.a
LIBCLANG_PATH = $(abspath $(LLVM_BUILDDIR))/lib/libclang.a
START_GROUP = -Wl,--start-group
END_GROUP = -Wl,--end-group
CLANG_LIBS = $(START_GROUP) -lclangAnalysis -lclangARCMigrate -lclangAST -lclangASTMatchers -lclangBasic -lclangCodeGen -lclangCrossTU -lclangDriver -lclangDynamicASTMatchers -lclangEdit -lclangFormat -lclangFrontend -lclangFrontendTool -lclangHandleCXX -lclangHandleLLVM -lclangIndex -lclangLex -lclangParse -lclangRewrite -lclangRewriteFrontend -lclangSema -lclangSerialization -lclangStaticAnalyzerCheckers -lclangStaticAnalyzerCore -lclangStaticAnalyzerFrontend -lclangTooling -lclangToolingASTDiff -lclangToolingCore -lclangToolingInclusions $(END_GROUP) -lstdc++
LLD_LIBS = $(START_GROUP) -llldCOFF -llldCommon -llldCore -llldDriver -llldELF -llldMachO -llldMinGW -llldReaderWriter -llldWasm -llldYAML $(END_GROUP)
# For static linking.
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(LLVM_BUILDDIR)/bin/llvm-config*)","")
CGO_CPPFLAGS=$(shell $(LLVM_BUILDDIR)/bin/llvm-config --cppflags) -I$(abspath $(CLANG_SRC))/include -I$(abspath $(LLD_SRC))/include
CGO_LDFLAGS+=$(LIBCLANG_PATH) -std=c++11 -L$(abspath $(LLVM_BUILDDIR)/lib) $(CLANG_LIBS) $(LLD_LIBS) $(shell $(LLVM_BUILDDIR)/bin/llvm-config --ldflags --libs --system-libs $(LLVM_COMPONENTS)) -lstdc++ $(CGO_LDFLAGS_EXTRA)
7 years ago
@rm -rf build
main: refactor compile/link part to a builder package This is a large commit that moves all code directly related to compiling/linking into a new builder package. This has a number of advantages: * It cleanly separates the API between the command line and the full compilation (with a very small API surface). * When the compiler finally compiles one package at a time (instead of everything at once as it does now), something will have to invoke it once per package. This builder package will be the natural place to do that, and also be the place where the whole process can be parallelized. * It allows the TinyGo compiler to be used as a package. A client can simply import the builder package and compile code using it. As part of this refactor, the following additional things changed: * Exported symbols have been made unexported when they weren't needed. * The compilation target has been moved into the compileopts.Options struct. This is done because the target really is just another compiler option, and the API is simplified by moving it in there. * The moveFile function has been duplicated. It does not really belong in the builder API but is used both by the builder and the command line. Moving it into a separate package didn't seem useful either for what is essentially an utility function. * Some doc strings have been improved. Some future changes/refactors I'd like to make after this commit: * Clean up the API between the builder and the compiler package. * Perhaps move the test files (in testdata/) into the builder package. * Perhaps move the loader package into the builder package.
5 years ago
FMT_PATHS = ./*.go builder cgo compiler interp ir loader src/device/arm src/examples src/machine src/os src/reflect src/runtime src/sync src/syscall src/internal/reflectlite transform
6 years ago
@gofmt -l -w $(FMT_PATHS)
@unformatted=$$(gofmt -l $(FMT_PATHS)); [ -z "$$unformatted" ] && exit 0; echo "Unformatted:"; for fn in $$unformatted; do echo " $$fn"; done; exit 1
6 years ago
gen-device: gen-device-avr gen-device-nrf gen-device-sam gen-device-sifive gen-device-stm32
$(GO) build -o ./build/gen-device-avr ./tools/gen-device-avr/
./build/gen-device-avr lib/avr/packs/atmega src/device/avr/
./build/gen-device-avr lib/avr/packs/tiny src/device/avr/
@GO111MODULE=off $(GO) fmt ./src/device/avr
$(PYTHON) ./tools/ lib/nrfx/mdk/ src/device/nrf/ --source=
GO111MODULE=off $(GO) fmt ./src/device/nrf
$(PYTHON) ./tools/ lib/cmsis-svd/data/Atmel/ src/device/sam/ --source=
GO111MODULE=off $(GO) fmt ./src/device/sam
$(PYTHON) ./tools/ lib/cmsis-svd/data/SiFive-Community/ src/device/sifive/ --source=
