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package compiler
// This file implements the 'go' keyword to start a new goroutine. See
// goroutine-lowering.go for more details.
import (
// createGo emits code to start a new goroutine.
func (b *builder) createGo(instr *ssa.Go) {
// Get all function parameters to pass to the goroutine.
var params []llvm.Value
for _, param := range instr.Call.Args {
params = append(params, b.getValue(param))
var prefix string
var funcPtr llvm.Value
var funcPtrType llvm.Type
hasContext := false
if callee := instr.Call.StaticCallee(); callee != nil {
// Static callee is known. This makes it easier to start a new
// goroutine.
var context llvm.Value
switch value := instr.Call.Value.(type) {
case *ssa.Function:
// Goroutine call is regular function call. No context is necessary.
case *ssa.MakeClosure:
// A goroutine call on a func value, but the callee is trivial to find. For
// example: immediately applied functions.
funcValue := b.getValue(value)
context = b.extractFuncContext(funcValue)
panic("StaticCallee returned an unexpected value")
if !context.IsNil() {
params = append(params, context) // context parameter
hasContext = true
funcPtrType, funcPtr = b.getFunction(callee)
} else if builtin, ok := instr.Call.Value.(*ssa.Builtin); ok {
// We cheat. None of the builtins do any long or blocking operation, so
// we might as well run these builtins right away without the program
// noticing the difference.
// Possible exceptions:
// - copy: this is a possibly long operation, but not a blocking
// operation. Semantically it makes no difference to run it right
// away (not in a goroutine). However, in practice it makes no sense
// to run copy in a goroutine as there is no way to (safely) know
// when it is finished.
// - panic: the error message would appear in the parent goroutine.
// But because `go panic("err")` would halt the program anyway
// (there is no recover), panicking right away would give the same
// behavior as creating a goroutine, switching the scheduler to that
// goroutine, and panicking there. So this optimization seems
// correct.
// - recover: because it runs in a new goroutine, it is never a
// deferred function. Thus this is a no-op.
if builtin.Name() == "recover" {
// This is a no-op, even in a deferred function:
// go recover()
var argTypes []types.Type
var argValues []llvm.Value
for _, arg := range instr.Call.Args {
argTypes = append(argTypes, arg.Type())
argValues = append(argValues, b.getValue(arg))
b.createBuiltin(argTypes, argValues, builtin.Name(), instr.Pos())
} else if instr.Call.IsInvoke() {
// This is a method call on an interface value.
itf := b.getValue(instr.Call.Value)
itfTypeCode := b.CreateExtractValue(itf, 0, "")
itfValue := b.CreateExtractValue(itf, 1, "")
funcPtr = b.getInvokeFunction(&instr.Call)
funcPtrType = funcPtr.GlobalValueType()
params = append([]llvm.Value{itfValue}, params...) // start with receiver
params = append(params, itfTypeCode) // end with typecode
} else {
// This is a function pointer.
// At the moment, two extra params are passed to the newly started
// goroutine:
// * The function context, for closures.
// * The function pointer (for tasks).
var context llvm.Value
funcPtrType, funcPtr, context = b.decodeFuncValue(b.getValue(instr.Call.Value), instr.Call.Value.Type().Underlying().(*types.Signature))
params = append(params, context, funcPtr)
hasContext = true
prefix = b.fn.RelString(nil)
paramBundle := b.emitPointerPack(params)
var stackSize llvm.Value
callee := b.createGoroutineStartWrapper(funcPtrType, funcPtr, prefix, hasContext, instr.Pos())
if b.AutomaticStackSize {
// The stack size is not known until after linking. Call a dummy
// function that will be replaced with a load from a special ELF
// section that contains the stack size (and is modified after
// linking).
stackSizeFnType, stackSizeFn := b.getFunction(b.program.ImportedPackage("internal/task").Members["getGoroutineStackSize"].(*ssa.Function))
stackSize = b.createCall(stackSizeFnType, stackSizeFn, []llvm.Value{callee, llvm.Undef(b.i8ptrType)}, "stacksize")
} else {
// The stack size is fixed at compile time. By emitting it here as a
// constant, it can be optimized.
if (b.Scheduler == "tasks" || b.Scheduler == "asyncify") && b.DefaultStackSize == 0 {
b.addError(instr.Pos(), "default stack size for goroutines is not set")
stackSize = llvm.ConstInt(b.uintptrType, b.DefaultStackSize, false)
fnType, start := b.getFunction(b.program.ImportedPackage("internal/task").Members["start"].(*ssa.Function))
b.createCall(fnType, start, []llvm.Value{callee, paramBundle, stackSize, llvm.Undef(b.i8ptrType)}, "")
// createGoroutineStartWrapper creates a wrapper for the task-based
// implementation of goroutines. For example, to call a function like this:
// func add(x, y int) int { ... }
// It creates a wrapper like this:
// func add$gowrapper(ptr *unsafe.Pointer) {
// args := (*struct{
// x, y int
// })(ptr)
// add(args.x, args.y)
// }
// This is useful because the task-based goroutine start implementation only
// allows a single (pointer) argument to the newly started goroutine. Also, it
// ignores the return value because newly started goroutines do not have a
// return value.
