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# A Nix flake file, mainly intended for developing TinyGo.
# You can download Nix here, for use on your Linux or macOS system:
# After you have installed Nix, you can enter the development environment as
# follows:
# nix develop
# This drops you into a bash shell, where you can install TinyGo simply using
# the following command:
# go install
# That's all! Assuming you've set up your $PATH correctly, you can now use the
# tinygo command as usual:
# tinygo version
# But you'll need a bit more to make TinyGo actually able to compile code:
# make llvm-source # fetch compiler-rt
# git submodule update --init # fetch lots of other libraries and SVD files
# make gen-device -j4 # build src/device/*/*.go files
# make wasi-libc # build support for wasi/wasm
# With this, you should have an environment that can compile anything - except
# for the Xtensa architecture (ESP8266/ESP32) because support for that lives in
# a separate LLVM fork.
# You can also do many other things from this environment. Building and flashing
# should work as you're used to: it's not a VM or container so there are no
# access restrictions and you're running in the same host environment - just
# with a slightly different set of tools available.
inputs = {
# Use a recent stable release, but fix the version to make it reproducible.
# This version should be updated from time to time.
nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-23.11";
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils }:
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
with pkgs;
devShells.default = mkShell {
buildInputs = [
# These dependencies are required for building tinygo (go install).
# Additional dependencies needed at runtime, for building and/or
# flashing.
# Additional dependencies needed for on-chip debugging.
# These tools are rather big (especially GDB) and not frequently
# used, so are commented out. On-chip debugging is still possible if
# these tools are available in the host environment.
shellHook= ''
# Configure CLANG, LLVM_AR, and LLVM_NM for `make wasi-libc`.
# Without setting these explicitly, Homebrew versions might be used
# or the default `ar` and `nm` tools might be used (which don't
# support wasi).
export CLANG="clang-17 -resource-dir ${}/lib/clang/17"
export LLVM_AR=llvm-ar
export LLVM_NM=llvm-nm
# Make `make smoketest` work (the default is `md5`, while Nix only
# has `md5sum`).
export MD5SUM=md5sum
# Ugly hack to make the Clang resources directory available.
export GOFLAGS="\"-ldflags=-X${}/lib/clang/17\" -tags=llvm17"