You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

603 lines
30 KiB

# aliases
all: tinygo
# Default build and source directories, as created by `make llvm-build`.
LLVM_BUILDDIR ?= llvm-build
LLVM_PROJECTDIR ?= llvm-project
# Try to autodetect LLVM build tools.
detect = $(shell command -v $(1) 2> /dev/null && echo $(1))
CLANG ?= $(word 1,$(abspath $(call detect,llvm-build/bin/clang))$(call detect,clang-11)$(call detect,clang))
LLVM_AR ?= $(word 1,$(abspath $(call detect,llvm-build/bin/llvm-ar))$(call detect,llvm-ar-11)$(call detect,llvm-ar))
LLVM_NM ?= $(word 1,$(abspath $(call detect,llvm-build/bin/llvm-nm))$(call detect,llvm-nm-11)$(call detect,llvm-nm))
# Go binary and GOROOT to select
GO ?= go
export GOROOT = $(shell $(GO) env GOROOT)
# Flags to pass to go test.
# md5sum binary
MD5SUM = md5sum
# tinygo binary for tests
TINYGO ?= $(word 1,$(call detect,tinygo)$(call detect,build/tinygo))
# Use CCACHE for LLVM if possible
ifneq (, $(shell command -v ccache 2> /dev/null))
# Allow enabling LLVM assertions
ifeq (1, $(ASSERT))
.PHONY: all tinygo test $(LLVM_BUILDDIR) llvm-source clean fmt gen-device gen-device-nrf gen-device-nxp gen-device-avr gen-device-rp
LLVM_COMPONENTS = all-targets analysis asmparser asmprinter bitreader bitwriter codegen core coroutines coverage debuginfodwarf debuginfopdb executionengine frontendopenmp instrumentation interpreter ipo irreader libdriver linker lto mc mcjit objcarcopts option profiledata scalaropts support target windowsmanifest
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
EXE = .exe
START_GROUP = -Wl,--start-group
END_GROUP = -Wl,--end-group
# LLVM compiled using MinGW on Windows appears to have problems with threads.
# Without this flag, linking results in errors like these:
# libLLVMSupport.a(Threading.cpp.obj):Threading.cpp:(.text+0x55): undefined reference to `std::thread::hardware_concurrency()'
CGO_LDFLAGS += -static -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++
CGO_LDFLAGS_EXTRA += -lversion
BINARYEN_OPTION += -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS='-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++'
else ifeq ($(shell uname -s),Darwin)
MD5SUM = md5
else ifeq ($(shell uname -s),FreeBSD)
MD5SUM = md5
START_GROUP = -Wl,--start-group
END_GROUP = -Wl,--end-group
START_GROUP = -Wl,--start-group
END_GROUP = -Wl,--end-group
# Libraries that should be linked in for the statically linked Clang.
CLANG_LIB_NAMES = clangAnalysis clangAST clangASTMatchers clangBasic clangCodeGen clangCrossTU clangDriver clangDynamicASTMatchers clangEdit clangFormat clangFrontend clangFrontendTool clangHandleCXX clangHandleLLVM clangIndex clangLex clangParse clangRewrite clangRewriteFrontend clangSema clangSerialization clangTooling clangToolingASTDiff clangToolingCore clangToolingInclusions
CLANG_LIBS = $(START_GROUP) $(addprefix -l,$(CLANG_LIB_NAMES)) $(END_GROUP) -lstdc++
# Libraries that should be linked in for the statically linked LLD.
LLD_LIB_NAMES = lldCOFF lldCommon lldCore lldDriver lldELF lldMachO lldMinGW lldReaderWriter lldWasm lldYAML
# Other libraries that are needed to link TinyGo.
# All libraries to be built and linked with the tinygo binary (lib/lib*.a).
# These build targets appear to be the only ones necessary to build all TinyGo
# dependencies. Only building a subset significantly speeds up rebuilding LLVM.
# The Makefile rules convert a name like lldELF to lib/liblldELF.a to match the
# library path (for ninja).
# This list also includes a few tools that are necessary as part of the full
# TinyGo build.
NINJA_BUILD_TARGETS = clang llvm-config llvm-ar llvm-nm $(addprefix lib/lib,$(addsuffix .a,$(LIB_NAMES)))