// The hasContext parameter indicates whether the context parameter (the second
// to last parameter of the function) is used for this wrapper. If hasContext is
// false, the parameter bundle is assumed to have no context parameter and undef
// is passed instead.
func (c *compilerContext) createGoroutineStartWrapper(fnType llvm.Type, fn llvm.Value, prefix string, hasContext bool, pos token.Pos) llvm.Value {
var wrapper llvm.Value
builder := c.ctx.NewBuilder()
defer builder.Dispose()
var deadlock llvm.Value
var deadlockType llvm.Type
if c.Scheduler == "asyncify" {
deadlockType, deadlock = c.getFunction(c.program.ImportedPackage("runtime").Members["deadlock"].(*ssa.Function))
if !fn.IsAFunction().IsNil() {
// See whether this wrapper has already been created. If so, return it.
name := fn.Name()
wrapper = c.mod.NamedFunction(name + "$gowrapper")
if !wrapper.IsNil() {
return llvm.ConstPtrToInt(wrapper, c.uintptrType)
// Create the wrapper.
wrapperType := llvm.FunctionType(c.ctx.VoidType(), []llvm.Type{c.i8ptrType}, false)
wrapper = llvm.AddFunction(c.mod, name+"$gowrapper", wrapperType)
wrapper.AddAttributeAtIndex(-1, c.ctx.CreateStringAttribute("tinygo-gowrapper", name))
entry := c.ctx.AddBasicBlock(wrapper, "entry")
if c.Debug {
pos := c.program.Fset.Position(pos)
diFuncType := c.dibuilder.CreateSubroutineType(llvm.DISubroutineType{
File: c.getDIFile(pos.Filename),
Parameters: nil, // do not show parameters in debugger
Flags: 0, // ?
difunc := c.dibuilder.CreateFunction(c.getDIFile(pos.Filename), llvm.DIFunction{
Name: "<goroutine wrapper>",
File: c.getDIFile(pos.Filename),
Line: pos.Line,
Type: diFuncType,
LocalToUnit: true,
IsDefinition: true,
ScopeLine: 0,
Flags: llvm.FlagPrototyped,
Optimized: true,
builder.SetCurrentDebugLocation(uint(pos.Line), uint(pos.Column), difunc, llvm.Metadata{})
// Create the list of params for the call.
paramTypes := fnType.ParamTypes()
if !hasContext {
paramTypes = paramTypes[:len(paramTypes)-1] // strip context parameter
params := llvmutil.EmitPointerUnpack(builder, c.mod, wrapper.Param(0), paramTypes)
if !hasContext {
params = append(params, llvm.Undef(c.i8ptrType)) // add dummy context parameter
// Create the call.
builder.CreateCall(fnType, fn, params, "")
if c.Scheduler == "asyncify" {
builder.CreateCall(deadlockType, deadlock, []llvm.Value{
}, "")
} else {
// For a function pointer like this:
// var funcPtr func(x, y int) int
// A wrapper like the following is created:
// func .gowrapper(ptr *unsafe.Pointer) {
// args := (*struct{
// x, y int
// fn func(x, y int) int
// })(ptr)
// args.fn(x, y)
// }
// With a bit of luck, identical wrapper functions like these can be
// merged into one.
// Create the wrapper.
wrapperType := llvm.FunctionType(c.ctx.VoidType(), []llvm.Type{c.i8ptrType}, false)
wrapper = llvm.AddFunction(c.mod, prefix+".gowrapper", wrapperType)
wrapper.AddAttributeAtIndex(-1, c.ctx.CreateStringAttribute("tinygo-gowrapper", ""))
entry := c.ctx.AddBasicBlock(wrapper, "entry")
if c.Debug {
pos := c.program.Fset.Position(pos)
diFuncType := c.dibuilder.CreateSubroutineType(llvm.DISubroutineType{
File: c.getDIFile(pos.Filename),
Parameters: nil, // do not show parameters in debugger
Flags: 0, // ?
difunc := c.dibuilder.CreateFunction(c.getDIFile(pos.Filename), llvm.DIFunction{
Name: "<goroutine wrapper>",
File: c.getDIFile(pos.Filename),
Line: pos.Line,
Type: diFuncType,
LocalToUnit: true,
IsDefinition: true,
ScopeLine: 0,
Flags: llvm.FlagPrototyped,
Optimized: true,
builder.SetCurrentDebugLocation(uint(pos.Line), uint(pos.Column), difunc, llvm.Metadata{})
// Get the list of parameters, with the extra parameters at the end.
paramTypes := fnType.ParamTypes()
paramTypes = append(paramTypes, fn.Type()) // the last element is the function pointer
params := llvmutil.EmitPointerUnpack(builder, c.mod, wrapper.Param(0), paramTypes)
// Get the function pointer.
fnPtr := params[len(params)-1]
params = params[:len(params)-1]
// Create the call.
builder.CreateCall(fnType, fnPtr, params, "")
if c.Scheduler == "asyncify" {
builder.CreateCall(deadlockType, deadlock, []llvm.Value{
}, "")
if c.Scheduler == "asyncify" {
// The goroutine was terminated via deadlock.
} else {
// Finish the function. Every basic block must end in a terminator, and
// because goroutines never return a value we can simply return void.
// Return a ptrtoint of the wrapper, not the function itself.
return builder.CreatePtrToInt(wrapper, c.uintptrType, "")