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package loader
// This file constructs a new temporary GOROOT directory by merging both the
// standard Go GOROOT and the GOROOT from TinyGo using symlinks.
import (
// GetCachedGoroot creates a new GOROOT by merging both the standard GOROOT and
// the GOROOT from TinyGo using lots of symbolic links.
func GetCachedGoroot(config *compileopts.Config) (string, error) {
goroot := goenv.Get("GOROOT")
if goroot == "" {
return "", errors.New("could not determine GOROOT")
tinygoroot := goenv.Get("TINYGOROOT")
if tinygoroot == "" {
return "", errors.New("could not determine TINYGOROOT")
// Determine the location of the cached GOROOT.
version, err := goenv.GorootVersionString(goroot)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// This hash is really a cache key, that contains (hopefully) enough
// information to make collisions unlikely during development.
// By including the Go version and TinyGo version, cache collisions should
// not happen outside of development.
hash := sha512.New512_256()
fmt.Fprintln(hash, goroot)
fmt.Fprintln(hash, version)
fmt.Fprintln(hash, goenv.Version)
fmt.Fprintln(hash, tinygoroot)
gorootsHash := hash.Sum(nil)
gorootsHashHex := hex.EncodeToString(gorootsHash[:])
cachedgoroot := filepath.Join(goenv.Get("GOCACHE"), "goroot-"+version+"-"+gorootsHashHex)
if needsSyscallPackage(config.BuildTags()) {
cachedgoroot += "-syscall"
if _, err := os.Stat(cachedgoroot); err == nil {
return cachedgoroot, nil
tmpgoroot := cachedgoroot + ".tmp" + strconv.Itoa(rand.Int())
err = os.MkdirAll(tmpgoroot, 0777)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Remove the temporary directory if it wasn't moved to the right place
// (for example, when there was an error).
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpgoroot)
for _, name := range []string{"bin", "lib", "pkg"} {
err = symlink(filepath.Join(goroot, name), filepath.Join(tmpgoroot, name))
if err != nil {
return "", err
err = mergeDirectory(goroot, tinygoroot, tmpgoroot, "", pathsToOverride(needsSyscallPackage(config.BuildTags())))
if err != nil {
return "", err
err = os.Rename(tmpgoroot, cachedgoroot)
if err != nil {
if os.IsExist(err) {
// Another invocation of TinyGo also seems to have created a GOROOT.
// Use that one instead. Our new GOROOT will be automatically
// deleted by the defer above.
return cachedgoroot, nil
return "", err
return cachedgoroot, nil
// mergeDirectory merges two roots recursively. The tmpgoroot is the directory
// that will be created by this call by either symlinking the directory from
// goroot or tinygoroot, or by creating the directory and merging the contents.
func mergeDirectory(goroot, tinygoroot, tmpgoroot, importPath string, overrides map[string]bool) error {
if mergeSubdirs, ok := overrides[importPath+"/"]; ok {
if !mergeSubdirs {
// This directory and all subdirectories should come from the TinyGo
// root, so simply make a symlink.
newname := filepath.Join(tmpgoroot, "src", importPath)
oldname := filepath.Join(tinygoroot, "src", importPath)
return symlink(oldname, newname)
// Merge subdirectories. Start by making the directory to merge.
err := os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(tmpgoroot, "src", importPath), 0777)
if err != nil {
return err
// Symlink all files from TinyGo, and symlink directories from TinyGo
// that need to be overridden.
tinygoEntries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(filepath.Join(tinygoroot, "src", importPath))
if err != nil {
return err
for _, e := range tinygoEntries {
if e.IsDir() {
// A directory, so merge this thing.
err := mergeDirectory(goroot, tinygoroot, tmpgoroot, path.Join(importPath, e.Name()), overrides)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
// A file, so symlink this.
newname := filepath.Join(tmpgoroot, "src", importPath, e.Name())
oldname := filepath.Join(tinygoroot, "src", importPath, e.Name())
err := symlink(oldname, newname)
if err != nil {
return err
// Symlink all directories from $GOROOT that are not part of the TinyGo
// overrides.
gorootEntries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(filepath.Join(goroot, "src", importPath))
if err != nil {
return err
for _, e := range gorootEntries {
if !e.IsDir() {
// Don't merge in files from Go. Otherwise we'd end up with a
// weird syscall package with files from both roots.
if _, ok := overrides[path.Join(importPath, e.Name())+"/"]; ok {
// Already included above, so don't bother trying to create this
// symlink.
newname := filepath.Join(tmpgoroot, "src", importPath, e.Name())
oldname := filepath.Join(goroot, "src", importPath, e.Name())
err := symlink(oldname, newname)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// needsSyscallPackage returns whether the syscall package should be overriden
// with the TinyGo version. This is the case on some targets.
func needsSyscallPackage(buildTags []string) bool {
for _, tag := range buildTags {
if tag == "baremetal" || tag == "darwin" {
return true
return false
// The boolean indicates whether to merge the subdirs. True means merge, false
// means use the TinyGo version.
func pathsToOverride(needsSyscallPackage bool) map[string]bool {
paths := map[string]bool{
"/": true,
"device/": false,
"examples/": false,
"internal/": true,
"internal/bytealg/": false,
"internal/reflectlite/": false,
"internal/task/": false,
"machine/": false,
"os/": true,
"reflect/": false,
"runtime/": false,
"sync/": true,
"testing/": false,
if needsSyscallPackage {
paths["syscall/"] = true // include syscall/js
return paths
// symlink creates a symlink or something similar. On Unix-like systems, it
// always creates a symlink. On Windows, it tries to create a symlink and if
// that fails, creates a hardlink or directory junction instead.
// Note that while Windows 10 does support symlinks and allows them to be
// created using os.Symlink, it requires developer mode to be enabled.
// Therefore provide a fallback for when symlinking is not possible.
// Unfortunately this fallback only works when TinyGo is installed on the same
// filesystem as the TinyGo cache and the Go installation (which is usually the
// C drive).
func symlink(oldname, newname string) error {
symlinkErr := os.Symlink(oldname, newname)
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && symlinkErr != nil {
// Fallback for when developer mode is disabled.
// Note that we return the symlink error even if something else fails
// later on. This is because symlinks are the easiest to support
// (they're also used on Linux and MacOS) and enabling them is easy:
// just enable developer mode.
st, err := os.Stat(oldname)
if err != nil {
return symlinkErr
if st.IsDir() {
// Make a directory junction. There may be a way to do this
// programmatically, but it involves a lot of magic. Use the mklink
// command built into cmd instead (mklink is a builtin, not an
// external command).
err := exec.Command("cmd", "/k", "mklink", "/J", newname, oldname).Run()
if err != nil {
return symlinkErr
} else {
// Make a hard link.
err := os.Link(oldname, newname)
if err != nil {
return symlinkErr
return nil // success
return symlinkErr