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182 lines
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package main
import (
var tmpl = template.Must(template.New("go").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"mul": func(x, y int) int {
return x * y
"tuple": func(v ...interface{}) []interface{} {
return v
"title": strings.Title,
}).Parse(`//+build baremetal,!tinygo.wasm
// Automatically generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
// This file implements standins for non-native atomics using critical sections.
package runtime
import (
_ "unsafe"
// Documentation:
// *
// *
// Some atomic operations are emitted inline while others are emitted as libcalls.
// How many are emitted as libcalls depends on the MCU arch and core variant.
{{- define "load"}}{{$bits := mul . 8 -}}
//export __atomic_load_{{.}}
func __atomic_load_{{.}}(ptr *uint{{$bits}}, ordering uintptr) uint{{$bits}} {
// The LLVM docs for this say that there is a val argument after the pointer.
// That is a typo, and the GCC docs omit it.
mask := interrupt.Disable()
val := *ptr
return val
{{- define "store"}}{{$bits := mul . 8 -}}
//export __atomic_store_{{.}}
func __atomic_store_{{.}}(ptr *uint{{$bits}}, val uint{{$bits}}, ordering uintptr) {
mask := interrupt.Disable()
*ptr = val
{{- define "cas"}}{{$bits := mul . 8 -}}
func doAtomicCAS{{$bits}}(ptr *uint{{$bits}}, expected, desired uint{{$bits}}) uint{{$bits}} {
mask := interrupt.Disable()
old := *ptr
if old == expected {
*ptr = desired
return old
//export __sync_val_compare_and_swap_{{.}}
func __sync_val_compare_and_swap_{{.}}(ptr *uint{{$bits}}, expected, desired uint{{$bits}}) uint{{$bits}} {
return doAtomicCAS{{$bits}}(ptr, expected, desired)
//export __atomic_compare_exchange_{{.}}
func __atomic_compare_exchange_{{.}}(ptr, expected *uint{{$bits}}, desired uint{{$bits}}, successOrder, failureOrder uintptr) bool {
exp := *expected
old := doAtomicCAS{{$bits}}(ptr, exp, desired)
return old == exp
{{- define "swap"}}{{$bits := mul . 8 -}}
func doAtomicSwap{{$bits}}(ptr *uint{{$bits}}, new uint{{$bits}}) uint{{$bits}} {
mask := interrupt.Disable()
old := *ptr
*ptr = new
return old
//export __sync_lock_test_and_set_{{.}}
func __sync_lock_test_and_set_{{.}}(ptr *uint{{$bits}}, new uint{{$bits}}) uint{{$bits}} {
return doAtomicSwap{{$bits}}(ptr, new)
//export __atomic_exchange_{{.}}
func __atomic_exchange_{{.}}(ptr *uint{{$bits}}, new uint{{$bits}}, ordering uintptr) uint{{$bits}} {
return doAtomicSwap{{$bits}}(ptr, new)
{{- define "rmw"}}
{{- $opname := index . 0}}
{{- $bytes := index . 1}}{{$bits := mul $bytes 8}}
{{- $signed := index . 2}}
{{- $opdef := index . 3}}
{{- $type := printf "int%d" $bits}}
{{- if not $signed}}{{$type = printf "u%s" $type}}{{end -}}
{{- $opfn := printf "doAtomic%s%d" (title $opname) $bits}}
func {{$opfn}}(ptr *{{$type}}, value {{$type}}) (old, new {{$type}}) {
mask := interrupt.Disable()
old = *ptr
*ptr = new
return old, new
//export __atomic_fetch_{{$opname}}_{{$bytes}}
func __atomic_fetch_{{$opname}}_{{$bytes}}(ptr *{{$type}}, value {{$type}}, ordering uintptr) {{$type}} {
old, _ := {{$opfn}}(ptr, value)
return old
//export __sync_fetch_and_{{$opname}}_{{$bytes}}
func __sync_fetch_and_{{$opname}}_{{$bytes}}(ptr *{{$type}}, value {{$type}}) {{$type}} {
old, _ := {{$opfn}}(ptr, value)
return old
//export __atomic_{{$opname}}_fetch_{{$bytes}}
func __atomic_{{$opname}}_fetch_{{$bytes}}(ptr *{{$type}}, value {{$type}}, ordering uintptr) {{$type}} {
_, new := {{$opfn}}(ptr, value)
return new
{{- define "atomics"}}
// {{mul . 8}}-bit atomics.
{{/* These atomics are accessible directly from sync/atomic. */ -}}
{{template "load" .}}
{{template "store" .}}
{{template "cas" .}}
{{template "swap" .}}
{{template "rmw" (tuple "add" . false "new = old + value")}}
{{- end}}
{{template "atomics" 2 -}}
{{template "atomics" 4 -}}
{{template "atomics" 8}}
func main() {
var out string
flag.StringVar(&out, "out", "-", "output path")
f := os.Stdout
if out != "-" {
var err error
f, err = os.Create(out)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
var buf bytes.Buffer
err := tmpl.Execute(&buf, nil)
if err != nil {
cmd := exec.Command("gofmt")
cmd.Stdin = &buf
cmd.Stdout = f
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
err = cmd.Run()
if err != nil {