GO111MODULE=off $(GO) fmt ./src/device/sifive
$(PYTHON) ./tools/ lib/cmsis-svd/data/STMicro/ src/device/stm32/ --source=
GO111MODULE=off $(GO) fmt ./src/device/stm32
# Get LLVM sources.
git clone -b release/9.x
llvm-source: llvm-project/
# Configure LLVM.
TINYGO_SOURCE_DIR=$(shell pwd)
$(LLVM_BUILDDIR)/ llvm-source
# Build LLVM.
cd $(LLVM_BUILDDIR); ninja
# Build the Go compiler.
@if [ ! -f "$(LLVM_BUILDDIR)/bin/llvm-config" ]; then echo "Fetch and build LLVM first by running:"; echo " make llvm-source"; echo " make $(LLVM_BUILDDIR)"; exit 1; fi
CGO_CPPFLAGS="$(CGO_CPPFLAGS)" CGO_CXXFLAGS="$(CGO_CXXFLAGS)" CGO_LDFLAGS="$(CGO_LDFLAGS)" $(GO) build -o build/tinygo$(EXE) -tags byollvm .
CGO_CPPFLAGS="$(CGO_CPPFLAGS)" CGO_CXXFLAGS="$(CGO_CXXFLAGS)" CGO_LDFLAGS="$(CGO_LDFLAGS)" $(GO) test -v -tags byollvm ./cgo ./compileopts ./interp ./transform .
cd tests/tinygotest && tinygo test
.PHONY: smoketest
$(TINYGO) version
# test all examples
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/adc
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/blinkm
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/blinky2
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/button
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/button2
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/echo
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=circuitplay-express examples/i2s
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/mcp3008
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=microbit examples/microbit-blink
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/pwm
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/serial
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/systick
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/test
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
# test simulated boards on
$(TINYGO) build -o test.wasm -tags=arduino examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.wasm
$(TINYGO) build -o test.wasm -tags=hifive1b examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.wasm
$(TINYGO) build -o test.wasm -tags=reelboard examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.wasm
$(TINYGO) build -o test.wasm -tags=pca10040 examples/blinky2
@$(MD5SUM) test.wasm
$(TINYGO) build -o test.wasm -tags=pca10056 examples/blinky2
@$(MD5SUM) test.wasm
# test all targets/boards
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040-s132v6 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=microbit examples/echo
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=nrf52840-mdk examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10031 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=bluepill examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=reelboard examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=reelboard examples/blinky2
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10056 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10056 examples/blinky2
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=feather-m0 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=trinket-m0 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=circuitplay-express examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=stm32f4disco examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=stm32f4disco examples/blinky2
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=circuitplay-express examples/i2s
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.gba -target=gameboy-advance examples/gba-display
@$(MD5SUM) test.gba
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m4 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=feather-m4 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=metro-m4-airlift examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=nucleo-f103rb examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pinetime-devkit0 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=x9pro examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10056-s140v7 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
ifneq ($(AVR), 0)
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=arduino examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=digispark examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=hifive1b examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -o wasm.wasm -target=wasm examples/wasm/export
$(TINYGO) build -o wasm.wasm -target=wasm examples/wasm/main
release: tinygo gen-device
@mkdir -p build/release/tinygo/bin
@mkdir -p build/release/tinygo/lib/clang/include
@mkdir -p build/release/tinygo/lib/CMSIS/CMSIS
@mkdir -p build/release/tinygo/lib/compiler-rt/lib
@mkdir -p build/release/tinygo/lib/nrfx
@mkdir -p build/release/tinygo/pkg/armv6m-none-eabi
@mkdir -p build/release/tinygo/pkg/armv7m-none-eabi
@mkdir -p build/release/tinygo/pkg/armv7em-none-eabi
@echo copying source files
@cp -p build/tinygo$(EXE) build/release/tinygo/bin
@cp -p $(abspath $(CLANG_SRC))/lib/Headers/*.h build/release/tinygo/lib/clang/include
@cp -rp lib/CMSIS/CMSIS/Include build/release/tinygo/lib/CMSIS/CMSIS
@cp -rp lib/CMSIS/ build/release/tinygo/lib/CMSIS
@cp -rp lib/compiler-rt/lib/builtins build/release/tinygo/lib/compiler-rt/lib
@cp -rp lib/compiler-rt/LICENSE.TXT build/release/tinygo/lib/compiler-rt
@cp -rp lib/compiler-rt/README.txt build/release/tinygo/lib/compiler-rt
@cp -rp lib/nrfx/* build/release/tinygo/lib/nrfx
@cp -rp src build/release/tinygo/src
@cp -rp targets build/release/tinygo/targets
./build/tinygo build-builtins -target=armv6m-none-eabi -o build/release/tinygo/pkg/armv6m-none-eabi/compiler-rt.a
./build/tinygo build-builtins -target=armv7m-none-eabi -o build/release/tinygo/pkg/armv7m-none-eabi/compiler-rt.a
./build/tinygo build-builtins -target=armv7em-none-eabi -o build/release/tinygo/pkg/armv7em-none-eabi/compiler-rt.a
tar -czf build/release.tar.gz -C build/release tinygo