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33 lines
622 B

package main
#warning some warning
typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
} point_t;
typedef someType noType; // undefined type
#define SOME_CONST_1 5) // invalid const syntax
#define SOME_CONST_2 6) // const not used (so no error)
#define SOME_CONST_3 1234 // const too large for byte
import "C"
// Make sure that errors for the following lines won't change with future
// additions to the CGo preamble.
//line errors.go:100
var (
// constant too large
_ C.uint8_t = 2 << 10
// z member does not exist
_ C.point_t = C.point_t{z: 3}
// constant has syntax error
_ byte = C.SOME_CONST_3