# For static linking.
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(LLVM_BUILDDIR)/bin/llvm-config*)","")
CGO_CPPFLAGS+=$(shell $(LLVM_BUILDDIR)/bin/llvm-config --cppflags) -I$(abspath $(LLVM_BUILDDIR))/tools/clang/include -I$(abspath $(CLANG_SRC))/include -I$(abspath $(LLD_SRC))/include
CGO_LDFLAGS+=-L$(abspath $(LLVM_BUILDDIR)/lib) -lclang $(CLANG_LIBS) $(LLD_LIBS) $(shell $(LLVM_BUILDDIR)/bin/llvm-config --ldflags --libs --system-libs $(LLVM_COMPONENTS)) -lstdc++ $(CGO_LDFLAGS_EXTRA)
@rm -rf build
FMT_PATHS = ./*.go builder cgo compiler interp loader src/device/arm src/examples src/machine src/os src/reflect src/runtime src/sync src/syscall src/testing src/internal/reflectlite transform
@gofmt -l -w $(FMT_PATHS)
@unformatted=$$(gofmt -l $(FMT_PATHS)); [ -z "$$unformatted" ] && exit 0; echo "Unformatted:"; for fn in $$unformatted; do echo " $$fn"; done; exit 1
gen-device: gen-device-avr gen-device-esp gen-device-nrf gen-device-sam gen-device-sifive gen-device-kendryte gen-device-nxp gen-device-rp
ifneq ($(STM32), 0)
gen-device: gen-device-stm32
@if [ ! -e lib/avr/ ]; then echo "Submodules have not been downloaded. Please download them using:\n git submodule update --init"; exit 1; fi
$(GO) build -o ./build/gen-device-avr ./tools/gen-device-avr/
./build/gen-device-avr lib/avr/packs/atmega src/device/avr/
./build/gen-device-avr lib/avr/packs/tiny src/device/avr/
@GO111MODULE=off $(GO) fmt ./src/device/avr
build/gen-device-svd: ./tools/gen-device-svd/*.go
$(GO) build -o $@ ./tools/gen-device-svd/
gen-device-esp: build/gen-device-svd
./build/gen-device-svd -source= -interrupts=software lib/cmsis-svd/data/Espressif-Community/ src/device/esp/
./build/gen-device-svd -source= -interrupts=software lib/cmsis-svd/data/Espressif/ src/device/esp/
GO111MODULE=off $(GO) fmt ./src/device/esp
gen-device-nrf: build/gen-device-svd
./build/gen-device-svd -source= lib/nrfx/mdk/ src/device/nrf/
GO111MODULE=off $(GO) fmt ./src/device/nrf
gen-device-nxp: build/gen-device-svd
./build/gen-device-svd -source= lib/cmsis-svd/data/NXP/ src/device/nxp/
GO111MODULE=off $(GO) fmt ./src/device/nxp
gen-device-sam: build/gen-device-svd
./build/gen-device-svd -source= lib/cmsis-svd/data/Atmel/ src/device/sam/
GO111MODULE=off $(GO) fmt ./src/device/sam
gen-device-sifive: build/gen-device-svd
./build/gen-device-svd -source= -interrupts=software lib/cmsis-svd/data/SiFive-Community/ src/device/sifive/
GO111MODULE=off $(GO) fmt ./src/device/sifive
gen-device-kendryte: build/gen-device-svd
./build/gen-device-svd -source= -interrupts=software lib/cmsis-svd/data/Kendryte-Community/ src/device/kendryte/
GO111MODULE=off $(GO) fmt ./src/device/kendryte
gen-device-stm32: build/gen-device-svd
./build/gen-device-svd -source= lib/stm32-svd/svd src/device/stm32/
GO111MODULE=off $(GO) fmt ./src/device/stm32
gen-device-rp: build/gen-device-svd
./build/gen-device-svd -source= lib/cmsis-svd/data/RaspberryPi/ src/device/rp/
GO111MODULE=off $(GO) fmt ./src/device/rp
# Get LLVM sources.
git clone -b xtensa_release_12.0.1 --depth=1 $(LLVM_PROJECTDIR)
