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package compiler
// This file implements the syscall.Syscall and syscall.Syscall6 instructions as
// compiler builtins.
import (
// emitSyscall emits an inline system call instruction, depending on the target
// OS/arch.
func (c *Compiler) emitSyscall(frame *Frame, call *ssa.CallCommon) (llvm.Value, error) {
num, _ := constant.Uint64Val(call.Args[0].(*ssa.Const).Value)
switch {
case c.GOARCH == "amd64" && c.GOOS == "linux":
// Sources:
args := []llvm.Value{llvm.ConstInt(c.uintptrType, num, false)}
argTypes := []llvm.Type{c.uintptrType}
// Constraints will look something like:
// "={rax},0,{rdi},{rsi},{rdx},{r10},{r8},{r9},~{rcx},~{r11}"
constraints := "={rax},0"
for i, arg := range call.Args[1:] {
constraints += "," + [...]string{
llvmValue, err := c.parseExpr(frame, arg)
if err != nil {
return llvm.Value{}, err
args = append(args, llvmValue)
argTypes = append(argTypes, llvmValue.Type())
constraints += ",~{rcx},~{r11}"
fnType := llvm.FunctionType(c.uintptrType, argTypes, false)
target := llvm.InlineAsm(fnType, "syscall", constraints, true, false, llvm.InlineAsmDialectIntel)
syscallResult := c.builder.CreateCall(target, args, "")
// Return values: r1, r1, err uintptr
// Pseudocode:
// var err uintptr
// if syscallResult < 0 && syscallResult > -4096 {
// err = -syscallResult
// }
// return syscallResult, 0, err
zero := llvm.ConstInt(c.uintptrType, 0, false)
inrange1 := c.builder.CreateICmp(llvm.IntSLT, syscallResult, llvm.ConstInt(c.uintptrType, 0, false), "")
inrange2 := c.builder.CreateICmp(llvm.IntSGT, syscallResult, llvm.ConstInt(c.uintptrType, 0xfffffffffffff000, true), "") // -4096
hasError := c.builder.CreateAnd(inrange1, inrange2, "")
errResult := c.builder.CreateSelect(hasError, c.builder.CreateNot(syscallResult, ""), zero, "syscallError")
retval := llvm.Undef(llvm.StructType([]llvm.Type{c.uintptrType, c.uintptrType, c.uintptrType}, false))
retval = c.builder.CreateInsertValue(retval, syscallResult, 0, "")
retval = c.builder.CreateInsertValue(retval, zero, 1, "")
retval = c.builder.CreateInsertValue(retval, errResult, 2, "")
return retval, nil
return llvm.Value{}, c.makeError(call.Pos(), "unknown GOOS/GOARCH for syscall: "+c.GOOS+"/"+c.GOARCH)