llvm-source: $(LLVM_PROJECTDIR)/llvm
# Configure LLVM.
TINYGO_SOURCE_DIR=$(shell pwd)
$(LLVM_BUILDDIR)/ llvm-source
# Build LLVM.
# Build Binaryen
.PHONY: binaryen
binaryen: build/wasm-opt$(EXE)
mkdir -p build
cd lib/binaryen && cmake -G Ninja . -DBUILD_STATIC_LIB=ON $(BINARYEN_OPTION) && ninja bin/wasm-opt$(EXE)
cp lib/binaryen/bin/wasm-opt$(EXE) build/wasm-opt$(EXE)
# Build wasi-libc sysroot
.PHONY: wasi-libc
wasi-libc: lib/wasi-libc/sysroot/lib/wasm32-wasi/libc.a
@if [ ! -e lib/wasi-libc/Makefile ]; then echo "Submodules have not been downloaded. Please download them using:\n git submodule update --init"; exit 1; fi
cd lib/wasi-libc && make -j4 WASM_CFLAGS="-O2 -g -DNDEBUG" WASM_CC=$(CLANG) WASM_AR=$(LLVM_AR) WASM_NM=$(LLVM_NM)
# Build the Go compiler.
@if [ ! -f "$(LLVM_BUILDDIR)/bin/llvm-config" ]; then echo "Fetch and build LLVM first by running:"; echo " make llvm-source"; echo " make $(LLVM_BUILDDIR)"; exit 1; fi
CGO_CPPFLAGS="$(CGO_CPPFLAGS)" CGO_CXXFLAGS="$(CGO_CXXFLAGS)" CGO_LDFLAGS="$(CGO_LDFLAGS)" $(GO) build -buildmode exe -o build/tinygo$(EXE) -tags byollvm -ldflags="-X main.gitSha1=`git rev-parse --short HEAD`" .
test: wasi-libc
CGO_CPPFLAGS="$(CGO_CPPFLAGS)" CGO_CXXFLAGS="$(CGO_CXXFLAGS)" CGO_LDFLAGS="$(CGO_LDFLAGS)" $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -timeout=20m -buildmode exe -tags byollvm ./builder ./cgo ./compileopts ./compiler ./interp ./transform .
compress/bzip2 \
container/heap \
container/list \
container/ring \
crypto/des \
crypto/dsa \
crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat \
crypto/internal/subtle \
crypto/md5 \
crypto/rc4 \
crypto/sha1 \
crypto/sha256 \
crypto/sha512 \
debug/macho \
encoding \
encoding/ascii85 \
encoding/base32 \
encoding/csv \
encoding/hex \
go/scanner \
hash \
hash/adler32 \
hash/crc64 \
hash/fnv \
html \
index/suffixarray \
internal/itoa \
internal/profile \
math \
math/cmplx \
net/http/internal/ascii \
net/mail \
path \
reflect \
sync \
testing \
testing/iotest \
text/scanner \
unicode \
unicode/utf16 \
unicode/utf8 \
# Standard library packages that pass tests natively
compress/flate \
compress/zlib \
os \
# Standard library packages that pass tests on wasi
# Test known-working standard library packages.
# TODO: parallelize, and only show failing tests (no implied -v flag).
.PHONY: tinygo-test
$(TINYGO) test -target wasi $(TEST_PACKAGES_WASI)
.PHONY: smoketest
$(TINYGO) version
# test all examples (except pwm)
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/adc
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/blinkm
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/blinky2
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/button
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/button2
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/echo
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=circuitplay-express examples/i2s
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/mcp3008
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/memstats
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=microbit examples/microbit-blink
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/pininterrupt
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/serial
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/systick
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 examples/test
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
# test simulated boards on
ifneq ($(WASM), 0)
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.wasm -tags=arduino examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.wasm
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.wasm -tags=hifive1b examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.wasm
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.wasm -tags=reelboard examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.wasm
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.wasm -tags=pca10040 examples/blinky2
@$(MD5SUM) test.wasm
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.wasm -tags=pca10056 examples/blinky2
@$(MD5SUM) test.wasm
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.wasm -tags=circuitplay_express examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.wasm
# test all targets/boards
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040-s132v6 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=microbit examples/echo
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=microbit-s110v8 examples/echo
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=microbit-v2 examples/microbit-blink
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=microbit-v2-s113v7 examples/microbit-blink
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=nrf52840-mdk examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10031 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=reelboard examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=reelboard examples/blinky2
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10056 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10056 examples/blinky2
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10059 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10059 examples/blinky2
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=feather-m0 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=trinket-m0 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=circuitplay-express examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=circuitplay-bluefruit examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=circuitplay-express examples/i2s
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=clue-alpha examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.gba -target=gameboy-advance examples/gba-display
@$(MD5SUM) test.gba
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=grandcentral-m4 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m4 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=feather-m4 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pybadge examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=metro-m4-airlift examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pyportal examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=particle-argon examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=particle-boron examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=particle-xenon examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pinetime-devkit0 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=x9pro examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10056-s140v7 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=reelboard-s140v7 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=wioterminal examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pygamer examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=xiao examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=circuitplay-express examples/dac
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pyportal examples/dac
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=feather-nrf52840 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=feather-nrf52840-sense examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=itsybitsy-nrf52840 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=qtpy examples/serial
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=teensy40 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=teensy36 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=p1am-100 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=atsame54-xpro examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=atsame54-xpro examples/can
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=feather-m4-can examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=feather-m4-can examples/caninterrupt
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=arduino-nano33 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=arduino-mkrwifi1010 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pico examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=nano-33-ble examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=nano-rp2040 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=feather-rp2040 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
# test pwm
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 examples/pwm
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m4 examples/pwm
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=feather-m4 examples/pwm
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
ifneq ($(STM32), 0)
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=bluepill examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=feather-stm32f405 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=lgt92 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=nucleo-f103rb examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=nucleo-f722ze examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=nucleo-l031k6 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=nucleo-l432kc examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=nucleo-l552ze examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=nucleo-wl55jc examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=stm32f4disco examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=stm32f4disco examples/blinky2
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=stm32f4disco-1 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=stm32f4disco-1 examples/pwm
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=lorae5 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
ifneq ($(AVR), 0)
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=atmega1284p examples/serial
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=arduino examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=arduino examples/pwm
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=arduino -scheduler=tasks examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=arduino-mega1280 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=arduino-mega1280 examples/pwm
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=arduino-nano examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=digispark examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=digispark -gc=leaking examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
ifneq ($(XTENSA), 0)
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.bin -target=esp32-mini32 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.bin
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.bin -target=nodemcu examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.bin
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.bin -target m5stack-core2 examples/serial
@$(MD5SUM) test.bin
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.bin -target m5stack examples/serial
@$(MD5SUM) test.bin
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.bin -target=esp32c3 examples/serial
@$(MD5SUM) test.bin
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=hifive1b examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=hifive1-qemu examples/serial
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=maixbit examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
ifneq ($(WASM), 0)
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o wasm.wasm -target=wasm examples/wasm/export
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o wasm.wasm -target=wasm examples/wasm/main
# test various compiler flags
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 -gc=none -scheduler=none examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 -opt=1 examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 -serial=none examples/echo
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -o test.nro -target=nintendoswitch examples/serial
@$(MD5SUM) test.nro
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=pca10040 -opt=0 ./testdata/stdlib.go
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm $(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.elf ./testdata/cgo
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 $(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.exe ./testdata/cgo
ifneq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
# TODO: this does not yet work on Windows. Somehow, unused functions are
# not garbage collected.
$(TINYGO) build -o test.elf -gc=leaking -scheduler=none examples/serial
$(GO) test ./tests/wasm
build/release: tinygo gen-device wasi-libc binaryen
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release: build/release
tar -czf build/release.tar.gz -C build/release tinygo
deb: build/release
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fpm -f -s dir -t deb -n tinygo -v $(shell grep "const Version = " goenv/version.go | awk '{print $$NF}') -m '@tinygo-org' --description='TinyGo is a Go compiler for small places.' --license='BSD 3-Clause' --url= --deb-changelog -p build/release.deb -C ./build/release-deb